
SE Illinois News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Norris City Omaha Enfield Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Feb. 21

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Norris City-Omaha-Enfield High School | Norris City-Omaha-Enfield CUSD

Norris City-Omaha-Enfield High School | Norris City-Omaha-Enfield CUSD

Norris City Omaha Enfield Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Community Unit School District No. 3 was held on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at the District Office. The meeting was called to order by Mike Hite at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present- Frank Graves, Rhonda Forston, Heath Rush, Kyle Hoskins, Mike Hite. Absent- Matt McArthy, Joe Lane.

Others in Attendance- Matt Vollman, Superintendent; David Reavis, Principal; Carla Carter, Principal; Jessica Jackson, Treasurer.

Motion to approve the Minutes for January 17, 2024 Regular Board Meeting and Executive Session by Frank Graves. Second by Mike Hite. Unanimous vote. Motion Carried.

Motion to approve the Bills by Mike Hite. Second by Kyle Hoskins. Roll Call Vote- Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Principal Reports:

NCOE Elementary/Mr. Reavis:

-Attendance is 86.2%.

-The classrooms are having state level evaluations as part of IAR school improvement grant.

-The 7th grade classes celebrated finishing the book "The Outsiders" with dressing up and enjoying treats.

-Jr. High volleyball is in full swing and 5th and 6th grade basketball is wrapping up.

NCOE Elementary/PreK/Mrs. Carter-

-Attendance for PreK is 87.4%.

-IAR testing will take place the end of March.

-March 18 and 19 is Prek screenings.

High School/Mr. Vollman-

-Attendance was 89.9%.

-Homecoming events went well.

-Hosting basketball sectionals next week Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:00pm.

-New lighting and sound system is installed.

-March 8 and 9 is the school play.

-Weight room roof is repaired.

-Damon West, famous motivational speaker, is presenting to high school students on March 7 at 9:30 am. Other area schools have been invited to attend and this will help offset the cost.

-New lockers will be installed in the jr high during spring break. The new lockers will be larger.

-Right now the last day of student attendance will be May 23rd and teacher attendance May 24th.

-High school graduation is May 17th and 8th grade graduation is May 21st.

Motion to approve the Booth Trust annual report by Heath Rush. Second by Mike Hite. Roll Call Vote- Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to approve the Booth Trust monthly report with a balance of $42,565.83 by Frank Graves. Second by Heath Rush. Roll Call Vote- Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to let mowing bids by Heath Rush. Second by Mike Hite. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.

Public Input:


Motion to move into Executive Session at 7:23 p.m. by Mike Hite. Second by Kyle Hoskins. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.

Return to Regular Session at 7:51 p.m.

Motion to accept the resignation from Lisa Cincotta, cook, by Mike Hite. Second by Heath Rush. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.

Motion to accept the resignation of Melissa Veatch, aide, by Mike Hite. Second by Heath Rush. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.

Motion to hire Samantha Brinkley as high school assistant softball coach by Mike Hite. Second by Heath Rush. Roll Call Vote- Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to hire Deborah Hunt as cook by Mike Hite. Second by Heath Rush. Roll Call Vote- Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to adjourn at 8:53 p.m. by Mike Hite. Second by Kyle Hoskins. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.
