
SE Illinois News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Galatia Community Unit School District 1 Board of Educationmet Oct. 24


Airport Authority Board Meeting | pixabay.com

Airport Authority Board Meeting | pixabay.com

Galatia Community Unit School District 1 Board of Educationmet Oct. 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Galatia Community Unit School District No. 1 Board was held in the boardroom at the Annex. Roll call was taken, and those present were Tim Pribble, Bryan McCabe, Holly Murphy, and Amy Richey. B.J. Pigg, Elaine Jackson, and Leslie Ferrell were absent. Four (4) members present and three (3) members absent. Board President, Tim Pribble, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Also present: Superintendent, Shain Crank, HS Principal, Ashley Launius, and Recording Secretary, Michele Hankins.

President Pribble led the Board and attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Member of the Galatia FFA were in attendance. Tim Arnold, Advisor, Shelby Rann, FFA President, Wyatt Arnold, FFA Vice President, Miley Murphy, FFA Secretary, and Jalynn Gibbs, FFA Treasurer.

The members in attendance asked permission on behalf the FFA to attend the 2023 National FFA Convention on November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2023. The conference is at the Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN. They will spend two nights. FFA will pay all expenses.

1. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Richey to approve FFA students to attend the FFA National Convention in Indianapolis, IN., on November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2023, with a two night stay. All expenses to be paid by FFA. McCabe-aye, Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, and Pribble-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.


There were no additions/deletions to the agenda.


2. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to enter Executive Session at 6:40 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; matters of student discipline or review executive session minutes. McCabe-aye, Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Four (4) ayes, motion carried.

B. J. Pigg entered the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

3. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Pigg to end Executive Session at 7:50 p.m. Pigg-aye,

Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

4. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Richey to approve the Executive Session minutes.

Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, Pigg-aye, Richey-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

JH Special Education Aide

5. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to employ Jeanette Anderson as a junior high special education aide for the remainder of the 2023/2024 school year. Pigg-aye, Richey-aye, Pribble-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Counselor Support Specialist

6. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Murphy to employ Danyelle Douglass as a counselor support specialist for 190 days pro-rated for the 2023/2024 school year at $22.00/hour, plus benefits, and pending background checks. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Pigg-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.


7. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Murphy to accept Stephanie Hefner's resignation as elementary special education teacher, effective October 14, 2023. Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey- aye, Pigg-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

8. A motion was made by Pigg and seconded by McCabe to accept Natalie Dunk's resignation as the district art teacher, effective October 21, 2023. McCabe-aye, Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Pigg-aye, and Pribble- aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

9. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to accept Alexis Newcomb's resignation as junior high/high school physical education teacher, effective October 28, 2023. Richey-aye, Pribble-aye Murphy-aye, Pigg-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Intent to Retire

10. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Pigg to accept Diane Toler's intent to retire, effective November 1, 2023. Richey-aye, Pribble-aye Murphy-aye, Pigg-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Special Education Substitute

11. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Richey to employ Melissa Kragness as a full-time special education substitute for the remainder of the 2023/2024 school year. Pribble-aye, Pigg-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Elementary Physical Education Teacher

12. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to employ Layton Reinwald as an elementary physical education teacher starting January 1, 2024, pending licensure and background checks. Pribble- aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, and Pigg-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Full Time Substitute

13. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to employ Alex Rapp as a full-time substitute for the remainder of the 2023/2024 school year. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, McCabe-aye, and Pigg-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Art Teacher

14. A motion was made by Pigg and seconded by McCabe to employ Dalton Brown as the district art teacher for the remainder of the 2023/2024 school year, pending licensure and background checks. Pribble-aye, Pigg-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.


15. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to terminate Robert Sheehan as district custodian effective October 23, 2023. Murphy-aye, Pigg-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.


16. A motion was made by Murphy and seconded by Richey to advertise for a bus driver at $25.00/hr. with benefits, two certified paraprofessional aides, and a night-time custodian. Murphy-aye, Pigg-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Student Agreements

17. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Richey to accept the expulsion agreement for student 2023-02. Murphy-aye, Pigg-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

18. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to accept the expulsion agreement for student 2023-03. Murphy-aye, Pigg-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion


19. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Murphy to accept the expulsion agreement for student 2023-04. Murphy-aye, Pigg-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

20. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Pigg to accept the expulsion agreement for student 2023- 05. Murphy-aye, Pigg-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.


County Workshop: On October 5, 2023, teachers and administration attended the county workshop at Eldorado High School.

SIC College and Career Fair: On October 17, 2023, ten seniors attended the SIC College fair. There were 35 booths of colleges, universities, and businesses available for the students to talk to and gain knowledge.

School Class Events: The high school classes have had several fundraisers. On October 14, 2023, the senior class had a car show. The freshman class hosted a haunted house and a 5K run on October 21, 2023. All events were well attended. On October 28, 2023, the junior class will put on a craft and vendor fair at the high school.

SIC Regional Mental Health Day: On October 20, 2023, a group of juniors and seniors attended the event.

Parent Teacher Conferences: On October 24th and 26th will be parent teacher conferences.

Drug Search: The Saline County Sheriff's department brought the drug dogs to do a sweep on October 17, 2023.

Mrs. Ashley Launius left the meeting at 7:59 p.m.


School Report Card: The annual school report card was posted for last year. The Galatia Grade School received a final designation of Exemplary. Only the top 10% of schools in the state receive this rating. The middle school and the high school both had a designation of Commendable. The school will put a press release out to the community after all the designations are finalized.

In addition to our schools receiving such high ratings, the following students exceeded state standards on last spring's IAR testing:

Karley Grubbs-3rd Math

Harley Adams-7th ELA

Kinsley Johnson-8th ELA

Peyton Whittaker-5th ELA

Lindsey Romonosky-7th ELA and Math

Hollyn McCabe-8thELA

Logan Byron-7th ELA

Kamdyn Wood-7th ELA

Lucy Mortag-8th ELA

Real Estate Taxes: We received our first installment of the Saline Co. Real Estate Taxes.

Construction Management Contract: H.E. Mitchell provided a formal proposal for the weight room/concession stand. The proposal is based on a new post-framed facility that is 40' wide x 60' long x 10' eave height. The facility will have a building code as used in classrooms. The paint will be a fire-rated paint that will coat all the interior walls and ceiling sheathing. There will be no interior floor finishes, all concrete will be exposed and sealed. The total cost of the building is $585,356.80. It does not include utility hookups, driveway, or parking area.

Guidance Counselor: We have a signed contract with Egyptian Health for a youth mental health counselor three days a week and a family resource developer for five days a week.

Facilities Use: Mr. Crank has talked to other schools about the use of their fields by outside travel teams. Eldorado does not knowingly allow it. Pope County allows the local little league but not travel teams. Carrier Mills said if an employee was the sponsor/coach they have allowed it, but have not let other groups use the fields.

Legence Bank Positive Pay: The Legence Bank has a new service called Positive Pay. Fraud on business checking accounts is becoming more prominent. Positive Pay is a check fraud monitoring tool that prevents and deters check fraud. The program flags any check it deems high risk because the check number is out of the current range or it is written above a certain monetary threshold. The cost of the service is $50 per month..



Bus 9: The bus has an exhaust leak, Rick Pittman, bus mechanic, will make the repairs.

Bus 14: The bus had to go to Mt. Vernon, IL., to have the exhaust system worked on.

Bus 11: Bus 11 still has issues with the door. The parts to make the door manual should be here this week.

The district will be moving down to three routes until we can find another driver.


Junior High boys' and girls' basketball season has started.

High School volleyball has finished their season.

Red and White night is scheduled for November 17th, 2023.


Solar Project:

A second solar company is looking at options for the district. Hopefully, we will have more information at November's meeting.

Window Tint:

The company that installed our shatter resistant window film gave us a quote to install energy/glare control film on 166 individual glass panels that make up the entrances and first floor glazing at all district school buildings. The total cost will be $12,050.00.

21. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Murphy to approve quote for Allied Facility Partners to install energy/glare control film on 166 individual glass panels at a cost of $12,050.00, to be paid out of the operations/maintenance fund. Murphy-aye, Pigg-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.


22. A motion was made by Murphy and seconded by Richey to approve the budget hearing and regular meeting minutes of September 25, 2023. Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Pigg-aye, and McCabe- aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

23. A motion was made by Pigg and seconded by Richey to approve the bills and payroll as presented. Pigg-aye, Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, McCabe-aye, and Richey-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

24. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Richey to approve the treasurer's report and co-mingled account as presented. McCabe-aye, Murphy-aye, Pigg-aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.


FY22/23 Audit

The audit will be completed by the end of next month and can be approved at November's board meeting.

Legence Bank Positive Pay Fee

25. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to approve Legence Bank Positive Pay fee of fifty dollars per month. McCabe-aye, Murphy-aye, Richey-aye, Pigg-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

School Maintenance Grant

26. A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Pigg to approve the maintenance grant application for $50,000. Pribble-aye, Pigg-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Construction Management Contract with H. E. Mitchell

27. A motion was made by Murphy and seconded by Pigg to approve the construction management contract with H.E. Mitchell for new construction of a concession stand/weight room for $585,356.00, to be paid out of operations/maintenance fund. Murphy-aye, Pigg-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, and Pribble-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

Out of State Field Trips

28. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Pigg to approve FBLS's (Future Business Leaders of America) to attend the Murray State University Telecommunications Systems Management & Computer Science program at Murray, KY, on November 9, 2023. Richey-aye, Pigg-aye, Pribble-aye, Murphy-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.

29. A motion was made by Pigg and seconded by McCabe to approve the Galatia High School boys basketball team to meet the SEMO (Southeast Missouri State University) basketball team, coaches, and to attend a SEMO basketball game at Cape Girardeau, Mo. on February 2, 2024. Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Murphy-aye, Pigg-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.


30. A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Murphy to adjourn at 8:37 p.m. Murphy-aye, Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Pigg-aye, and McCabe-aye. Five (5) ayes, motion carried.



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