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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Grayville Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met July 17

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Fafsa Night for Grayville Seniors: Representatives from IECC and ISAC (Illinois Student Assistance Commission) helped Grayville senior students apply for college financial aid. | Grayville CUSD #1 | Facebook

Fafsa Night for Grayville Seniors: Representatives from IECC and ISAC (Illinois Student Assistance Commission) helped Grayville senior students apply for college financial aid. | Grayville CUSD #1 | Facebook

Grayville Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met July 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


A regular meeting was called to order at 6:03 P.M. by Stephanie Hatcher.


x Browning 

x Hatcher 

x Trimble

AB Campbell 

x Rhinehart

AB Hall 

x Risley

Others Present:

x McCollum 

x Fetcho 

x Morris

Guests in attendance included: Megan Raber, Torin Lee


● Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - Regular Meeting Minutes

● Destroy Closed Session Audio Tapes Older Than 18 Months

● Bills

Financial Reports

Transportation Report

Motion by Risley, second by Trimble to approve the consent agenda.

Roll Call:

x Browning 

x Hatcher 

x Trimble

AB Campbell 

x Rhinehart

AB Hall 

x Risley

There being 5 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.


A. Recognition of Visitors / Public Comments:

B. Board Members

C. Staff-Administrative Reports

Mr. Fetcho: Solar Project still moving forward. Equipment has been ordered for the project. Keystone is waiting on Ameren to finalize the Interconnect Agreement. Working with Lion Electric to see what the best options are moving forward with the award of the Electric Bus Grant. Lion Electric quoted 2 buses for $690,000 and two chargers for $37,000. We are waiting on Ameren for the cost of installing the chargers. Mr. Fetcho is looking into IRS tax credit for the buses. We have till October 1 to make a decision to accept the grant. The playground project at Wells is moving along. Playground Boss quoted a pour in place surface for $14,700. Carters quoted site prep only. They said we will need to get 12 to 15 dumpsters to get rid of the old black material. We will also need field dirt to level out the area at a cost $8,700. The board said to go with Playground Boss since they will be installing the playground equipment. 

Mr. McCollum: Board goals need to be finalized at the next month's meeting. Mr. McCollum is working on a 21st Century Grant. This grant will help with enrichment and after school tutoring programs. The IAR test scores were reviewed. Main focus this coming school year is to increase the math scores. Chromebooks were ordered at a cost of $29,000. IHSA is making shot clocks mandatory by the 2026 school year. Mr. McCollum discussed with the board his interest in hiring a school resource officer/truancy officer. Funding for a school resource officer/truancy officer can be used with the TORT fund. The board agreed to have Mr. McCollum pursue both options and bring to the board of his findings.


1. Motion to Approve Board Goals for 2024-2025

Motion by Risley, second by Trimble to Approve Board Goals for 2024-2025.

Roll Call:

x Risley 

AB Campbell 

x Rhinehart

x Trimble 

AB Hall

x Browning 

x Hatcher

There being 5 yeas and 0 nays, the motion did not carry.

2. Motion to Reinstate the Working Cash Fund

Motion by Risley, second by Rhinehart to Reinstate the Working Cash Fund.

Roll Call:

x Rhinehart 

x Browning 

x Hatcher

x Risley 

AB Campbell

x Trimble 

AB Hall

There being 5 yeas and 0 nay, the motion carried.

3. Motion to Approve FY 24/25 Tentative Budget

Motion by Risley, second by Browning to Approve FY 24/25 Tentative Budget.

Roll Call:

x Risley 

AB Campbell 

x Rhinehart

x Trimble 

AB Hall

x Browning 

x Hatcher

There being 5 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.


Matters relating to:

1. Personnel Performance, Appointment & Compensation

2. Negotiations

3. Student Discipline

Motion Trimble, second by Risley to enter into closed session at 6:28 P.M.

Roll Call:

x Hatcher 

x Risley 

AB Hall

x Trimble 

x Browning

x Rhinehart 

AB Campbell

There being 5 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.

Motion by Trimble, second by Rhinehart that the Board return to open session at 7:13 P.M. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


4. Motion to Hire Paraprofessional

Motion by Trimble, second by Browning to Hire Whitney Short as Paraprofessional.

Roll Call:

x Rhinehart 

x Browning 

x Hatcher

x Risley 

AB Campbell

x Trimble 

AB Hall

There being 5 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.

5. Motion to Approve FY24 Salary and Benefits Report

Motion by Risley, second by Browning to Approve FY24 Salary and Benefits Report.

Roll Call:

x Trimble 

AB Hall 

x Risley

x Browning 

x Hatcher

AB Campbell 

x Rhinehart

There being 5 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.


Motion by Trimble, second by Rhinehart to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 P.M.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
