John Chapman, Hamilton County Board Chairman | Hamilton County Website
John Chapman, Hamilton County Board Chairman | Hamilton County Website
Hamilton County Board met Nov. 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call of Board Members
4. Approval of Prior Board Minutes
a. October 15, 2024 Regular Hamilton County Board Meeting
b. November 7, 2024 Special Hamilton County Board Meeting
5. Public Comment
a. Erik Larson & Zach Lawrie with Tenaska
b. Mary Anne Hopfinger
1. Treasurer’s Report: written monthly report submitted by Sarah Hall
2. Sheriff’s Department Report: Sheriff Tracy Lakin
3. County Clerk & Recorder’s Update: Heather Bowman
4. EMA Report: Ashton Middendorf, EMA Director
5. ETSB Board Report: Dorothy Smith, ETSB Chairman
6. Health Department Report:
7. Animal Control Update:
8. Ambulance Service Update:
9. Administrative Services Report: Bellwether, LLC
1. Accept checks from the Hamilton County Health Department for the month of October, 2024. Salaries: $9213.00 Fringes: $965.03 Insurance: $1,199.81.
2. Accept check # 7975 in the amount of $285.00 from the Hamilton County Health Department for reimbursement of Kunce Managed Services through the end of November 2024.
3. Accept check # _________ in the amount of $4,166.67 from the City of McLeansboro per the Central Dispatching agreement for the month of October 2024.
4. Accept check #9905459609 in the amount of $20,000.00 from the Center for Technology and Civic Life in accordance with the 2024 Rural and Nonmetro Election Infrastructure Grant.
5. Accept check # 6010784 from Hamilton County Coal, LLC in the amount of $179,374.97 for the product of leases dated 11/01/2007, 12/01/2007, and 11/01/2008.
6. Review the Hamilton County Unit #10 1% school facilities tax schedule in the amount of $47,844.04.
7. Review the Hamilton County Public Safety Tax Payment received in the amount of $48,005.85. This is liability MO- Aug 2024, Collected MO- Sept 2024 Vouchered MO- Nov 2024.
8. Accept check # 1704 in the amount of $1,750.00 and issue Class C Liquor License to Reegan & Holly Schuster, D/B/A The Liquor Hut, LLC for a (6) month period to expire on May 31, 2025.
9. Accept check # 5583 in the amount of $1,750.00 and issue Class C Liquor License to Ryan Rubenacker, D/B/A Rube’s Liquor Locker, Inc for a (6) month period to expire on May 31, 2025.
10. Issue a letter for “Local Authority Approval” to the Hamilton County Chamber for their 7th Annual HamCo Food & Brew Fest event planned for March 1, 2025 at the Big Red Barn.
1. Discussion and possible approval: The request from Circuit Clerk Beth Sandusky for $2,800.00 from line item #1123 to cover all expenses for the County Christmas Dinner.
2. Discussion and possible approval: A transfer of $20,000 to the Hamilton County Government Payroll account for cash flow purposes.
3. Discussion and possible approval: FY25 Cyber Liability Insurance renewal with Cowbell Insurance Company. Total annual premium $9,369.00.
4. Discussion and possible approval: The list of recommended changes for FY25 submitted by the Insurance Committee from their November 13, 2024 meeting.
5. Discussion and possible approval: Ordinance #2024-11-01 pertaining to the revised language for the Recording office fees per Public Act 103-0884.
6. Discussion and possible approval: The FY25 Budget Ordinance #2024-11-02. 7. Discussion and possible approval: The FY25 Appropriation Ordinance #2024-11-03. 8. Discussion and possible approval: The FY25 Levy Ordinance #2024-11-04.
9. Discussion and possible approval: The date for the Hamilton County Board Re-Organizational Meeting to be held in December.
10. Discussion and possible approval: the Claims List, Late Claims and Highway Claims with signatures of approval.
11. Discussion and possible approval: Resolution #2024-11-01 Agreement for the County Engineer’s Salary.
12. Discussion and possible approval: Resolution #2024-11-02 Appropriating funds for the payment of the County Engineer’s Salary.
13. Approve the re-appointment of Beth Sandusky to the Discover Downstate Tourism Board for a (2) year term to expire January 1, 2027.
14. Approve the re-appointment of Dylan Bowling to the Discover Downstate Tourism Board for a (2) year term to expire January 1, 2027.
Reminder: The annual County Christmas Dinner to be held on Friday, December 13th at 6:00 p.m.