Amber Knight, Past President | City of Carmi
Amber Knight, Past President | City of Carmi
City of Carmi City Council met Dec. 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to order by Mayor Pollard, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call.
3. Approve November 19, 2024, Council Meeting Minutes.
4. For council consideration, discussion and possible approval:
A. Resolution 12.06.2024; A resolution authorizing an agreement with Magnum Storage Solutions, LLC, for a redevelopment project utilizing tax increment financing.
B. Resolution 12.03.24; A resolution setting the petty cash spending limit for the City of Carmi (Must be adopted annually in December).
C. Resolution 12.04.2024; A resolution authorizing credit card users for the City of Carmi and Carmi Light and Water (Must be adopted annually in December).
D. Brown & Roberts, Inc., Job 2024-074; Rebuild IL DCEO Contract A – Water System Improvements C&O $12,845.98 (Pays from Rebuild Grant).
E. Brown & Roberts, Inc. Contractor’s Partial Payment Estimate Wiggs Excavating, Inc. Water System Improvements – DCEO Rebuild Illinois – Contract A – Watermain & PRS for $215,427.14 (Payable from Rebild Grant).
F. Brown & Roberts Rosebud Road Watermain Design Engineering Bill #1 for $30,603.16 (Payable from TIF 2).
G. Illinois Department of Transportation Engineer’s Payment Estimate E.T. Simonds Construction Co. for the Saunders/Meadow Project $184,515.83 (Payable from MFT).
H. Brown & Roberts, Inc. Construction Engineering Fee Invoice for Saunders/Meadows – No. 24-162-1 for $15,913.30 (Payable from MFT).
I. Resolution 12.03.24; Resolution to Execute an Engineering Agreement with Brown & Roberts, Inc. for 200,000 Gallon Ground Storage Tank.
J. Ordinance No. 1647; An ordinance authorizing the City of Carmi of White County, Illinois to Borrow Funds from the State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Public Water Supply Program for 200,000-gallon ground storage tank etc.
K. Ordinance No. 1648; An ordinance authorizing the City of Carmi of White County, Illinois to Borrow Funds from the State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Public Water Supply Loan Program for 500,000-gallon pedestal elevated water storage tank etc.
5. Reports and/or updates from Mayor Pollard
6. Reports from Standing Committees.
7. Business or comments from visitors.
8. Possible closed Session to discuss personnel and property with no action to follow.
9. Adjournment