
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Edwards County Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met March 18

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Edwards County CUSD #1 Board Members: Front row (L to R): Jayare Buerster(vice president), Dale Woods (president), Lawrence Speir, Jr. (secretary) Back row (L to R): Wayne Doelling, Jo Rector, Mark McDaniel, and Kayla Bell. | Edwards County CUSD #1

Edwards County CUSD #1 Board Members: Front row (L to R): Jayare Buerster(vice president), Dale Woods (president), Lawrence Speir, Jr. (secretary) Back row (L to R): Wayne Doelling, Jo Rector, Mark McDaniel, and Kayla Bell. | Edwards County CUSD #1

Edwards County Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met March 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Albion Grade School Cafeteria by President, Dale Woods. The following members were present: Wayne Doelling, Mark McDaniel, Kayla Bell, Jayare Buerster, and Lawrence Speir Jr. Also present was Superintendent, David Cowger; ECHS Principal, Dale Schmittler; AGS Elementary Principal/Special Education Coordinator, Carrie Wells; and AGS Jr. High Principal/Building and Grounds Director, Kris Duncan; WSGS Principal, Mark Beckel and Assistant Principal Joe Rivers. Board member Jo Rector entered the meeting at 7:03 p.m.

Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by Wayne Doelling to approve the following Consent Agenda items:

• Motion to approve the minutes of the open and closed session of the February 27, 2024 Regular School Board Meeting

• Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report

• Motion to approve the Bill List

• Motion to destroy board meeting closed session audio recording older than 18 months per State code

Speir, Doelling, McDaniel, Buerster, Bell and Woods voted yes. Rector was absent. Motion passes

Spotlight Albion Grade School Science Fair Projects

Consideration regarding a solar lease with Arrow Solar Development.

Discussions are still ongoing with legal counsel. The next tentative timeframe will be the regular April 15th board meeting.

Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by Jayare Buerster to amend the 2023-20204 School Calendar

Any unused emergency days will be removed from the calendar and the Teacher Institute Day and the last student attendance day will flip flop. Currently, the last student attendance day will be Friday, May 17th with the TI day being held on May 20, 2024.

Rector, McDaniel, Bell, Speir, Buerster, Doelling and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by Jayare Buerster to approve the following District Camps and Fundraisers:

• AGS afterschool Lions Cage Workout Camp

• Lions Basketball Camp May 28-30, 2024

• ECHS Girls Basketball Pickleball Fundraiser

• Jr. High Volleyball Camp July 16-18, 2024

Buerster, McDaniel, Bell, Speir, Rector, Doelling and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by Kayla Bell to approve an Edwards County Jr. Football League camp.

The Jr. Football league has requested to use our facilities in June for a 3 day camp. Dates have been reviewed with no conflits.

McDaniel, Rector, Bell, Speir, Buerster, Doelling and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Kayla Bell and seconded by Mark McDaniel to approve 2024-2025 IHSA, IMEA, IESA and SIJHSAA memberships.

The only difference from the 2023-2024 year will be the fact jr. high softball will be competing in the IEAS Association due to conflicts with the SIJHSAA Softball season and the IESA Girls Basketball season.

McDaniel, Bell, Speir, Rector, Doelling, Buerster and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Jo Rector and seconded by Jayare Buerster to approve the donation of chromebooks to the Country Roads FFA School

Approximately 20 Chromebooks that are no longer being used by the District will be donated.

Buerster, McDaniel, Rector, Bell, Speir, Doelling and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Wayne Doelling and seconded by Jo Rector to approve a donation in the amount of $4,622.59 from the AGS Music Boosters to be applied toward the cost of a new sound board, mics and sound cabinet.

The remaining difference will be paid through the Dinner Theater account.

Buerster, McDaniel, Rector, Bell, Speir, Doelling and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by Kayla Bell to approve the following trips over 150 miles at no cost to the District:

• WSGS 8th Grade Class to French Lick, Indiana on April 29, 2024

• ECHS FFA to the Joliet Livestock Judging Contest on April 6, 2024

All trips are paid for by the groups and members.

McDaniel, Doelling, Bell, Speir, Rector, Buerster and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Discussion was held regarding maintenance items over $5,000

Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by Wayne Doelling to approve the purchase of a set of bleachers for the West Salem Ball Park at a cost of $7,869.00

The baseball team has used the facility for a number of years with no costs going back towards the upkeep or maintenance of the field, the District has agreed to pay for one set.

Buerster, McDanIel, Doelling, Bell, Speir, Rector and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Wayne Doelling and seconded by Kayla Bell to approve a Mutual Agreement with the Albion Baseball Association.

The annual agreement was revised to reflect the current year, no items in the agreement were changed from the prior year.

Speir, Rector, Buerster, McDaniel, Doelling, Bell and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by Jayare Buerster to approve an Outdoor Classroom Restroom at the Edwards County K-12 Building.

If bids come within the projected costs and budgeted amount, the board authorized Superintendent Cowger to move forward with the project.

Rector, Buerster, McDaniel, Doelling, Bell, Speir and Woods voted yes. Motion Passes

The Administrators presented their reports on the following:

• David Cowger – Superintendent

Cafeteria Report

Sales Tax Report

Statement of Economic Interest

Graduations – Board Representatives

• Dale Schmittler – ECHS Principal

• Carrie Wells – AGS Elementary Principal/Special Education Coordinator

• Kris Duncan – AGS Jr. High Principal/Building & Grounds Director

Summer Projects

• Mark Beckel – WSGS Principal

• Joe Rivers – Edwards County K-12 Assistant Principal

Motion was made by Jo Rector and seconded by Wayne Doelling that a Closed Session be called at 7:52 p.m. to discuss the following:

• Consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine validity

• Consider student discipline

• Collective negotiation matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees

Speir, Rector, McDaniel, Bell, Doelling, Buerster and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by Wayne Doelling that the Board come out of Closed Session at 8:59 p.m.

Buerster, Doelling, McDaniel, Rector, Speir, Bell and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Jo Rector and seconded by Wayne Doelling to employ Tenured Certified Personnel for the 2024- 2025 school year, as per list.

McDaniel, Speir, Doelling, Bell, Rector, Buerster and Woods voted yes Motion passes

Motion was made by Wayne Doelling and seconded by Jo Rector to employ Non-Tenured Certified Personnel for the 2024-2025 school year, as per list.

McDaniel, Bell, Speir, Rector, Doelling, Buerster and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Wayne Doelling and seconded by Kayla Bell to employ Non-Certified Personnel for the 2024- 2025 school year, as per list.

Buerster, McDaniel, Speir, Doelling, Bell, Rector and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by Jo Rector to employ the following Bus Drivers for the 2024- 2025 school year:

• Eric Goldsmith

• Seaton Snidle

Rector, Buerster, McDaniel, Speir, Doelling, Bell and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Wayne Doelling and seconded by Kayla Bell to employ the following coaches for the 2024-2025 school year:

• Chris Shelton – AGS Head Softball Coach

• Hayley Kennard – AGS Assistant Softball Coach Bell, Rector, Buerster, McDaniel, Speir, Doelling and

Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Jayare Buerster and seconded by Mark McDaniel to ratify the ECTA 2024-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement

Buerster, McDaniel, Bell, Speir, Rector, Doelling and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Jo Rector and seconded by Mark McDaniel to set Administrators’ Salaries for the 2024-2025 school year.

Bell, Speir, McDaniel, Rector, Doelling, Buerter and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Jayare Buerster and seconded by Wayne Doelling that the meeting be adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

McDaniel, Bell, Buerster, Rector, Doelling, Speir and Woods voted yes. Motion passes
