CUSD 201 Board of Education Members From left: Whitney Rogers, Carlos Hevia, Jessica Radogno, Adina Hoover, Kevin Marren, Angela Steketee, Leah Conover | Community Unit School District 201 Website
CUSD 201 Board of Education Members From left: Whitney Rogers, Carlos Hevia, Jessica Radogno, Adina Hoover, Kevin Marren, Angela Steketee, Leah Conover | Community Unit School District 201 Website
Community Unit School District #201 Board of Education met Aug. 13.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
CALL TO ORDER On August 13, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. President Hoover called to order the regular meeting of the Community Unit School District 201 Board of Education
Roll Call Members Present: Adina Hoover, Jessica Radogno, Carlos Hevia, Angela Steketee, Kevin Marren, Leah Conover, Whitney Rogers entered at 7:18 p.m.
Also present: Superintendent Jack Baldermann, Business Manager, Anthony Ruelli, the Superintendent’s Administrative Assistant, Shannon Cossairt
Pledge of Allegiance Adina Hoover led the Assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The public hearing regarding the proposed Resolution to Renew the e-Learning program in lieu of the District’s Scheduled Emergency Days at 7:01 p.m.
The President asks if there are any additional comments from the Board regarding the proposed resolution. There are no questions.
The President asks if there are any comments from the public concerning the proposed resolution. There are no additional comments.
The President declared that the Public Hearing on the proposed resolution closed at 7:02 p.m.
No public comment at this time.
Motion by Ms. Steketee, second by Ms.Conover, to approve the minutes of the July 16, 2024, regular meeting of the Board of Education, as presented.
Ayes: Hoover, Radogno, Hevia, Steketee, Marren, Conover
Nays: None.
Motion Carried.
July 16, 2024 - Closed
Motion by Ms. Radogno, second by Mr. Marren, to approve the minutes of the closed session of the June 18, 2024, regular meeting of the Board of Education, as presented.
Ayes: Hoover, Radogno, Hevia, Steketee, Marren, Conover
Nays: None
Motion Carried.
August 1, 2024 - Special Motion by Ms. Radogno, second by Mr. Marren, to approve the minutes of the August 1, 2024, special meeting of the Board of Education, as presented.
Ayes: Hoover, Radogno, Hevia, Steketee, Marren, Conover
Nays: None
Motion Carried.
Motion by Ms. Conover, second by Ms. Conover, to approve the consent agenda as presented:
1. Personnel Recommendations:
● Lesly Navar, Attendance Secretary, WHS
● Patrick Hunt, Teaching Assistant
● Hedit Leon, Parent Liaison
2. Ratification of July 2024 Regular Payroll
3. Approval of August 2024 Expenditure Report
4. Appointment of Hearing Officer
5. Approval of Student Tour Requests
6. Renewal of School Status Contract
Ayes: Radogno, Conover, Hevia, Marren, Steketee, Hoover
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
Tentative 2024-2025 Budget Anthony Ruelli, CSBO, reviewed the tentative budget for the 24-25 school year with the Board. His presentation included:
● Purpose of the Budget
● Budget Requirement
● Budget 101
● 2023-24/FY-24 Revenues by Fund
● 2023-24/FY24 Expenditures by Funds
● Unaudited FY24
● Operating Funds - Historical Budget
● Fiscal Year 2024-25 (FY25)
● FY 25 Revenue Assumptions
● FY 25 Budget Revenue
● FY 25 Total Revenue
● FY 25 Expenditure Assumptions
● FY 25 Budget Expenditures
● FY 25 Total Expenditures
● 2024-25 FY 25 Fiscal Year Budget
● Summary and Next Step The budget will be presented to the Board for approval on September 24, 2024.
The budget will be presented to the Board for approval on September 24, 2024.
Recap of Facility Planning Committee Meetings
The Board discussed the information reviewed at the Facilities Planning Committee meetings. The District has feedback from the community members through the consulting firm, EOSullivan. The Board discusses when they will go for referendum on the ballot and for how much. It is agreed they will ask for a referendum in November 2024 and ask for $74,600,000. The item will be presented for approval during this meeting
1. Approval of Tentative 2024-2025 Budget
Motion by Ms. Conover, second by Mr. Marren, to approve the Tentative 2024-2025 Budget as presented, and that said budget will be available for public inspection in the District's Business Office from August 14, 2024, until Board adoption on Tuesday, September 24, 2024.
Ayes: Conover, Hevia, Marren, Rogers, Steketee, Hoover Radogno
Nays: None
Motion Carried
2. Approval of Resolution for Renewal of E-learning Program in Lieu of Emergency Days
Motion by Ms. Steketee, second by Ms. Rogers, to approve the Resolution for Renewal of e-Learning Program in Lieu of Emergency Days, as presented.
Ayes: Hevia, Marren, Rogers, Steketee, Hoover, Radogno, Conover
Nays: None.
Motion Carried
3. Resolution providing for and requiring the submission of the proposition of issuing not to exceed $75,000,000 School Building Bonds to the voters of the District at the general election to be held on the 5th day of November, 2024. Counseling
Motion by Ms. Radogno, second by Ms. Conover, to approve the Resolution providing for and requiring the submission of the proposition of issuing $74,600,000.00 School Building Bonds to the voters of Community Unit School District Number 201, DuPage County, Illinois, at the general election to be held on the 5th day of November, 2024.
Ayes: Marren, Rogers, Steketee, Hoover, Radogno, Conover, Hevia
Nays: None.
Motion Carried.
Superintendent Baldermann reported he met with the teachers and welcomed back the staff. They were positive and ready to welcome back the students.The theme is we are becoming one of the premier districts in the country. Student to Teacher trust is a number one barometer for that. We have celebrated the growth and we will now build on it.
FOIA Request
None at this time.
The consolidated election has moved up dates by a month. There will be four open seats for CUSD 201 School Board in April. You can download the application now, but start circulating for signatures August 20, 2024. Candidates can file petitions from November 12-18, 2024.
First Day of School for Students
August 14, 2024
WHS Open House
August 28, 6:30 pm
Miller Curriculum Night
August 29, 5:00 pm
Manning Curriculum Night
August 29, 6:15 pm
No School - Labor Day
September 2
WJHS Curriculum Night
September 5, 6:00 pm
CUSD 201 Regular Board Meeting
September 10, 6:30 pm
No public comment at this time.
Motion by Mr. Hevia, second by Ms. Conover, to enter closed session to discuss personnel issues, student discipline, possible lititgation, sale or lease or real property, and conduct a Board Self-Evaluation with an IASB Representative.
Ayes: Rogers, Steketee, Hoover, Radogno, Conover, Hevia, Marren
Nays: None.
Motion Carries.
The Board entered closed session at 8:04 p.m.
The Board returned to open session at 9:44 p.m.
None at this time.
Motion by Ms. Conover, second by Ms. Steketee, to adjourn the August 13, 2024, regular meeting of the Board of Education at 9:44 p.m.
Motion unanimously passed.$file/8.13.24%20Regular%20Minutes.pdf