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Village of Smithton Committee of a Whole met October 22.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Mayor Smallwood called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at Village Hall. Trustees Becherer, Rogers, Elbe, Hopkins, and Reyling were in attendance. Trustee Mourey was absent.
KNAB ROAD CULVERT REPLACEMENT – The low bid for the project was discussed. Removing metal culverts, seeding, fertilizer, mulch, and hot mx asphalt surfacing ($18,850) were considered. Everyone agreed to remove these items and execute the contract at the next regular board meeting. It was suggested to do this work, if possible, during the Christmas break so there is no conflict with the school buses and school traffic when the road is closed for the project. Mayor Smallwood stated that he will get with Administrator Liyeos and ask him to reach out to the grade school, high school, Fire Department and Waste Management trash service and let them know about this project and road closures.
AMBULANCE SERVICE – Partnering with Millstadt and bringing ambulance services to Smithton was discussed again. We are waiting for some additional information from Millstadt before discussions continue. Trustee Becherer stated that we should look at the ESDA and Park funds for revenue for this project.
BALLFIELD LIGHTS –We have been receiving bids from boring companies. It was determined that we will be ready to vote on a boring company at the next regular board meeting.
BRIA PROPERTY – Mayor Smallwood will reach out to Payne and have him list the property for 90 days.
SOLAR PANELS – The Board reviewed the guidelines for solar panels. There was concern about whether companies are getting permits from the Village. It was mentioned that our code enforcement officer could ask if a permit has been obtained when he sees installation of solar panels at a property.
Trustee Rogers made a motion which was seconded by Trustee Elbe to adjourn. All Trustees were in favor. The motion was granted. The meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.