
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Mount Carmel City Council met June 26

City of Mount Carmel City Council met June 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Judge brought the City Council meeting to order.

Present on Roll Call: Mayor Joe Judge Commissioners – Tom Meeks, Eric Ikemire, Tyson Meador, Susan Zimmerman

Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Ryan Turner, City Attorney Derek McCullough


Mayor Judge requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last council meeting.

Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Meeks seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting held on June 12, 2023. All present voted by roll vote. Commissioner Meeks, Ikemire, Meador and Zimmerman voted Aye.


Mayor Judge acknowledged Mike Hocking, who addressed the council about the city’s sidewalk project list for this year. City Administrative Assistant Turner informed Mr. Hocking that if there was a particular sidewalk, he was concerned about to please give him the information after the council meeting or to call city hall and then the sidewalk would be looked at to determine the urgency for the repair.

Mayor Judge stated bids for advertised for the demolition of a house at 923 W. Third Street. Mayor Judge opened and read the two submitted bids: Perry Salvage in the amount of $9500.00 and Jeff Guisewite Inc. in the amount $6100.00. The council approved the bid from Jeff Guisewite, Inc.

Mayor Judge reported Mount Carmel’s Fantastic Fourth Celebration starts on Thursday, June 29th with the Senior Citizens Center Fish Fry as well as a free swim day at the city pool sponsored by Bobe’s Pizza and First Bank; another free swim day on Friday sponsored by the AOK Network along with the Wabash County Health Department; the Touch-a-Truck Event will be held at Merchants Park on Saturday, July 1st as well as a cookout fundraiser for the Shop with a Cop/Firefighter; Keepes Funeral Home is sponsoring a free swim day on Saturday; the Still Company will perform at Merchants Park starting at 7:30 pm; the annual Rotary Corn Day event will be held on Sunday, July 2nd; the Community Prayer Rally will follow at Merchants Park from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm; on Tuesday, July 4th the parade will begin at 10:00 am; First Baptist Church will have a free cookout beginning at 10:30 am on July 4th; a free swim from 12:30 to 5:00 sponsored by the City of Mount Carmel on July 4th; the fireworks display at 9:00 pm will end the July 4th celebration.

Mayor Judge read a letter from the Mount Carmel Library Board thanking Bill Easton for his time serving on the library board. Mayor Judge stated the library board is seeking approval for the appointment of Ashley Bishop-Cushman to fill Mr. Easton’s position as well as the reappointment of Nancy Price and Patricia Young to the board.



Commissioner Meador reported, in the past two weeks, the street department cut a tree down at the golf course; started working on the health department sidewalks; painted the roadway lines on Park Road and College Drive; performed maintenance on equipment and city properties.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.

Commissioner Ikemire reported, in the last two weeks, receipts totaled $118,021.64 and expenditures totaled $132,823.40 with the majority of the revenues coming from state income tax and state use tax.


Commissioner Meeks reported the wastewater plant crew cleaned and reoiled the storm bypass tank; pumped out and cleaned primary clarifiers; mowed as well as performed normal maintenance around the plant yard.

Commissioner Meeks stated the water treatment plant crew had to redo some water samples due to EPA error and the results came back good; water consumption is up due to the dry weather resulting in the use of water more frequently from multiple wells during the daytime; installed a new chlorine pump at the city pool.

Commissioner Meeks reported the water maintenance department performed eight locates; used the jet truck at several locations; assisted the street department with pouring concrete; backwashed and refilled the city pool.


Commissioner Zimmerman reported, over the last two weeks the fire department, responded to six calls with two being actual fires; conducted training on ventilation on metal roofs; and will be participating in the Fourth of July Parade next Tuesday.

Commissioner Zimmerman stated the chipper truck was down for a short time but is back on its normal route. Commissioner Zimmerman reminded residents that if their brush and/or yard waste is not picked up after a week to please contact city hall. Commissioner Zimmerman stated if someone’s regular trash is also missed to please call city hall and reminded recycling is available on Monday, Friday and Saturday at the city’s brush harbor.

Commissioner Zimmerman reported the mosquito spraying is continuing, however due to the lack of rain it was not necessary to spray over the last two weeks.


City Administrative Assistant Turner stated Ordinance 2093 has been removed from the consent agenda as all the required documentation has not been completed and hopefully, he will present it at the next council meeting.

City Administrative Assistant Turner asked residents to please be mindful and do not park vehicles in front of their garbage totes because Republic cannot not empty the totes.

City Administrative Assistant Turner gave an update on the Oak Meadows Subdivision by stating a landscaper has looked over the property and he has met with some of the residents on how to beautify that area. City Administrative Assistant Turner reported he was contacted by Faulkner Automotive regarding drainage issues on their property in that same area and asked council approval to allow the expenditure of $5000.00 out of TIF funds to Jeff Guisewite, Inc. to alleviate the drainage issue, which would also include the city owned property in that area as well.


City Attorney McCullough stated he had reviewed the laws regarding donating of the property on Market Street that the council had discussed at a previous meeting and stated the laws prohibits donating or giving the property away, however the property could be put up for bid with restrictions or stipulations.


Airport Manager Pennington no report.


Police Chief McWilliams reported only fourteen permits for e-bikes have been issued since the new ordinance for the gas powered/electric bicycles has been passed and the complaints regarding those bikes has greatly reduced.

Police Chief McWilliams stated the department is prepping up for all the July 4th activities.


Fire Chief Speth reminded residents to please use caution while having a recreational fire; when shooting off fireworks as well as any other activity over the July 4th holiday.


Public Works Director Gidcumb reported the summer chip/seal program will begin the week of July 11th.


Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Meador seconded to accept the bid of $6100.00 for demolition of home at 923 W. Third Street. Jeff Guisewite, Inc. was the winning bid. All present voted by roll call vote. Commissioners Meeks, Ikemire, Meador and Zimmerman voted Aye.

Commissioner Zimmerman motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to appoint Ashley Bishop-Cushman to the Mount Carmel Library Board. All present voted by roll call vote. Commissioners Meeks, Ikemire, Meador and Zimmerman voted Aye.

Commissioner Zimmerman motioned and Commissioner Meador seconded to reappoint Nancy Price and Patricia Young to serve on the Library Board. All present voted by roll call vote. Commissioners Meeks, Ikemire, Meador and Zimmerman voted Aye.

Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. The consent agenda contained approval of the paying of all bills bearing the proper signatures. All present voted by roll call vote. Commissioners Meeks, Ikemire, Meador and Zimmerman voted Aye.

Commissioner Zimmerman motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to go to executive session for the discussion of employee conduct. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Regular session of the council meeting recessed at 4:24 pm with executive session beginning at 4:25 pm.

Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Meador seconded to conclude executive session and return to regular session at 5:29 pm. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to adjourn the meeting. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm
