
SE Illinois News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carrier Mills-Stonefort Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met Oct. 28

Webp 8

Melissa Kuhlmann, GS Principal | Carrier Mills-Stonefort CUSD #2

Melissa Kuhlmann, GS Principal | Carrier Mills-Stonefort CUSD #2

Carrier Mills-Stonefort Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met Oct. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I) Call to Order by: Mr. Scott Figg at 6:47 p.m.

II) Roll Call by: Mr. Clay Nolen

Present: Issac Craig, Rhonda Felty, Scott Figg, Ryan Lewis, Clay Nolen, Katie Whiting.

Absent: Derek Field.

III) Recognition of Visitors: Mrs. Beth Horn.

IV) Approve Consent Agenda: Motion by Mr. Craig, 2nd by Mrs. Whiting.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Field.

V) Reports

A) High School Principal Report – Mr. Jerrell

Mr. Jerrell reported that the concession stand/outdoor restroom project at the High School baseball field has now been completed. Altogether the project cost us: $102,060 (Site Work/Concrete- $19,680.00, Framing/Exterior Sheeting- $19,740.00, Insulation, Doors/Window including all hardware- $17,390.00, Interior Finishes including counter top and 4 base cabinets- $19,350.00, Upper Cabinets- $2,800.00, Plumbing (Mike Kidd)- $10,500.00, and Electric (Martin Electric)- $12,600.00).

Mr. Jerrell also reported that the Lady Wildcats Volleyball team finished their regular season with a 22-6 record. They will begin IHSA Regional play the week of October 28 in the NCOE Regional. The Cross Country team will compete in the IHSA Regional on October 26 in the Massac County Regional.

B) Grade School Principals Report – Mrs. Kuhlmann

Mr. Kuhlmann reported that the building leadership team worked to finalize plans for the veteran’s program and the fall field trip to Glen O Jones, as well as homecoming spirit week and red ribbon week. The team also worked on plans for Christmas events for the elementary school including the movie field trip, Christmas program, Santa visit, and the Grinch visit.

Mrs. Kuhlmann explained that on Wednesday, October 2, students were dismissed at 12:00 for a teacher in-service. Teachers met with Mrs. Kuhlmann to receive an update on the district leadership team plan. They were updated on star scores, as well as current attendance. Teachers also discussed working with their grade group teachers to develop TIPS/family engagement activities for each month beginning in January. This activity is part of the district leadership team plan to improve family involvement at the school and thereby attendance. Currently 42 students at the elementary school have received a 1st letter for truancy which is sent when a student has missed 5 days of school. 1 student has received a 2nd truancy letter for missing 10 days or more.

VI) Action Items

A) Consider the Extension of Kemper CPA Group, LLP.

Mr. Jerrell explained that in a normal year, the Kemper CPA Group would have our annual audit completed by the October Board meeting. Each year we have an Action Item accepting their Annual Financial Report. However, Kemper has sent a letter to the Regional Office of Education #20 requesting a 60-day extension for filing our audit this year. Our Annual Financial Review (AFR) must be submitted to the Regional Office of Education Superintendent by October 15 of each year, unless the auditor requests an extension, which they have done again this year. I have included a copy of their letter to the ROE. For us, this just means we will approve the audit in November or December this year.

Motion: To approve the Extension of Kemper CPA Group, LLP for 60 days.

Motion by Mrs. Whiting, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Field.

B) Consider Crisis Management Plan, School Safety Plans, and Drills.

Mr. Jerrell reported that we do this in the Fall each year. We held our annual review for our Crisis Management Plan on August 8. Also, Mr. Jerrell asked Chief of Police Scott Issacs to review the plan as well. Now that we have completed the plan, printed it, and distributed it to the faculty, staff, and administration, we need to approve it along with the Grade School and High School plans and our drill schedule, which includes three fire drills, one active shooter drill, one weather in-place drill, and a bus evacuation drill.

Motion: To approve the Crisis Management Plan, School Safety Plans, and Drills.

Motion by Mrs. Whiting, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Field.

VII) Non Action Items

A) Review Tax Extension 2023 Payable 2024 and Levy 2024 Payable 2025.

Mr. Jerrell briefly reviewed the tax levy which will be voted on in November. Mr. Jerrell explained that school districts receive funding from three different sources: 1) State Funds, 2) Federal Funds, and 3) Local Funds. In Illinois, school districts receive most of their funding from the State Funds and Local Funds (around 94%) and receive a small amount from Federal Funds (around 6%). He has almost completed the Tax Levy for this year. The way this works is that Mr. Jerrell will use what we received from 2023-2024, to ask for an amount in 2024-2025, that we will receive in 2025-2026. We actually approve the levy next month, but he wanted to give you an update, so he included a chart of the Tax Extension since 2010. Last year’s tax bills have been mailed out, and the first round of taxes were due on October 21 and the second round will be due on November 21.

B) Next Board Meeting: Monday, November 18, 2024 at 6:45 pm.

Mr. Jerrell reminded the Board that the next meeting is scheduled for the third Monday of the month; November 18, 2024 at 6:45 pm.

VIII) Closed Session

Closed Session

Motion to move to closed session at 6:55 pm for #1, 2, 9, 10, and 14 from the closed meetings act (see attached) by Mrs. Whiting, 2nd by Mr. Craig.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Field.

Move to Closed Session Minutes

Motion to return to open session at 7:11 pm by Mrs. Felty, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Field.

Motion to approve the closed meeting minutes as read by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mrs. Felty.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Field.

IX) Action on Closed Session Items

A.1) Motion: To accept the resignation of Ms. Myah Shaw as a Grade School Paraprofessional.

Motion by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mr. Nolen.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Field.

A.2) Motion: To accept the resignation of Mr. Scott Figg as a Jr. High Softball Coach.

Motion by Mr. Lewis, 2nd by Mr. Craig.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Field.

B.1) Motion: To hire Mrs. Vivian Nilsen as a Grade School Paraprofessional for the 2024-2025 school year.

Motion by Mrs. Felty, 2nd by Mr. Lewis.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen.

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Figg, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Field.

B.2) Motion: To Table the Motion to hire a High School JV Basketball Coach (no candidates).

X) Adjourn

Motion: To Adjourn at 7:14 p.m. by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mrs. Whiting.

Voice Vote: All approved Motion Passed
