
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Hamilton County Board met Aug. 15

Hamilton County Board met Aug. 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call of Board Members

4. Approval of Prior Board Minutes

a. July 18, 2023 Regular Hamilton County Board meeting

5. Public Comment

a. Brook Bowers


1. Treasurer’s Report: written monthly report submitted by Sarah Hall

2. Sheriff’s Department Report: Sheriff Tracy Lakin

3. County Clerk & Recorder’s Update: Heather Bowman

4. EMA Report: Ashton Middendorf, Assistant EMA Director

5. ETSB Board Report: Dorothy Smith, ETSB Chairman

6. Health Department Report:

7. Animal Control Update:

8. Ambulance Service Update:

9. Administrative Services Report: Bellwether, LLC


1. Accept checks from the Hamilton County Health Department for the month of July, 2023. Salaries: $8,322.00 Fringes: $718.92 Insurance: $1,206.86.

2. Accept check # _________ in the amount of $285.00 from the Hamilton County Health Department for reimbursement of Kunce Managed Services through the end of August 2023.

3. Accept check # 6008542 in the amount of $433,130.64 from Hamilton County Coal, LLC for the product of lease dated 12/01/2007 and 11/01/2008.

4. Accept check # 44238 in the amount of $4,166.67 from the City of McLeansboro per the Central Dispatching agreement for the month of July 2023.

5. Review the Hamilton County Unit #10 1% school facilities tax schedule in the amount of $______________.

6. Review the Hamilton County Public Safety Tax Payment received in the amount of $47,315.61.

This is liability MO- May 2023, Collected MO- June 2023 Vouchered MO- Aug 2023.


1. Discussion and possible approval: Ordinance #2023-5 pertaining to the Hamilton County Highway Budget Amendment.

2. Discussion and possible approval: Resolution #2023-15 allowing a portion of the 1% Public Safety Tax to reimburse the County for 911 dispatch.

3. Discussion and possible approval: The FY22 Audit Report presented by Dale Holtman with Scheffel Boyle.

4. Discussion and possible approval: The final payment of $10,000.00 to Window World to Paducah upon final completion of the blinds.

5. Discussion and possible approval: the Claims List, Late Claims and Highway Claims with signatures of approval.


6. Discussion and possible approval: To advertise for the purchase of a New or Used Tractor to replace the Highway Department’s secondary tractor.

7. Discussion and possible approval: To advertise for bids for the sale of the County property located in the SW Quadrant of 1800 N and 600 E.

