
SE Illinois News

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education met June 12

Webp 13

Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education | Community Unit School District 200

Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education | Community Unit School District 200

Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education met June 12.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The first regular meeting of the month of June of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District 200, DuPage County, Illinois, was called to order at the School Service Center, 130 W. Park Ave., Wheaton, IL by Board President Rob Hanlon, on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 7:02 PM.


Upon the roll being called, the following were present:

Board Members: Mr. Rob Hanlon

Ms. Julie Kulovits

Mr. Dave Long

Ms. Angela Blatner

Mr. Erik Hjerpe

Mr. Brad Paulsen

Mr. John Rutledge

Also in Attendance: Dr. Jeff Schuler, Superintendent

Ms. Alyssa Barry

Mr. Matt Biscan

Ms. Melissa Murphy

Dr. Brian O’Keeffe

Dr. Chris Silagi

Mr. Jason Spencer


Board Member Dave Long led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.

President Hanlon recognized the recent tragic loss of Wheaton North HS student Claire Bonga and asked all to join in a moment of silence.



Dr. Schuler noted the internet went down just before the start of the meeting. The District receives service from the State through a cooperative program. A pop-up was put on the website to advise the community there would not be a live stream of the meeting until the connection came back.


Dr. Schuler and the Board recognized the following individuals:

Wheaton Co-Op Boys Gymnastics State Champions:

WNHS - Lyrik Hawrysko

WWSHS - Lars Berger, Drew Berger, Patrick Malone, Jack Ongstad, David Shimp, Joe Slaven, Kaden Story, Cayden Tran, Jayden Tran

WNHS Bass Fishing State Champions:

Ty Nielsen

Zach Widelski

WWSHS Student 300M Intermediate Hurdles State Champion - the student will be recognized at a future meeting. He was competing in another competition and was unable to attend.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Agenda Items & Non-Agenda Items

In accordance with Board Policy 2.230, members of the public wishing to offer public comment had the opportunity to do so. A public comment sign-up sheet was made available until 7:00 p.m. at the meeting site. The Board Meeting was available for viewing via live stream on the District’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/communityunitschooldistrict200.

Per Board Policy, the Board may shorten the time allocation for each person to less than three minutes to allow the maximum number of people the opportunity to speak. The Board did not shorten the time allocation for each person to speak due to the number of speakers.

Speaker Topic

Jennifer Castino Happy Pride

John Wagner Go 200

Anne Wagner Go 200

Ethan Spaid BOE Ambassadors


Dr. Schuler provided the following updates:

● Student Ambassadors - Dr. Schuler talked about the process of rolling over the student ambassadors, and invited the current student ambassadors who were present to introduce the incoming student ambassadors from each of the two high schools:

○ WNHS - Luke Bellini, Carla Fonseca Gonzalez, Abigail Williams

○ WWSHS - Lauren Dedio, Max Dudick, Katelyn Groves

The outgoing student ambassadors were thanked by the Board for their service. There will be a rotation schedule for new Student Ambassadors to attend the Board meetings.

● Dr. Schuler introduced Ms. Alexis Hanson, the incoming Executive Director of Special Education (included on the personnel report for approval tonight).

● Summer construction work - reviewed the $9M in construction work happening this summer at the buildings; noted the concrete/paving work is almost complete, and the projects are currently on target.

● Online registration process - 89% of families have completed this process; reminders will be pushed out for the remaining families.

● Thank you to the safety committee and teams within D200 - noted the things that have already happened this summer that align with the April comprehensive safety update provided to the Board, including physical infrastructure work is underway; the major safety exercise done in conjunction with the Wheaton Police Department and Wheaton College noting the scenarios planning and reunification exercise; the full-day PREPaRE training for District administrators, and an Active Threat Assessment Group Conference later this week at Hubble (predominately for law enforcement, but the District does have staff attending).

● Annual report of gifts approved by the Board - a summary provided to the Board noting almost half a million dollars in generous donations to the District; grateful for the incredible partnerships.


1. Acceptance of Gifts from Pleasant Hill Elementary School PTA – Recommend acceptance of gifts as presented.

2. Acceptance of Gift to Washington Elementary School – Recommend acceptance of gift as presented.

3. Acceptance of Gifts to Monroe Middle School Eagle Honor Awards – Recommend acceptance of gifts as presented.

4. Acceptance of Gift to Wheaton North High School Scholarship Award – Recommend acceptance of gift as presented.

5. Acceptance of Gift to Wheaton Warrenville South High School Boys Basketball Program – Recommend acceptance of gift as presented.

6. Approval to Post eLearning Plan for Public Review – Recommend approval to post the plan for public review as presented.

7. Approval of the District Consolidated Plan – Recommend approval of the plan as presented.

8. Approval of Schoolwide Title I Program for Bower, Hawthorne, Sandburg, and Washington Elementary Schools – Recommend approval of the schoolwide Title I program for the schools as presented.

9. Approval of the 2024-25 Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Roster – Recommend approval of the CAC roster as presented.

10. Approval of Xerographic Bond Paper Bid – Recommend approval of the paper bid as presented.

11. Approval of Printshop Paper Bid – Recommend approval of the paper bid as presented.

12. Approval of Liability Insurance Renewal with CLIC – Recommend approval of liability insurance renewal as presented.

13. Approval of Workers’ Compensation Renewal with SELF – Recommend approval of workers’ compensation renewal as presented.

14. Approval of Bills Payable and Payroll – Recommend approval of bills payable and payroll as presented.

15. Approval of Minutes –May 8, 2024, Regular Meeting, Open and Closed, and Approval to Destroy Recordings of Closed Sessions Prior to January 2023 As Allowable by Law – Recommend approval of the minutes as presented and approve the destruction of recordings of closed sessions prior to January 2023 as allowable by law.

16. Approval of Personnel Report to Include Employment, Resignation, Retirement, and Leave of Absence of Administrative, Certified, Classified, and Non-Union Staff – Recommend approval of the personnel report as presented.

There were comments and/or questions on the following:

● #6 Posting of e-Learning plan:

○ The e-learning plan will be posted for public review; developed collaboratively with WWEA leadership; noted the experience of running a full year of educating 1,300 students through a virtual academy.

○ If we did not have an e-learning plan, would this reduce the 1:1 environment for devices in younger grades? Parent challenges with unstructured time.

○ Encouraged people to send feedback.

○ The number of e-learning days used this year (3 days).

● #9 2024-25 CAC Roster:

○ The level of interest from the community.

○ Policies around CAC and membership.

○ Is there a way to get more people involved? Term limits?

○ Is the committee representative of the community? Is there enough balance with the elementary buildings?

○ Look at the selection processes.

○ Review at HR/Policy committee and potential future Board agenda item.

○ Applications - # received (24), accepted (9), alternates (2).

● #16 Personnel Report:

○ Based on feedback from the special ed community throughout the year, it would be beneficial if we do some community outreach early on to invite people to come and share feedback with the new Executive Director of Special Ed.


Member Hjerpe moved, Member Long seconded to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0 The motion carried 7-0.


1. Approval of Revised Policy 2:40 Board Member Qualifications – Recommend approval of revised policy 2:40 as presented.

2. Approval of Revised Policy 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure – Recommend approval of revised policy 2:260 as presented.

3. Approval of Revised Policy 2:265 Title IX Grievance Procedure – Recommend approval of revised policy 2:265 as presented.

4. Approval of Revised Policy 4:190 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program – Recommend approval of revised policy 4:190 as presented.

5. Approval of Revised Policy 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment – Recommend approval of revised policy 5:10 as presented.

6. Approval of Revised Policy 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited – Recommend approval of revised policy 5:20 as presented.

7. Approval of Revised Policy 5:300 Schedules and Employment Year – Recommend approval of revised policy 5:300 as presented.

8. Approval of Revised Policy 7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities – Recommend approval of revised policy 7:10 as presented.

9. Approval of Revised Policy 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited – Recommend approval of revised policy 7:20 as presented.

10. Approval of Revised Policy 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment – Recommend approval of revised policy 7:180 as presented.

11. Approval of New Policy 2:270 Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited – Recommend approval of new policy 2:270 as presented. 12. Approval of Rewritten Policy 5:100 Staff Development Program – Recommend approval of rewritten policy 5:100 as presented.

There were comments and/or questions on the following:

● The policies being approved came from the most recent issue of PRESS (Issue 114) and were reviewed by the HR/Policy Committee at their last meeting. There were no comments or feedback received from the community


Member Rutledge moved, Member Kulovits seconded to approve the Policy Approval Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0.


Middle School Concept Design Package

The Board of Education continued the review and discussion of the middle school capital projects at Edison, Franklin, and Monroe Middle Schools. The Administration provided the Board with an update on the progress of the project discussions.

Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Dr. Brian O’Keeffe, as well as Mr. Mark Jolicoeur and Mr. Michael Dolter (via phone) of Perkins & Will, participated in the update on the middle school projects, including program development - concept design process and proposed improvements, which included information on the following:

● Design Process

○ Existing conditions representation & investigation, User meetings, surveys, information gathering/refinement & editing, Development concepts & budgets => Concept design report

● User Groups - Common Themes

○ Providing flexible learning environments, Addressing deferred maintenance & aging facilities, Aligning facilities with curriculum, Focusing on student health & well-being

● Areas of Proposed Improvements

○ Districtwide common components vs. School specific components

● Common Components - General Classrooms

○ Existing Classroom - Harsh direct lighting: inconsistent color, Aging mechanical systems: inconsistent temperature/airflow, Acoustically deficient room separation, Fixed & misaligned storage, Rigid and difficult to reconfigure student furnishings, Inconsistent instructional technology, Fixed/immobile teacher desk

○ Proposed Standard Classroom - Multiple teaching positions, Flexible mobile storage, Rapidly reconfigurable modular furniture, Direct/indirect lighting: improved acoustics & HVAC, Consistent instructional technology: multiple locations, Right-sized classrooms, Direct instruction and socratic discussion configurations

● Common Components - Science Lab Classrooms

○ Existing Science Lab Classroom - Direct instruction on short wall, Undersized sinks, Fixed demonstration positions, Undersized footprints, Inflexible heavy student tables & chairs, Perimeter power only

○ Proposed Science Lab Classroom - Teacher wall shifted to long wall, Consistent instructional technology, Easily movable student lab stations & teachers workstation, Writable perimeter storage, Right-sized class labs, Overhead power access

● Franklin MS - Proposed First Floor Improvement Plan (Highlighted Improvements)

○ Performing Arts Music Addition (small group & ensemble practice rooms/storage, right-sized classrooms with appropriate storage, acoustic separation between music classrooms, natural light access above storage, Intentional storage in/outside classroom, Classroom recording & playback capabilities, Room size appropriate instructional technology)

○ Library Learning Center Renovation (learning stair for formal/informal gatherings, open and enclosed small group space, low mobile shelving and furniture)

○ Exploratory Labs & Elective Classrooms Renovation

○ Student Wellness Consolidation Main Entry Reconfiguration & Accessibility Improvements

○ Improved Sightlines/Circulation

● Franklin MS - Proposed Second Floor Improvement Plan (Highlighted Improvements) ○ Library Learning Center Renovation

○ Improved Sightlines/Circulation

○ Science Lab Classroom Renovations

○ LLC Backfill Buildout

● Franklin MS - Proposed Lowel Level Improvement Plan (Highlighted Improvements)

○ Science Lab Classroom Renovations

● Monroe MS - Proposed Improvement Plan (Highlighted Improvements)

○ Performing Arts Theater/Music Addition (Improved lighting, technology, HVAC, Acoustically controlled space, Improved stage configuration and accessibility, Expanded seating capacity)

○ Science Room Reconfiguration

○ Library Learning Center Renovation (Low mobile shelving & furniture, Enclosed small group rooms define edge, Flexible formal/informal gathering space)

○ New Multi-Purpose Room

○ Student Wellness Consolidation

○ Exploratory Labs Renovation

○ Essentials Program Consolidation

○ Improved Sightlines/Circulation

● Edison MS - Proposed Second Floor Improvement Plan (Highlighted Improvements)

○ Student Wellness Consolidation

○ Science Room Reconfiguration

○ Performing Arts/Music Practice & Ensemble Room Reconfiguration/Expansion

○ Main Gym Renovation/Expansion (Subdividable space, Retractable backboards, Improved resiliency flooring, Expanded bleacher capacity)

○ Exploratory Labs Renovation

○ Library Learning Center Reconfiguration (Low mobile shelving & furniture, Right-sized and relocated circulation desk, Updated small group & maker spaces, Flexible/collaborative furniture)

○ Toilet Room Remodeling

○ Communicating Stair Improvements

There was additional information on the following:

● Mr. Dolter prerecorded a set of slides which was presented to the Board.

● The culmination of several months of investigation.

● The level of detail behind the concept plans to make sure spaces were optimized.

There were comments and/or questions on the following:

● Edison - common zones outside of the gym.

● Locker rooms modernization.

● Monroe - Performing Arts Theatre - proposed seating capacity vs. current in the gym.

● Definition of an exploratory lab.

● Designing spaces that can serve multiple needs.

● Monroe - wet sprinkler system.

● Appreciate the iterative process of getting information - ensuring everyone has been heard.

● Operating efficiencies - known or will that come later?

● Correlation between this project and student grades/performance - updated learning environments; making D200 a destination district.

● The continued growth in the number of students participating in the music/performing arts programs.

● Overhead power access in the lab classrooms - benefits, safety, teacher feedback.

● Student wellness consolidation centers encompass student health and well-being, which are important parts of this project. Explore doing something similar at the MS level as at the HS level for student emotional wellness spaces.

● Safety - besides sight lines, what else is built into the plans regarding safety?

● Each person exploring their “why” as to why they want to do this; is not a flip-the-switch question. How teaching and education have changed.

● Comprehensive process and a thorough document.

● Surveys of teachers and staff - the buildings and how they inhibit staff members.

● Teaching staff and wellness staff seem to be in different lands and unable to connect; addressing the whole student - physical and mental health. As you redesign and update spaces, build spaces where collaboration happens. Intentional related services - the process of going through extensive renovation will draw people inside.

The full concept package will be loaded to the website as will the project phasing document.


#1 Approval of AIA Document B101 Agreement with Perkins + Will

CUSD 200 began working with Perkins + Will in the mid-2010's. The engagement at that time was for the development of the 2016 Master Facility Plan. In early 2023, the administration re-engaged with Perkins + Will to discuss the development of a Middle School Capital Project plan. With support from the Board of Education, the administration moved forward with developing concept plans that have been shared with the Board of Education and the CUSD 200 community.

This agreement establishes a contractual working relationship between CUSD 200 and Perkins + Will (P + W). In addition, this agreement establishes the fee structure for services rendered, including a flat 7% Direct Cost of Work Fee for the Middle School Capital Projects (Monroe, Edison, and Franklin) that Perkins + Will has been developing for the Board of Education. The agreement has been reviewed by legal counsel representing the CUSD 200 Board of Education and was attached to the agenda for reference.

There were comments and/or questions on the following:

● What an AIA agreement is - standardized architectural agreement establishing/defining the services being required and the terms/pricing related to it.

● This agreement allows the District to move forward with Perkins + Will.

● Tweaking of language in the agreement with the legal team.

● Notes the responsibility of P + W, the responsibility of the Board/District, establishes the fee related to the cost of work.

● Flowthrough (consulting) costs, other consulting costs, and other items that are part of the schematic design (related to action #2).

● The potential number of referendum questions on the November ballot and competing with bids and contractors.

● The significant cost of delaying this process/phase.

● Work between P + W and D200 to date based on short-term agreeable action items and good faith conversations between both parties.

● 7% fee - typical fee for this service agreement?

● Participation/feedback from the community engagement sessions over the last few weeks; noted the original community engagement process in the fall as well.

● Spend/savings if the referendum is successful; if not, the District owns the design and could do the work over a longer period; The timing issue is critical.

● Losing efficiencies and economies of scale if we do not do the work on this timeline.

● Calculated risk with this step, however, noted the potential for the million dollars of cost avoidance and getting access to the resources while we can.

● Community feedback on providing clarity on what this is and on the cost - doing enough to make the community understand what we are doing is accurate; noted the amount of design work that will need to take place post-referendum.

● Concept plans used in 2016 - did not get as deep into the design process as we are now.

● Schematic design work (what has been done and what is remaining), design development, documentation, construction - we are very early on in the process and there is a lot of work to do; the work done to date focused primarily on the additions.

● This first action item is a master service agreement that establishes a rate, as well as the terms and conditions by which all other agreements are going to be governed; the second action item is the first statement of work underneath that master service agreement.

● Work being done by P + W is included in the 7% total - not going to be charged again for the work that is done.

● The master service agreement process is very common; items included in the second item - include a site survey, soil conditions, and existing building documentation.

● Trying to create an equitable environment for our kids across the four middle schools.

● Transferability if we do the enhanced schematic design with P + W and for whatever reason, use a different partner after that? This is not a common practice.

● Request to modify the motion noting “pending final attorney review”.

It was recommended that the Board of Education approve the AIA Document B101 Agreement between CUSD200 and Perkins + Will as presented.


Member Paulsen moved, Member Rutledge seconded to approve the AIA Document B101 Agreement between CUSD200 and Perkins + Will as presented pending final attorney review. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0.

#2 Approval of Enhanced Schematic Design Work with Perkins + Will

CUSD 200 has engaged Perkins + Will to serve as the architect of record for the Middle School Capital Projects. CUSD 200 began working with Perkins + Will in the mid-2010's. The engagement at that time was for the development of the 2016 Master Facility Plan.

In early 2023, the administration re-engaged with Perkins + Will to discuss the development of a Middle School Capital Project plan. With support from the Board of Education, the administration moved forward with developing concept plans that have been shared with the Board of Education and the CUSD 200 community.

This agreement allows for Perkins + Will to begin schematic design on all proposed new spaces (additions) that have been identified in the Middle School Capital Project Concept Designs. The timeframe for this work is mid-June 2024 through early November 2024. Beginning schematic design in the summer of 2024 will provide CUSD 200 with an opportunity to post public bids for the work in late spring of 2025 and begin construction in the fall of 2025. The cost for this service is broken down into three areas, which include professional fees for the schematic design work ($587,147), an estimate for reimbursable consultant fees that are a pass-through to CUSD 200 ($99,850), and an estimate for owner direct consulting fees, which flow directly to CUSD 200 ($212,508). The total for these three areas is $899,505. The agreement has been reviewed by legal counsel representing the CUSD 200 Board of Education and was attached to the agenda for reference.

There were comments and/or questions on the following:

● Related to discussion of action item #1.

● Should the District proceed and the referendum is not successful (noting the impact on the fund balance), can we offset that cost without a significant impact on academic programming?; the difficulty in predicting the budget a year from now, noting other variables that impact the budget that cannot fully be predicted; what $1M in cost containment would mean on the budget and 5-year forecast without impacting major academic programs.

● The detailed financial exercise each board member has been through as part of this project process; using the information provided to decide on whether to go forward.

It was recommended that the Board of Education approve the Schematic Design Professional Services Proposal between CUSD 200 and Perkins + Will as presented.


Member Paulsen moved, Member Long seconded to approve the Schematic Design Professional Services Proposal between CUSD 200 and Perkins + Will as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0.


Other Reports from Board Members

Board members noted visits to/participating in the following:

● Awesome graduations and honors assemblies

● Transition students receiving their diplomas

● Board members participating in various events/activities and being thanked by community members for their investment of time and service


Monthly Financial Reports

FOIA Report

Board Communication Log


FY25 Tentative Budget

Middle School Facilities Plans

There was a request to add the following topic for future discussion:

● Review of CAC bylaws and policies relative to the selection of new members

● Classified Staff Compensation

● Transition Center Facility - long-range plan (can be as part of a special education update)


July 10, 2024, 7:00 PM, School Service Center


The Placement of Individual Students in Special Education Programs and Other Matters Relating to Individual Students 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (10).


Member Kulovits moved, Member Paulsen seconded to adjourn the meeting to closed session for the purpose of 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (10). Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0. Action was expected following the closed session.

The meeting adjourned to Closed Session at 9:02 PM.


Member Hjerpe moved, Member Kulovits seconded to reconvene in Open Session. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0.

Roll call was taken, and all seven Board Members were present. The open session was reconvened at 9:18 PM.


Action on Uniform Grievance Appeal U2023-24-03

The Board is charged with making a decision and taking action on a Uniform Grievance complaint. The Board, in Closed Session, reviewed the Uniform Grievance investigative report and relevant documents submitted by the Complaint Manager.

It was recommended that the Board approve the Uniform Grievance appeal recommendation determined in Closed Session for U2023-24-03.


Member Hanlon moved, Member Paulsen seconded to approve the Uniform Grievance (UG) appeal recommendation determined in Closed Session for U2023-24-03. Based upon the Board’s consideration of the written appeal as well as the information submitted related to the UG U2023-24-03 investigation, that the Board affirm the Superintendent’s decision dated May 30, 2024. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0.



There being no further business to come before the Board in Open Session, Member Long moved, Member Kulovits seconded to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice call being taken, all were in favor. The motion carried 7-0.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.
