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Norris City Omaha Enfield Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Sept. 18

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Norris City-Omaha Elementary School | Norris City-Omaha-Enfield CUSD

Norris City-Omaha Elementary School | Norris City-Omaha-Enfield CUSD

Norris City Omaha Enfield Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Sept. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The public hearing of the Board of Education of Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Community Unit School District No. 3 was held on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at the District Office. The meeting was called to order by President Joe Lane at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present- Matt McArthy, Frank Graves, Rhonda Forston (via phone), Heath Rush, Joe Lane, and Mike Hite. Absent- Kyle Hoskins.

Others in Attendance- Matt Vollman, Superintendent; David Reavis, Principal; Brad Wehlermann, Principal; Carla Carter, Principal; Jessica Jackson, Treasurer; Mayor Skip Land.

The budget for FY 2025 was presented for submission to the Board.

Public Comment: none.

Motion to approve the budget for submission to the Board by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to Adjourn Public Hearing at 7:10 p.m. by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Unanimous vote. Motion carried.

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Community Unit School District No. 3 was held on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at the District Office. The meeting was called to order by President Joe Lane at 7:10 p.m.

Roll Call: Present- Matt McArthy, Frank Graves, Rhonda Forston (via phone), Heath Rush, Joe Lane, and Mike Hite. Absent- Kyle Hoskins.

Others in Attendance: Matt Vollman, Superintendent; Carla Carter, Principal; David Reavis, Principal; Brad Wehlermann, Principal; Jessica Jackson, Treasurer; Mayor Skip Land.

Motion to approve the FY 25 Budget as presented by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to approve Minutes for August 2024 Regular and Closed by Joe Lane. Second by Mike Hite. Unanimous vote. Motion Carried.

Motion to approve the Bills by Matt McArthy. Second by Frank Graves. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Superintendent Report:

Matt Vollman-

-Update on the tennis court project. Estimating the project to be finished in about 3 weeks.

Principal Reports:

High School/Mr. Wehlermann-

-98.2% attendance.

-Dave Gray Cross Country Invitational is tomorrow.

-October 17 and 22 are parent teacher conferences.

-October25 and 26 is the drama clubs dinner theater and tickets are on sale for $30.

NCOE Elementary/Mr. Reavis:

-8th grade night for baseball and softball.

-NCOE hosting the jr high baseball Regional starting September 24.

-Jr high cross country teams are doing well. Winning several first place awards.

-October 17 and 18 are parent teacher conferences.

-5th grade visited Pioneer Days.

NCOE Elementary/Mrs. Carter:

-Exciting news- Prek has been awarded the Gold Circle from the State. This is the first time for Gold and it is extremely hard to achieve. She thanked the staff that worked so hard for this- Angie Nelson, Jenny Ridge, Cindy Ragan, Kendra Kelley, and Lisa Prather.

-Every student from K-8 has completed benchmark testing as part of the school improvement plan.

Motion to approve the Booth Trust monthly report with a balance of $46,961.10 by Matt McArthy. Second by Heath Rush. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to approve the Resolution for the Transfer of Real Estate from Norris City Omaha Enfield CUSD #3 to the Village of Enfield by Matt McArthy. Second by Mike Hite. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried. Resolution to follow these minutes.

Audit report wasn't received. No Action.

Six Day Enrollment reviewed. No Action.

Motion to Approve the EIS Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report SY 2024 by Joe Lane. Second by Mike Hite. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Bus Bid for 2026 Blue Bird, 71 Passenger, $129,270.00.

Motion to approve the purchase of 3 new buses by Matt McArthy. Second by Frank Graves. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to replace the baseball field fencing and backstop by Matt McArthy. Second by Frank Graves. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Public Input:

-Mayor Land shared improvements that are being made at Beaty Field- new restrooms, concession stand, lights. Discussed a possible lease between the school and the city for Beaty Field to give assurance that the school would always be able to use the field and to protect any improvements the school helps with.

Motion to accept the resignation of Skylar Morss, aide, by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Unanimous vote. Motion Carried.

Motion to accept the retirement of Jana Johnson at the end of the school year by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Unanimous vote. Motion Carried.

Motion to accept retirement of Vicky Dobson at the end of the school year by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Unanimous vote. Motion Carried.

Motion to adjourn at 8:32 p.m. by Mike Hite. Second by Joe Lane. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.
