
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Harrisburg City Council met June 15

City of Harrisburg City Council met June 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Harrisburg City Council met on June 15, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. at the Harris-Pruett Building located at 107 E. Church Street, Harrisburg, IL.

Mayor John McPeek called the meeting to order. Mayor John McPeek presided over the meeting with Commissioners Raymond Gunning, Roger Angelly, Rupert Johnson and Cynthia Potter answering roll call.

Pastor Bobby Gentry of the River of Life Church led the group in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve the consent agenda.

Regular Meeting Minutes – June 01, 2023

Check Register and Warrant Report – May 2023

Brown & Roberts, Inc. - $1,602.69 - #2023-130

Saline Co. Highway Dept - $1,313.68 – MFT

Moran Economic Development, LLC - $237.50 - TIF

Kellie Duncan – Petition Lease Lake Lot – 4th Addition, Lot 10E

Nathan & Rachel Prather – Petition Lease Lake Lot – 2nd Addition, Block 2, Lot 4

Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

No citizen comments.

Mayor John McPeek stated council will go into executive session to discuss collective bargaining.

Mayor John McPeek stated council will go into executive session to discuss property acquisition.

Mayor John McPeek presented a TIF Façade grant application from Tracy Wasson. She will be installing windows, frames, painting, and replacement of the store front that is currently missing. Commissioner Cynthia Potter made the motion to accept the TIF Façade grant application from Tracy Wasson as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek presented a TIF Façade grant application from Josh Knight and Nathan Sumner. They will be replacing exterior windows. Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to accept the TIF Façade grant application from Josh Knight and Nathan Sumner. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek stated council will go into executive session to discuss potential litigation.

Mayor John McPeek stated council will go into executive session to discuss personnel.

Commissioner Cynthia Potter made the motion to acquire the following property under the Strong Community Grant: 119 W Park, 130 State Street, 311 Ledford Street, 201 North Sherman, and 511Lincoln Street. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek stated this is a reimbursable grant. Commissioner Cynthia Potter stated there are guidelines with this grant.

Commissioner Cynthia Potter stated the treasurer had received the CD rates back from the local banks. Treasurer Alex Jackson stated the following banks submitted rates: Legence Bank 4.59%, Farmers State Bank 4.5%, People’s National Bank 4.675%, First Mid-Bank 4.25%, Banterra Bank 5.04% all for a six-month certificate of deposit.

Commissioner Cynthia Potter made the motion to transfer Business District funds into a certificate of deposit with Banterra Bank at 5.04% for six months. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Cynthia Potter announced the new bike shop was having their open house this week. She encourages everyone to stop by and see the new business. They are having a raffle for a new e-bike and raffles for $500 gift cards towards an e-bike.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated his department has a squad car they no longer need and can sell to the Gallatin County Police Department. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to sell the 2013 Ford Tarus for $3,000 to the Gallatin County Police Department. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated the police department needs to hire an officer. His department is short staffed due to various reasons. Police Chief Nathan Moore stated he has two officers off and ask to start the process of hiring a new officer. It takes time to get them street ready. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to request a new hire recommendation from the Merit Board from the non-certified list. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to authorize the City Clerk to advertise property for sale. The property for sale is AS IS at 1114 Holland Street. Sealed bids will need to be turned into the City Clerk by July 19, 2023 no later than 2:00 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to authorize the City Clerk to advertise for house demolition projects. These five demolition projects will be from start to finish meaning the contractor will be responsible for demolition, dumpster fees, and backfilling. For further information and property addresses you can contact Superintendent Kenny Mayhall. Sealed bids must be turned into the City Clerk’s office by July 19, 2023 no later than 2:00 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to authorize the City Clerk the accept sealed bids for dump truck customizations. For specs, please contact Superintendent Kenny Mayhall. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson stated one of the lake leaseholders has requested to sublet his spot. There was an open discussion about the pro’s and con’s of allowing this to happen. The leaseholder may only sublet it for the remainder of his contract and for no more than his lease payment. Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to authorize a leaseholder to sublet their lot at Harrisburg lake. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to hire Trentyn Shaw for summer help pending the passing of a drug screen and physical at the rate of $13.00 an hour with a start date of June 20, 2023 and an end date of August 18, 2023. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson stated he received a petition to vacate an alley off of Ray Johnson Lane. Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to authorize the City Clerk to advertise for a public hearing to be held at 7:45 a.m. on July 20, 2023 before the regularly scheduled city council meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek read a letter from Joyce Chambers. She stated how grateful she is for the kindness and help she received over the past couple of years from the city. She bought a house where the area behind it had not been maintained. The city has been able to assist her with ideas and help and she was always greeted with a smile even when she had a concern. She thanked Mayor John McPeek, Terri Jenkins, Jason Haney, Kenny Mayhall, and the city crew. Mayor John McPeek wanted to read the letter because it is not very often the city gets a thank you from a citizen.

Fire Chief John Gunning gave an update on the ambulance service. He stated the ambulance has made 103 calls since they began running in April 2023. The city should receive a check in the next two weeks.

Mayor John McPeek encouraged everyone to attend the July 4th Fireworks celebration at the Saline County Fairgrounds. The event will begin around 9:00 p.m.

Mayor John McPeek reminded the citizens that there will not be a July 06, 2023 council meeting due to the holiday. The next meeting will be July 20, 2023.

Mayor John McPeek announced there will be free statewide fishing all weekend. There is a demolition derby at the Saline County Fairgrounds this weekend.

Mayor John McPeek stated a solar project will begin in November and approximately 200 workers will need places to stay. We need to be thinking about accommodations for them, so if anyone has rental spaces, motels, if we can utilize Harrisburg lake campsites, but we would like to keep as many of these workers in Harrisburg.

Mayor John McPeek made the motion to go into Executive Session to discuss collective bargaining, potential litigation, personnel and property acquisition. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 8:20 a.m.

Reconvene: 9:07 a.m.

Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to return to open session. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek called the meeting to order. Mayor John McPeek presided over the meeting with Commissioners Raymond Gunning, Roger Angelly, Rupert Johnson and Cynthia Potter answering roll call.

Mayor John McPeek stated there was nothing to act upon regarding collective bargaining, potential litigation, personnel or property acquisition.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 9:08 a.m.
