
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Edwards County Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met Feb. 27

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Mr. David Cowger, Superintendent | Edwards County CUSD #1

Mr. David Cowger, Superintendent | Edwards County CUSD #1

Edwards County Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met Feb. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the West Salem Grade School Science Room by President, Dale Woods. The following members were present: Wayne Doelling, Mark  McDaniel, Kayla Bell, Jayare Buerster, Lawrence Speir Jr., and Jo Rector. Also present was  Superintendent, David Cowger; ECHS Principal, Dale Schmittler; AGS Elementary  Principal/Special Education Coordinator, Carrie Wells; and AGS Jr. High Principal/Building and  Grounds Director, Kris Duncan. WSGS Principal, Mark Beckel and Assistant Principal Joe  Rivers were absent.

Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by  Wayne Doelling to approve the following Consent Agenda  items:

• February Board Agenda

• Motion to approve the minutes of the open and closed  session of the January 18, 2024 Regular School Board  Meeting

• Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report

• Motion to approve the Bill List

• Motion to destroy board meeting closed session audio  recording older than 18 months per State code

• FOIA Report – Illinois Retired Teachers – 2024  Certified Staff Retirements

Speir, Doelling, Rector, McDaniel, Buerster, Bell and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes

SPOTLIGHT West Salem Grade School student,  Cooper Lynch presented his science fair  project and Jaden Schwarzlose presented  his DAR Good Citizen Essay


Discussion was held regarding a solar lease with Arrow  Solar Development

The agreement is still being reviewed by legal counsel. Once  the agreement has been agreed to by both parties, it will be  provided to the board for review.


Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by  Kayla Bell to accept a fuel bid from Wabash Valley Service  Company for a 12 Month Firm Bid.

The rates were as follows:

Gasoline - $2.456 without taxes

Diesel - $2.948 without taxes

Rector, McDaniel, Bell, Speir, Buerster, Doelling and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes


Motion was made by Wayne Doelling and seconded by  Jo Rector to authorize the release of bus bids.

Bids will be brought back to the board in April for  consideration.

Buerster, McDaniel, Bell, Speir, Rector, Doelling and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes


Motion was made by Jayare Buerster and seconded by  Mark McDaniel to approve the 2023-2024 Certified and Non Certified Personnel Seniority Lists.

McDaniel, Rector, Bell, Speir, Buerster, Doelling and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes


Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by  Jo Rector to approve the following trips over 150 miles:

• ECHS Science Club to Corydon and Milltown, Indiana  on May 6, 2024 to visit the Indiana Caverns and canoe  the Blue River at no cost to the District

• ECHS FFA to St. Louis, MO on April 24, 2024 to visit  Grants Farm and attend a Cardinals baseball game at no  cost to the District

• ECHS Senior Class to Nashville, TN on March 14,  2024 for Top Golf and the Opry Mills Mall at no cost to  the District

• ECHS History Club to Collinsville, IL on April 12,  2024 to visit Cahokia Mounds at no cost to the District • ECHS Band and Choir to the Beef & Boards Dinner  Theater in Indianapolis, IN on May 4, 2024 at no cost to  the District

• WSGS 8th Grade Class to the Derby Dinner Playhouse  in Clarksville, IN on May 8, 2024 at no cost to the  District

• AGS 8th Grade Class to Incredible Pizza Company and  the City Museum in St. Louis, MO on May 15, 2024 at  no cost to the District

All trips are paid for by the groups.

McDaniel, Bell, Speir, Rector, Doelling, Buerster and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes


Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by  Wayne Doelling to approve the 2024-2025 School Calendar

The first day for staff will be August 12th while the 13th will be  the first student attendance day (1:30 dismissal). Depending  on the use of Emergency Days, the last day of school will be  May 16th– 23rd.

Buerster, McDaniel, Bell, Speir, Doelling and Woods voted  yes. Rector voted no. Motion passes


Motion was made by Jo Rector and seconded by Wayne  Doelling to approve the following project over $5,000

• Replacement of the Security Panel at the West Salem  Grade School with a cost of $14,481.00

Buerster, McDaniel, Rector, Bell, Speir, Doelling and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes


The Administrators presented their reports on the  following:

• David Cowger – Superintendent

Cafeteria Report

Sales Tax Report

West Salem Ball Association Donation Request

Annual Review of Scholarship Trust Funds

EC Farm Bureau Meeting

Cross Country Exploration

• Dale Schmittler – ECHS Principal

Student Dance Request Form

• Carrie Wells – AGS Elementary Principal/Special  Education Coordinator

• Kris Duncan – AGS Jr. High Principal/Building &  Grounds Director


Motion was made by Wayne Doelling and seconded by  Mark McDaniel that a Closed Session be called at 7:50 p.m. to  discuss the following:

• Consider the appointment, employment, compensation,  discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing  testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee  to determine validity

• Consider student discipline

• Collective negotiation matters between the public body  and its employees or their representatives, or  deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or  more classes of employees

Speir, Rector, McDaniel, Bell, Doelling, Buerster and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes


Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by  Wayne Doelling that the Board come out of Closed Session at  9:25 p.m.

Buerster, Doelling, McDaniel, Rector, Speir, Bell and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes


Motion was made by Jayare Buerster and seconded by  Jo Rector to accept the following resignations:

• Hayley Kennard – EC Panthers Jr High Girls Basketball  Head Coach

• Cassie Nelson – ECHS Head Volleyball Coach

• Christie St. Ledger – ECHS Assistant Volleyball Coach

• Ashley Craig – ECHS Educators Rising Sponsor at the  end of the 2023-2024 school year

• Jamie Mewes – Teacher Aide at West Salem Grade  School, effective the end of the 2023-2024 school year

McDaniel, Speir, Doelling, Bell, Rector, Buerster and  Woods voted yes Motion passes


Motion was made by Jo Rector and seconded by Mark  McDaniel to accept the resignation of Robyn Simpson, Aide at  Brownsville, effective the end of the school day February 23,  2024

McDaniel, Bell, Speir, Rector, Doelling, Buerster and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes


Motion was made by Wayne Doelling and seconded by  Mark McDaniel to employ the following for the 2024-2025  school year:

• Dale Schmittler – ECHS Principal/Cafeteria Director

• Carrie Wells – AGS K-5 Principal/Special Education Coordinator

• Kris Duncan – AGS Jr. High Principal/Building and  Grounds Director

• Mark Beckel – WSGS Principal/IT Assistant

• Joe Rivers – K-12 Assistant Principal/Transportation  Director

Buerster, McDaniel, Speir, Doelling, Bell, Rector and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes


Motion was made by Wayne Doelling and seconded by  Jayare Buerster to employ Emma Bailey as an Aide for the  District

Rector, Buerster, McDaniel, Speir, Doelling, Bell and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes


Motion was made by Jayare Buerster and seconded by  Mark McDaniel to employ the following for the 2024-2025  school year:

• Mike Kirkpatrick – WSGS Head Baseball Coach

• Conway Kelley – WSGS Assistant Baseball Coach

• Tim Meyers – WSGS Head Softball Coach

• Lexi Harper – WSGS Assistant Softball Coach

• Kris Duncan – AGS Head Baseball Coach

• Christian Cullison – AGS Assistant Baseball Coach

• Russ Gerlach – ECHS Athletic Director

• Russ Gerlach – ECHS Head Football Coach

• Michael Snidle – ECHS Assistant Football Coach

• Bobby Brake – ECHS Assistant Football Coach

• Allison Stephens – ECHS Cheerleading Coach

Bell, Rector, Buerster, McDaniel, Speir, Doelling and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes


Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by  Wayne Doelling to employ Chelsea Evans as School Social  Worker for the District for the 2024-2025 school year.

Buerster, McDaniel, Bell, Speir, Rector, Doelling and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes


Motion was made by Wayne Doelling and seconded by  Kayla Bell to approve the following Volunteer Assistant  Coaches for the 2024-2025 school year:

• Rachel Arnold – WSGS Softball

• Lance McVaigh – WSGS Softball

• Eli Mosson – AGS Baseball

• Levi McDaniel – ECHS Football

• Kris Duncan – ECHS Football

• Brian Maas – ECHS Football

Bell, Speir, Rector, Doelling, Buerter and Woods voted yes.  McDaniel abstained. Motion passes


Motion was made by Jo Rector and seconded by Jayare  Buerster that the meeting be adjourned at 9:31 p.m.

McDaniel, Bell, Buerster, Rector, Doelling, Speir and  Woods voted yes. Motion passes
