
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

White County Board met Feb. 21

Webp 15

White County Circuit Clerk’s Office Staff | White County

White County Circuit Clerk’s Office Staff | White County

White County Board met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The White County Board convened at the White County Courthouse in the City of Carmi, State of Illinois, on Wednesday the 21st day of February, at 7:00 p.m. and was called to order by Vice Chairman Ken Usery.

The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

On Roll Call, the following Board members responded as being present, which represented a quorum: Clint Spencer, Amanda Cannon, Kenny Usery, and David South were present, and Cassie Pigg was counted as absent.

MOTION was made by Mrs. Cannon, seconded by Mr. South, to approve the minutes of the White County Board meeting. Vote by acclamation. All voting aye, none nay. Motion carried. Pigg absent.


County Clerk: Clerk Heil stated that her office is starting with early voting. She stated that the voting has been pretty light.

County Treasurer: County Treasurer, Mike Baxley, reported that the general fund had total revenue of $ 321437.00 and total expenses of $507128.00. The general fund had a total cash position of $2045731.00 and a total net cash position of $11526120.00. He also went on to say that they have had the tax sale and any monies that needed to be paid for taxes should be done in the County Clerk's Office. He told the Board that the audit is still under way and that they would be making their final disbursement here soon. He stated that the interest that is being paid to the taxing bodies has had a 100% increase since last year.

Circuit Clerk: Circuit Clerk, Kelly Fulkerson, stated that she received a $103,000.00 technology grant. She said that she was going to be able to get the State's Attorney Office a computer software package where they can be on computers in the court room, and it will automatically feed into their software and make court run smoother. She was also able to get all her automation fees paid. She told the Board that she wanted to get the boxes scanned, but the grant had denied all imaging. She also stated that last month she reported that their income was down, but they managed to double their income.

Ambulance: Not in attendance

State's Attorney: Mr. Neal stated that everything was going great. He stated that he thought the new system would work well and help with paperwork and storage.

Sheriff: Mr. Weiss submitted his report in writing. He stated that they have their 6th deputy hired

and it was Mr. Capeheart. He stated that speeding has slowed down on Deputy Capeheart's shift. They have received their body cameras and will be getting those implemented here soon. He also wanted to thank Bellwether for all they do for the County by helping with policies. Mr. Weiss was asked how many inmates were currently in the jail and he responded with 28.

Supervisor of Assessments: Mr. Baxley said that everything was running good.

Highway: Mr. Ray stated that they had their annual motor fuel tax bid opening for materials and that the resolutions were submitted to be passed. Mr. Harmon, Bellwether, asked Mr. Ray about the potential for charging Solar companies if they go over weight on the road weight limit. The Attorney that the board is using to look over the letter of credit said that he has recommendations on where to put that in the road use agreement.

EMA: Not in attendance

TB Officer: Not in attendance

Coroner: Submitted his report in writing.

911: Not in attendance

Administrative Services: Mr. Jake Johnson with Bellwether said that in April the ARPA portal will open for the final report and they are helping to get that done. He stated that February marks the end of the first quarter and he will be reaching out to get started on the variance report. He said on the paid leave act at the legislative committee they have proposed amendment that will possibly exclude counties from the act. He said that they talked to the attorney on the decommissioning bond and they received it from the solar company and they did not make all the requirements that were passed at the last meeting. He stated that he made corrections to it and then sent it back to the solar company to fix. He also stated that item C on the consent agenda that the salary is already set by the County, but the PTAX 451 is just for the State to reimburse the County.

Vice Chairman Kenny Usery opened the floor for public comment:

Mr. Lane addressed the Board about letters that were received to a group of individuals in Indian Creek township. Mr. Lane stated that he has been in his house since 2006 and has been reassessed 4 times. Mr. Lane cited several lines from the letter that they understand the whole County is under assessed, but a certain select few should not be pointed out. Mr. Lane stated that they just wanted to make sure that they are being treated fair and equitability.

Mr. Matthew McArthy addressed the Board and stated that they are not here to complain about paying taxes, but just wanted to make sure they are paying their fair share of taxes. Mr. McArthy stated that his house had been assessed 5 times in 15 years. He also said that he has self-reported the last couple of years and they will not approve his assessment from the Township Assessor. He stated that the Township Assessor is hired by the township to do their assessments. He stated that Mrs. Edwards had came out and did her job. Mr. McArthy explained how the school district gets funding from the State of Illinois and how that correlates with our property taxes. He stated that if we are not all going to be equally under assessed then everyone should be assessed not just a selected few. Mr. McArthy stated that the County needs to have property index cards. He thanked the Board for listening to everyone.

Mr. Usery asked Mrs. Edwards how many houses she could look at in a day. She stated 10-15 houses so realistically she could not get every house assessed in 4 years.

Ms. Terry Abell addressed the Board and she wanted to speak on behalf of Amy Edwards, Township Assessor. Ms. Abell stated that Mrs. Edwards did a great job and that when she was in Office, she got a lot of compliments from the public about Mrs. Edwards. Ms. Abell stated that for the work to get done everyone needs to work together. Ms. Abell stated that if anyone has anything new or is adding to their homes that they should contact Amy first.

Mr. Nathan Coston addressed the Board. He stated that last year Mrs. Edwards came out and assessed the property and her assessment was denied. He informed the Board that anytime the Supervisor of Assessments comes to his property then the Township Assessor has to be informed and present. Mr. Coston went to further explain that he has submitted floor plans and pictures already to the Assessments Office and yet the Office is still wanting to come out to his place. He stated that his 1 bedroom and 1 bath house is being assessed more than a house in town that is larger and closer to more amenities.

Mr. Danny Satterfield stated that he built a house last year and came to the Assessor's Office and worked out a fair assessment with Ms. Abell and Mrs. Edwards and it was threw out this year and his taxes went up 30%. He went on to state the size of his house is 1320 square feet and his taxes will be $3800.

Mr. Brad Lee said that he was not going to stand up and speak, but everyone was there because of him. He stated that he purchased a home, and it was under assessed. He called Mrs. Edwards about it and knowing that it was going to be reassessed. Mr. Lee said that his concerns were not what his fellow neighbors were paying, but that they were chasing sales. His home should not have been reassessed until 2024 but was being assessed in 2022. Mr. Lee stated that it was illegal to do that, but they informed him that it was not illegal, just unethical. His second concern was

that it was assessed without it being notified. Mr. Lee understands that everyone needs to pay taxes and he is more than happy to pay his taxes, but his house assessment went up 4.5 times, but felt like his was singled out.

Mrs. Amy Edwards explained to the Board that they never used to assess a home that was purchased the same year because of the credits that they get at closing. People would be paying taxes on something that they have not lived in.

Mrs. Nancy Mitchell stood and complimented Mrs. Edwards on the job that she is doing and that everyone should be assessed fairly.

Consent Agenda

The consent agenda was read by Kenny Usery, Vice Chairman,

A. Discussion and possible approval of the fiscal year 2025 agreement with the Illinois Extension Office presented by Angie Messmer.

B. Discussion and possible approval of the appointment of Kaylee Adams to the Southern 14 Illinois Workforce Board.

C. Discussion and possible approval of PTAX 451 for the Illinois Department of Revenue for the increase in the Supervisor of Assessments pay increase that took place in December 1, 2023.

D. Discussion and possible approval of a Resolution to change the number of election judges needed in a precinct from 5 to 3.

E. Discussion and possible approval of a Resolution to change the rate of pay for election judges.

F. Discussion and possible approval of a resolution for the Anticipation of Township Bridge Funds for Section 13-10133-00-BR in Phillips Township.

G. Discussion and possible approval of a Resolution for the Anticipation of Township Bridge Funds for Section 20-10134-00-BR in Phillips Township.

H. Discussion and possible approval of a Resolution for 2023 Maintenance bid proposals County Motor Fuel Section 24-00000-00-GM & for Township Motor Fuel Section 24-XX000-00-GM.

Vice Chairman Usery asked the Board if the items need to be removed or discussed further.

MOTION was made by Mr. South, seconded by Mr. Spencer to approve the consent agenda. Vote by roll call. Spencer, Cannon, South and Usery all voting yes, with Pigg absent. Motion carried.


A. Discussion and possible approval of text amendments to the White County Ordinance Regulating Commercial Solar Farms. (tabled item)

Mr. Harmon stated that this was tabled last time and this ordinance was angled more toward zoned counties. He said that this ordinance could be a little daunting for smaller companies. He said that the fee was changed to $25,000. The board agreed to table this item until Mr. Keyt could look at the Ordinance.

MOTION was made by Mrs. Cannon, seconded by Mr. South, to table this item until a new ordinance is drafted. Vote by acclamation. All voting aye, none nay. Motion carried. Pigg absent.

B. Discussion and possible approval of the employee handbook with revisions made to leave time to reflect the new paid leave act. (tabled item)

Mr. Johnson stated that this was suggested to be tabled again until they can see what happens with the legislative committee.

MOTION was made by Mrs. Cannon, seconded by Mr. Spencer, to table this item. Vote by acclamation. All voting aye, none nay. Motion carried.

C. Discussion and possible approval of text amendments to the White County Ordinance regulating Commercial Wind Farms. (tabled)

MOTION was made by Mrs. South, seconded by Mr. Spencer, to accept the letter of credit on the following contingencies: Vote by acclamation. All voting aye, none nay. Motion carried. Pigg absent.

Mr. Harmon stated that he would have Mr. Keyt available to attend the next meeting via phone conference.


A. Discussion and possible approval of the Crooked Creek Solar Farm permit/application.

MOTION was made by Mr. South, seconded by Mr. Spencer, to table this item. Vote by acclamation. All voting aye, none nay. Motion carried.

B. Discussion and possible approval of opening and accepting fuel bids for highway department, ambulance, and Sheriff's Office.

Mr. Ray stated that he has the bids and he would open them and read them aloud. He received 2 bids, Wabash Valley and Synenergy. He stated that he always asked for an open bid and firm bid. The bids can be found in the County Clerk's Office if anyone would like to look at them.

MOTION was made by Mr. Cannon to take the lowest bid, which was Synenergy, seconded by Mr. Spencer. Vote by acclamation. All voting aye, none nay. South abstained and Pigg was absent. Motion carried.

C. Discussion and possible approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement for the assessment of Township real estate.

Mr. Harmon stated that with discussion with the Supervisor of Assessments that his desire is to have a $50 fee to help recouping expenses that his office is having to assess that should be done by the Township Assessor and then that fee would be charged to the townships. Mr. Baxley stated that when he came into the Office there were several places that were not being assessed. He proceeded to read a list of places that he had to go to assess. Mr. Baxley also went in and read off the sales ratios that are going to cause our EAV to go up. Mrs. Edwards stated that she is calling into the office and asking if they have any work that needs to be done and she is not getting any response. Mr. Harmon tried to ask Mr. Baxley to get back to the agenda, but the Ordinance needs to be focused on. Mr. Baxley went on to talk about the equalizer in Indian Creek. He asked if should favor the richer homes or the poorer homes. Mrs. Cannon addressed some issues with location and viewpoint from a realtor. Mrs. Cannon mentioned that Devnet the County tax vendor has an Assessor program that Mrs. Edwards could be utilizing to help. Mrs. Cannon asked if the flyovers were done, and he said that they would be done here soon. Mrs. Cannon asked Mrs. Edwards the process for getting someone else qualified for becoming a township assessor. She told the Board that they will have to take test with the Illinois Department of Revenue.

No MOTION was made so the item fails.


Vice Chairman Usery asked for a motion to pay the county bills.

MOTION was made by Mr. Cannon, seconded by Mr. Spencer, to approve all bills. Vote by acclamation. All voting aye, none nay. Motion carried.

County Board Member Non-Action Items and Comments

Next meeting will be March 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the White County Courthouse.

MOTION was made by Mr. South, seconded by Mrs. Spencer, to adjourn. Vote by acclamation. All voting aye, none nay. Motion carried.
