
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Carmi City Council met Oct. 15

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Abby Weiss, Vice President | City of Carmi

Abby Weiss, Vice President | City of Carmi

City of Carmi City Council met Oct. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Carmi City Council held the regular monthly council meeting in City Hall on October 15, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

Prior to opening the council meeting, Mayor Pollard asked Alderman Winkleman to give the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Pollard presided with the following Alderpersons present: Steve Winkleman, Mark W. Blake, Tracy Nelson, Lacey Bradshaw, Mike Knight, Doug Hays, Jeremy Courson, and Sheila Headlee.

The minutes from the October 1, 2024 council meeting were presented. Motion was made by Alderperson Hays and seconded by Alderperson Courson to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

The September 2024 Financial Reports for the City of Carmi and Light & Water Departments were presented for approval. Alderperson Headlee made a motion to approve the Financial Reports with a second by Alderperson Winkleman. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

The vendor invoices for October 2024 were presented for authorization and approval for the City of Carmi and Light & Water Departments. Alderperson Winkleman made a motion to approve the vendor invoices for October 2024 with a second by Alderperson Headlee. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Prior to opening the meeting, Mayor Pollard invited Greg Stewart, City Attorney, to discuss ditches and easements. Mr. Stewart began by discussing whose responsibility it is to maintain the ditches that are on private property. Mr. Stewart stated that “Maintaining these privately owned ditches can be a serious liability as well as being very costly to the homeowner. However, the City of Carmi has to keep public and private land separate. The cost as well as the liability the City could potentially ensue would be price-prohibiting for the City to maintain. Another problem would be once you started clearing and maintaining ditches, where would you be able to draw the line. The end synopsis to the ditch maintenance is to keep separate private versus public property. If you are a private landowner, then it is your responsibility and expense to keep your land up.” Alderperson Headlee said there were a lot of elderly people who were not able to clear out the ditch to maintain it, then it erodes and takes their yard away. Alderperson Headlee was not in agreement with the end result that the homeowner is responsibility for their ditches.

Mr. Stewart also touched briefly on the easements of the City. The City is upgrading utility lines, sewer lines as well as water lines. Some of the areas our lines are in, do have an easement but some of them are so old that no easement was ever granted. In order for the City of Carmi to access private property to upgrade our utility system, we must have an easement from the landowner. During the last few water line upgrades, several easements have been executed between the landowner and the City of Carmi. If you, as a landowner, are contacted regarding an easement, it is for the betterment of our municipality to implement an easement between the homeowner and the City of Carmi.

For council consideration, discussion, and possible approval

Opening and possibly accepting bids for the Carmi Public Library roof. Holly Healy, City Administrator, received two sealed bids. The first was from Trico Roofing for $38,300 which included the certificate of liability insurance and all required documents. The second bid was from Veteran Roofing for $39,896.55 but did not include the certificate of insurance. Gayle Lane, Librarian, discussed the roof was approximately13 years old. Discussion was had regarding if the current roof had a warranty with it. More information will be obtained by the library regarding warranty on the roof as well as waiting to see what insurance is going to pay. The accepting of the bid was tabled by Alderperson Winkleman until more information could be obtained. The motion was seconded by Alderperson Nelson. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Opening and possibly accepting bids for the sale of surplus property. City Administrator, Holly Healy, read the parcels that were put out for bids as well as the bids received:

614 2nd St. Parcel 1313132002 NO BID

604 2nd St. Parcel 1313132006 NO BID

509 W. Sycamore Parcel 1313153002 1 Bid for $321.65 by Scott R. Howard Alderperson Headlee made a motion to accept the bid with a 2nd by Alderperson Courson. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering yes.

515 Smith St. Parcel 1313161001 1 Bid for $503.99 by Robert Brooks. Alderperson Headlee made a motion to accept the bid with a 2nd by Alderperson Knight. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering yes.

611 2nd St. Parcel 1313131011 1 bid for $628.21 by Rebecca Brashier. Alderperson Winkleman made a motion to accept the bid with a 2nd by Alderperson Blake. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering yes.

507 1st St. Parcel 1313178015 NO BID

606-1/2 Sycamore Parcel 1313106011 NO BID

514 2nd St. Parcel 1313178001 NO BID

805 3rd St. Parcel 1313126018 1 bid for $555.00 by Peyton Turrentine. Alderperson Headlee made a motion to accept the bid with a 2nd by Alderperson Knight. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering yes.

509 2nd St. Parcel 1313177020 NO BID

707 1st St. Parcel 1313128021 NO BID

713 1st St. Parcel 1313120018 NO BID

706 1st St. Parcel 1313129006 NO BID

708 1ST St. Parcel 1313129005 NO BID

710 1ST St. Parcel 1313129095 NO BID

712 1ST St. Parcel 1313129003 NO BID

No address Parcel 1418106004 2 bids: Robert Brooks for $353.99 and Bryan Attebury for $1002.00. Alderperson Headlee made a motion to accept the bid by Attebury for $1002.00 with a 2nd by Alderperson Blake. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes”.

Ordinance No. 1638; An ordinance establishing and updating the Personnel Policy for the City of Carmi & Carmi Light and Water. Alderperson Headlee made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 1638 with a second by Alderperson Hays. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Ordinance No. 1639; An ordinance outlining employment procedures for the City of Carmi. Alderperson Winkleman made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 1639 with a second by Alderperson Bradshaw. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Resolution 10.14.24; A resolution to open a checking account for the Carmi Fire Department. Mayor Pollard invited Fire Chief, Daniel Ballard, to the podium. Chief Ballard stated the Fire Department had received a donation of approximately $220,000 from an anonymous source. Chief Ballard stated “The CFD covers 210 square miles in the county going from where the Little Wabash flows into the big Wabash half mile north of I-64 at Burnt Prairie. In that area, we have a lot of farmland and woods the present equipment will not take care of. The anonymous donor reached out to myself wanting to donate some money to help alleviate this problem. I went to them with on a very large scale letting them know the City has taken care of us. This individual owns property and this is something they want to help with. I did explain that if there were to be a fire on the property, we would not be able to properly take care of it and I began to list the things that would be needed which include a brush truck, side by side, etc. After the discussion, the donor reached back out and is wanting to give the City of Carmi Fire Department a $220,000 donation to purchase the equipment. Quote for two pickup trucks, one to turn into a brush truck and another to pull a trailer with the side by side, the trailer for the side by side as well as the side by side, some small tanks, motors, pumps etc. were obtained locally. I immediately received a check for $195,400 which the City Clerk, Cynthia Attebury, has locked in the safe. Once the equipment is received, the donor will write another check to the City of Carmi Fire Department for lights, sirens, communication, and lettering to put on the vehicles. City Attorney Stewart said that spending that amount of money, might need to go through the state bidding process as a municipality is only allowed to spend up to $25,000 without accepting bids. If the donor purchases the items for the Fire Department, then they possibly would not be quality for tax exemption. After a brief discussion, City Attorney Stewart will research the requirements for a restricted donation. In the meantime, the checking account does need to be established to be ready to distribute the funds. Alderperson Hays made a motion to pass Resolution 10.14.24, a resolution to open a checking account for the Carmi Fire Department. The motion was seconded by Alderperson Nelson. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Change Order #24-073-01—Project Highway 11 – 1000 East Watermain Replacement for an increase of $174.00. Alderperson Hays made a motion to approve the above-noted change over. The motion was seconded by Alderperson Winkleman. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Pay Request: Wiggs Excavating, Inc. $86,084.30 for the Hwy 11-1000 E. Watermain Replacement (pays from NEU funds). Alderperson Hays made a motion for the pay request to Wiggs Excavating, Inc. for $86,084.30. Alderperson Blake seconded the motion. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Pay Request: Brown and Roberts, Inc. $8,722.84 work on Hwy 11—1000 E Watermain Replacement (Pays from Carmi Light and Water). Alderperson Winkleman made a motion to approve the pay request to Brown and Roberts, Inc. for $8,722.84. The motion was seconded by Alderperson Hays. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Contractor’s Pay Estimate #1 to Wiggs Excavating, Inc. for $152,656.55 for the Water System Imp. DCEO Rebuild Illinois – Contract A Watermain & PRS (Pays from Rebuild Illinois Grant). Alderperson Headlee made a motion to approve the above contractor’s pay estimate with a second by Alderperson Hays. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Contractor’s Pay Estimate #4 to Trikote, LLC $37,406.25 for the Water System Imp. DCEO Rebuild Illinois – Contract B Water Tank Painting (Pays from Rebuild Illinois Grant). Alderperson Courson made a motion to approve the above contractor’s pay estimate with a second by Alderperson Bradshaw. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Construction Engineering Bill #1 Brown and Roberts, Inc. for $10,660.00 for the Water System Imp. DCEO Rebuild Illinois – Contract A Watermain and PRS (Pays from Rebuild Illinois Grant). Alderperson Bradshaw made a motion to approve the construction engineering bill #1 Brown and Roberts with a second by Alderperson Hays. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Construction Engineering Bill #4 Brown and Roberts, Inc. $910 from the Water System Imp. DCEO Rebuild Illinois – Contract B Water Tank Painting (Pays from Rebuild Illinois Grant). Alderperson Courson made a motion to approve the construction engineering bill #4 Brown and Roberts, Inc. with a second by Alderperson Headlee. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

IDOT Letter of Understanding 2nd cell service for traffic signal system. Alderperson Headlee made a motion to approve the IDOT Letter of Understanding 2nd cell service for traffic signal system. Motion was seconded by Alderperson Courson. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Invoice from Conger & Elliott Prof. Corp. for $110.00 for the preparation of Rosebud easements (payable from TIF 2). Alderperson Courson made a motion to approve the Conger & Elliott invoice. The motion was seconded by Alderperson Bradshaw. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Invoice for White County Clerk & Recorder for $62.00 – Easement filing for Rosebud Project (Serafini Easement – Payable from TIF 2). Alderperson Headlee made a motion to approve paying the Serafini easement filing fee with a second by Alderperson Winkleman. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Invoice for White County Clerk & Recorder for $62.00 – Easement filing for Rosebud Project (Weal Drilling Easement – Payable from TIF 2). Alderperson Courson made a motion to approve the Weal Drilling Easement filing fee with a second by Alderperson Headlee. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Invoice for White County Clerk & Recorder for $62.00 – Easement filing for Rosebud Project (Bryant Easement – Payable from TIF 2). Alderperson Headlee made a motion to approve the Bryant Easement filing fee with a second by Alderperson Courson. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Accept low bid for Rosebud watermain project (Project uses NUE and TIF 2 funds). Alderperson Courson made a motion to accept the Wiggs Exc. Bid for $212,332.00. Alderperson Nelson second the motion. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Resolution 10.15.24; A resolution of the City of Carmi, IL adopting the 2024 White County Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Plan. City Administrator, Holly Healy, explained the reasoning for approving this resolution; “If we have a natural disaster in our area and we have not approved the Multi-Jurisdictional Multi-Hazard Plan, the City of Carmi would not be eligible for any state or federal funding.” Alderperson Headlee made a motion to approve the above-noted resolution. Alderperson Bradshaw second the motion. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Resolution 10.16.24; A resolution to close the Hillsdale Area Water Project checking account. Alderperson Courson made a motion to approve the above-stated resolution due to project completion. Alderperson Bradshaw second the motion. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Resolution 10.17.24; A resolution authorizing the transfer of TIF funds from TIF 1 to TIF 2. Originally Alderperson Bradshaw made the motion to approve the above-stated resolution with the second by Alderperson Hays. The motion carried on roll call but Alderperson Bradshaw rescinded her motion due to being an employee of Kyle Hosick Financial Services, LLC (which is who the resolution pertains to). Therefore, Alderperson Hays made a motion to approve Resolution 10.17.24 with a second by Alderperson Headlee. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes” except for Alderperson Bradshaw who abstained.

Resolution 10.18.24; A resolution setting the petty cash spending limit for the Carmi Police Department at the US Postal Service. Alderperson Headlee said when the petty cash amount was set, the Police Department was not taken into consideration as they send several certified mailings out per month. Therefore, the petty cash amount was raised from $25 to $50 for the Police Department only. Alderperson Headlee made a motion to approve Resolution 10.18.24 with a second by Alderperson Courson. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”

Reports and/or updates from Mayor Pollard

Mayor Pollard thanked the Kiwanis and City of Carmi employees for another great Corn Day.

Reports from Standing Committees

Alderperson Winkleman also thanked the City of Carmi and all Kiwanians for their help in another successful Corn Day.

Business or Comments from Visitors


Closed Session to discuss personnel and property issues with action to follow:



At 6:38 p.m. Alderperson Courson made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Alderperson Headlee. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderperson present answering “yes.”
