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Fairfield Public School District 112 Board of Education met March 18

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Center Street School | Fairfield Public School District 112

Center Street School | Fairfield Public School District 112

Fairfield Public School District 112 Board of Education met March 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of Fairfield Public School District No. 112, Wayne County, Illinois, held in the District Board Room, 200 West Center, Fairfield, Illinois, on Monday, March 18, 2024.

AGENDA #1 – Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Amy Sager, who directed the Secretary to call the roll.

AGENDA #2 – Roll Call – The Secretary called the roll and the following members answered to their names as called and were found to be present:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

There being a quorum present, the President declared the Board of Education to be in session for the transaction of business.

OTHERS PRESENT: Rhonda Clark, Center Street Assistant Principal/Tech Coordinator; April Smith, North Side Principal; Joshua Kissen, Center Street Principal

AGENDA #3 – Citizens Non-Agenda Items - None

AGENDA #4 – Approval of Minutes

4.1 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley that the Board of Education minutes for the Regular and Closed Session Meetings held Tuesday, February 20, 2024 be approved as prepared and made available to all Board of Education members. The motion was seconded by member Heather Trent, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #5 – Financial Reports

5.1 Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer’s Report, dated February 29, 2024 was presented as follows:

Education Fund $2,437,766.89

Building Fund $887,218.72

Debt Services Fund $171,685.57

Transportation Fund $238,390.35

IMRF Fund $537,432.02

Capital Projects $0.00

Working Cash Fund $1,321,719.78

Tort Fund $458,713.63

Fire Prevention/Safety Fund $268,561.66

Total $6,321,488.62

There being no additions or corrections, the President declared the Treasurer’s Report will stand approved as presented.

5.2 Payroll – Member Jamie Jones made a motion that the salaries for the District for the month of March be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by member Brandon Berghaus, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

5.3 Monthly Bills – Current bills, as listed, were presented for payment. After examination of the listed bills, member Jason McCulley made a motion to approve the bills for payment. The motion was seconded by member Heather Trent, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #6 – Superintendent’s Report

6.1 Revenue to Expense Report

6.2 Food Service Report

6.3 Transportation Report

6.4 Summer Registration

6.5 Second Reading of FMLA Board Policy

AGENDA #7 – Action Items

7.1 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to approve the FMLA Board Policy as presented. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #8 – Principals’ Reports

8.1 Center Street

We nominated two students from CS to be honored at the IPA Student Recognition Breakfast at Rend Lake College on Friday, March 8th. These 8th grade students are chosen for high academic achievement and being an overall good citizen. Remi McCune and Jensyn Robbins.

Track season is officially underway, and our first track meet will be this Thursday, March 21st @ 4pm.

Girls Volleyball will advance to the state championship and will play this Saturday, March 23rd at noon in West Frankfort.

We will be holding a pep rally this Friday, March 22nd at 2:15pm, and we will be running a 2:10 dismissal schedule. We are also doing dress-up days for each day this week.

ISA (Illinois Science Assessment) will be taking place this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This is only for 5th and 8th grade students.

IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) will be held on April 9th, March 10th, and March 11th.

We currently have 31 students enrolled for after school tutoring, and some of our 8th grade students are attending on an “as needed basis”, due to completing all of their assignments on time and not needing to stay the full duration. We have had a rate of about 89% attendance. Tutoring is scheduled to end on Thursday, April 25th. We will not hold tutoring during IAR Testing.

Scholastic Bowl is still going on, and we are about halfway through the season.

8.2 North Side

IPA Student Recognition- Jace Bridgeman and Paisley Basnett

Dr. Seuss – Read Across Fairfield

PTO BINGA Fundraiser profited about $2,000.00. PTO has an upcoming Egg Hunt on March 27th and Folk Dance on March 26th.

Book Blast Party on March 15th. Brought in over $10,000.00. Every child received books for home. Classes also earned books for class libraries.

AGENDA #9 – Board Members Request/Report

AGENDA #10 – Closed Session to Discuss Information Regarding Appointment, Employment, Retirement or Dismissal of an Employee, Labor Relations, Collective Negotiations, Litigation, Public Office Vacancy and Student Discipline (5ILCS 120/2a)

10.1 A motion was made by member Heather Trent that the Board enter Closed Session at the hour of 6:18 P.M. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

10.2 A motion was made by member Erica Burris that the Board end the Closed Session at the hour of 6:43 P.M. The motion was seconded by member Brandon Berghaus, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Brandon Berghaus, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #11 – Action Items

11.1 A motion was made by member Erica Burris to hire Grace Pollard, Julie Hutson, and Heather Laird as long-term substitutes for the month of April. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.2.1 A motion was made by Heather Trent to accept the resignation of Jayla Scott as Certified Teacher. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.2.2 A motion was made by member Brandon Berghaus to accept the resignation of Shelby Livesay as Certified Teacher. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.3 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to accept the resignation of Justin Hodges as Girls Varsity Basketball Coach. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.4.1 A motion was made by member Heather Trent to hire Heather Laird as Certified Teacher for the FY25 school year. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.4.2 A motion was made by member Brandon Berghaus to hire Sierra Esmon as Certified Teacher for the FY25 school year. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.4.3 A motion was made by member Heather Trent to hire Hannah Vandergraph as Certified Teacher for the FY25 school year. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.4.4 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to hire Jozie Glover as Certified Teacher for the FY25 school year. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.4.5 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to hire Brittany Titzer as Certified Teacher for the FY25 school year. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.5.1 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to re-employ non-tenured certified personnel for FY25 placing Sadie Powell and Grace Pollard at first year probationary status. The motion was seconded by member Heather Trent, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.5.2 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to re-employ non-tenured certified personnel for FY25 placing Audrey Jay, Luke Ahlfield, Alex Brake and Cheryl Bagwell at second year probationary status. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.5.3 A motion was made by member Brandon Berghaus to re-employ non-tenured certified personnel for FY25 placing Heather Jake, Delilah White, Erin Moehn, Laura Balding, Jennifer Hackney and Emily Braden at third year probationary status. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.5.4 A motion was made by member Erica Burris to re-employ non-tenured certified personnel for FY25 placing Stacey Lane and Sarah Mayberry Estrada at fourth year probationary status. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.5.5 A motion was made by member Heather Trent to re-employ non-tenured certified personnel for FY25 placing Kristin Morris and Lori Stewart at tenured status. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.6 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to accept the resignation of Joshua Kissen as Principal effective March 31, 2024 and approve the separation agreement as presented. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

11.7 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to approve the appointment of Rhonda Clark as the Interim Principal for the period of April 1, 2024 through June 30, 2024 and approve a $7,500 stipend and 10 (ten) vacation days for said appointment. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #12 – Informational Items – None

AGENDA #13 – Adjournment – A motion was made by member Erica Burris that the meeting adjourn at 7:04 P.M. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jessica Oliver, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: None

The President declared the motion passed.




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