Commissioner Raymond Gunning | City of Harrisburg
Commissioner Raymond Gunning | City of Harrisburg
City of Harrisburg City Council met March 21.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance: Pastor Bobby Gentry of the River of Life Church
Consent Agenda
All matters under “Consent Agenda” are considered to be routine and will be entered by one motion. Unless requested by a Council Member or citizen, there will be no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is required regarding an item, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
1. Regular Meeting Minutes – March 07, 2024
1. Harrisburg Hardware - $8.96 - #116496 – Business District
2. Landis Wall & Ceiling – 24,900.00 - #030724 – Downtown TIF
3. Landis Wall & Ceiling - $2,300.00 - #03724 – Downtown TIF
4. Barnes Lumber - $54.38 - #551903 – Business District
5. Barnes Lumber - $35.96 - #551907 – Business District
6. Moran Economic Development - $1,260.00 - #2305 – TIF
7. Barnes Lumber - $359.94 - #551840 – Business District
8. Tree Top Products - $8,089.65 - #124137 – Downtown TIF
9. Barnes Lumber - $49.98 - #552099 – Business District
Public Comments in Accordance with Ordinance 1813:
Old Business:
1. Open Sealed Bids – Wheelchair Lift Project at City Hall
2. Open Sealed Bids – Sale of Property
3. Accept Bid for 1 E. Poplar Street Fence Project
4. Property Acquisition – Executive Session
New Business:
1. Ordinance – Sale of Property
2. Authorize Brown & Roberts, Inc. to Conduct Inspection - Sahara Retention Impoundment Dam
3. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters – 701 Commercial Street
4. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters – 417 S. Ledford St. Demolition
5. Property Acquisition
6. Present FY 24/25 Budget
7. Public Hearing for FY 24/25 Budget
Administrative Reports:
Accounts and Finances Commissioner Cynthia Potter:
Public Safety Commissioner Raymond Gunning:
Water/Sewer, Flood Control Commissioner Roger Angelly:
1. Clark Cameron – Illinois Rural Water Study
Streets and Public Improvements, Public Property Commissioner Rupert Johnson:
Mayor John McPeek:
Executive Session:
1. Property Acquisition