Wayne County Courthouse in Fairfield | WikipediA
Wayne County Courthouse in Fairfield | WikipediA
New Hope Consolidated Community School District #6 Board of Education will meet on February 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Meeting Called to Order and Roll Call
II. Motion to Approve Minutes of Regular January Meeting
III. Opportunity for Visitors to Speak
IV. Motion to Approve Treasurer's Report
V. Motion to Approve Bills
VI. President's Prerogative
1. Committee Reports
VII. Superintendent's Report
1. Zach Vaughan - State Hoopshoot Contest
2. Teacher In-Service Training
3. FOIA request - IRTA
4. Benefit Concert - $2,278
5. Electric school bus grant
6. Technology
7. Transportation Negotiations
8. Gym Floor Refinishing
VIII. New Business
1. Motion to Advertise for LP Gas Bids for Fiscal Year 2025
2. Motion to Hire Teacher for 2024-2025 School Year
IX. Executive Session for Personnel Hiring & Student Discipline
X. Right to Revert to Prior Order
XI. Adjourn