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City of Harrisburg City Council met Dec. 19

Webp 9

Commissioner Raymond Gunning | City of Harrisburg

Commissioner Raymond Gunning | City of Harrisburg

City of Harrisburg City Council met Dec. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Harrisburg City Council met on December 19, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. at the City Hall located at 110 E. Locust Street, Harrisburg, IL.

Mayor John McPeek called the meeting to order. Mayor John McPeek presided over the meeting with Commissioners Raymond Gunning, Roger Angelly, Rupert Johnson, and Jonathan Brown answering the roll call.

Pastor Bobby Gentry from the River of Life Church led the group in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

City Clerk Terri Jenkins noted a correction with item #13. The payment will go to OTTD, LLC instead of White Oak, LLC. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve the consent agenda as corrected.

Public Hearing Minutes – December 05, 2024

Regular Meeting Minutes – December 05, 2024

D & D Electric - $40,774.06 - #4149 – Business District

Barnett Ready Mix - $2,075.00 - #94724 – MFT

Barnett Ready Mix - $9,828.00 - #94192 – MFT

Murphy’s Rental Center - $15,000.00 – Annual Business District Grant

City Limit Motors - $5,000.00 - Annual Business District

Moran Economic Development - $1,120.00 - #2574 – TIF

Novacom - $2,890.00 - #31865 – Business District

Stout House - $12,000.00 – Downtown TIF

Tri-State Business Equipment - $749.00 - #92367 – Business District

D & D Electric - $36,791.91 - 4112 - Business District

D & D Electric - $32,143.36 - #4111 – Business District

D & D Electric - $63,091.28 - 4138 - Business District

OTTD, LLC - $5,000.00 - #1150 – Downtown TIF Facade

Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek stated there was a sealed bid opening at City Hall on Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. for the new garage doors at City Hall. The garage doors at City Hall need to be replaced. The only sealed bid was from Anderson Overhead Door. The price for five installed insulated garage doors with openers was $21,890.00. Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to approve the sealed bid from Anderson Overhead Door in the amount of $21,890.00. Seconded by Commissioner Jonathan Brown. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek stated the tax levy needs to be passed. Commissioner Roger Angely stated there are no changes to the 24/25 tax levy that was presented during the November 21, 2024 council meeting. Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to approve Ordinance 1906 for the 24/25 tax levy. Seconded by Commissioner Jonathan Brown. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Attorney Kolby Smithpeters stated the ARPA resolution is to close out the grant. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve ARPA Resolution 24-1219. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Roger Angelly stated he requested the ambulance service to be on the agenda. He has questions and wants clarification regarding the service. There was an open discussion about the expense, why the city gets no help from anyone else in the county, and yet the city services everyone in the county. He asked why the city is paying for this service if the ambulance company can come in and set up as a business. He asked the ambulance service to provide clarity on the ambulance service.

Justin Turnbough from Abbott EMS stated the statement of them making millions of dollars is incorrect.  It takes about nine months for claims to mature. Currently, there is only two months’ worth of data. The collection rates are very unstable. The original agreement was to provide service throughout the county. County calls have a different pay mix meaning often, there are more individuals covered by Medicare which are not as lucrative. The inside city calls are usually individuals with commercial insurance and employment. Inside calls are a better payer mix.

Justin Turnbough stated that he thought the county agreed to reimburse the city for some of the service. The ambulance service has a process to collect and has not collected what was stated during the last meeting. The finances right now are not in a profitable position. There are more outside calls than city calls. They have put a second ALS rig in the city several times along with a third ambulance at times. Commissioner Roger Angelly asked if 70% of the calls are outside the city and only 30% are inside city limits. Justin said that is correct. He stated most calls are out into the county.

Commissioner Roger Angelly stated the county said they would help with the cost, and he thought it meant the surrounding communities would help as well. Commissioner Jonathan Brown asked if for example, Eldorado does not want to pay for the service, if the city is required to answer the call. Justin Turnbough stated this service is not required to go outside the city limits. Commissioner Roger Angelly said he was told that if an ambulance is toned out, since we have an ambulance we are required to answer the call. He asked if that was correct information. Justin Turnbough said you are not obligated to go outside the city limits. Mayor John McPeek said during one of the meetings, the city would go outside the city limits, but the city has not received any funding from other communities or county.

Commissioner Jonathan Brown has researched this and most cities who have ambulance services, their collection rate is about 42% of what is billed. He stated he found that most communities offset their ambulance with tax levy revenue. Justin Turnbough said running your own ambulance would mean that your wages alone would be about $460,000, that does not include any benefits or expenses for the ambulance. Fire Chief John Gunning stated most of their calls are medical assistance.

Commissioner Jonathan Brown stated the city has hired three firefighters and that is $260,000.00 in employee wages. The city has collected $43,000, so the city is in the hole financially. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated the city is not the first call responder. Justin Turnbough stated if there was an unresponsive patient, and the city only provides BLS, then the city cannot provide lifesaving treatments with just a BLS ambulance. Commissioner Roger Angelly stated the city always agreed to be the back-up ambulance.

There was a discussion about different community ambulance services, types of calls, wages, number of calls, and going down to one ALS and BLS rig. There will be some number of times when there are three calls and the city would be without a rig, and this could be an issue. Abbott EMS has brought in a third ambulance at times during the last eleven months and will continue to do so as needed.

Commissioner Jonathan Brown stated he believes the council should do what is best for the city. Commissioner Jonathan Brown said the Fire Department has already gone over in their overtime expense. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated the purpose of this is a public service for the community. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated the mistake was made getting rid of the free service that ran two ambulances. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said it was ran and did not cost the city anything.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson said United has offered a five-year contract at no cost, but Commissioner Roger Angelly said the city has been offered this before and it did not work, and he does not believe in that agreement. Justin Turnbough stated that United submitted a sealed bid, and their cost was double the price of Abbott EMS. Justin Turnbough stated he feels that Abbott EMS has provided everything the city asked for. He said before they invest money in the basement in City Hall and then the city changes their mind in three to four months, he would like to know now if the city wants to continue with Abbott EMS.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated everyone is concerned about the $30,000 a month. Commissioner Roger Angelly said not everyone has paid to the service. Commissioner Roger Angelly said the council wants an ambulance service for Harrisburg, and it costs us, but it is expensive and has tugged on the budget. He has found out there is more to an ambulance service than he was told in the beginning., and he has found out a lot through this conversation.

Commissioner Jonathan Brown asked why Franklin County does not pay for their service. Justing Turnbough stated there are many more calls in that area. The revenue is not the same as Harrisburg’s call. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated that more people work up there and there is lower disability and an insurance difference.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated the city has roughly three hundred calls in Harrisburg. Fire Chief John Gunning stated his department runs medical assist, discharges, and is backup. Commissioner Jonathan Brown asked what medical call assist is. He was told it is a call for assistance and not treatment or transfer. Transports can be covered, but a call for not feeling well or falling out of bed is not a covered expense.

City Treasurer Alex Jackson stated the city ran 347 calls and asked how many of those were transports. Fire Chief John Gunning said he would have to figure that out. He said the city said they did not want to bill for a refusal, and so the city does not bill for those calls. The only time the city bills is if a patient is on the cot and transported.  Justin Turnbough discussed the process for billing.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated what can be done to fix the problem considering spending $30,000 a month. He presented the proposal from United. Commissioner Roger Angelly is concerned about the termination clause. What changed from charging us to being able to do it at no cost. Commissioner Raymond Gunning said they now have a base in Harrisburg. They will only provide one ambulance to the city. This is just a consideration. Commissioner Roger Angelly said the city is still backup with this agreement.

Commissioner Jonathan Brown wants to know why they can do it for free now and can the city handle those calls.  This will put the city BLS out more. Will the city get paid for those calls? The Fire Department is already over budget with overtime. What happens if there is a fire when everyone is on ambulance calls? Commissioner Raymond Gunning said there is a recall list. Commissioner Roger Angelly said this is causing the overtime budget issue. Fire Chief John Gunning said overtime is because of retirement and the minimum staffing clause. He hopes to fill a spot in July 2025.

Fire Chief John Gunning said the city will be a backup in the county and be primary in the city. Commissioner Jonathan Brown said the call volume will go up, so can our employees handle this?  This could hurt the fire department. Commissioner Roger Angelly said he believes United will come to the city with a subsidy consideration and the termination clause. Justin Turnbough said if they pull their ambulances, they will not come back to the city if they terminate their contract.

Justin Turnbough said cutting ambulances will hurt your services to the citizens. Commissioner Roger Angelly would like to keep our ambulance within the city. Commissioner Jonathan Brown said last week, the city needed four ambulances. He indicated that he wants to keep our service in Harrisburg. City Treasurer Alex Jackson said she does not believe it is a good idea to upset SIH, who is the largest employer in Harrisburg, by taking their ambulance provider.  Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated United said SIH would be their first priority.

Commissioner Jonathan Brown said it sounds like the current plan is the best plan for Harrisburg. It sounds like a lot of money, but the problem is the other towns are not helping us. There needs to be a meeting with the other communities to request some help. This service is vital to everyone, and they should help. He said Abbott is willing to remodel the basement and Abbott agrees not to raise the city fees. Justin Turnbough confirmed that is correct.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson asked about private records. Mayor John McPeek stated city records are in a locked room. Mayor John McPeek stated all records have been moved to the old water department which is locked. There are security cameras throughout the building. Commissioner Raymond Gunning expressed his concern about the liability if the building is left unlocked.  Mayor John McPeek stated the building can only be opened with a key fob. The ambulances will not be parked inside the building; therefore, no garage doors will be left open.

Justin Turnbough stated if they invest money in the basement of City Hall, he does not want to have this discussion again in six months. Commissioner Raymond Gunning assured him that if they are here, then they are here and that is a promise in his vote. Commissioner Roger Angelly would like to look at options for surrounding towns to help with the expense.

Mayor John McPeek made the motion to authorize City Attorney Kolby Smithpeters to draft a lease agreement with Abbott EMS remodeling the basement of City Hall and for them to move in. Seconded by Commissioner Jonathan Brown. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes, except Commissioner Rupert Johnson voting no. Motion carried.

Police Chief Nathan Moore presented a new department policy regarding reporting of fatal incidents. This is a standard state statute and Attorney Kolby Smithpeters has reviewed, and it is ready to be approved. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve the fatal incident policy. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning discussed the new gym equipment with the council. He stated there has been some controversy over the use of gym equipment. He spoke with the city clerk, fire chief, city attorney, insurance agency and the agent. The agent recommended the city to not allow the fire department to work out on city time because of the problematic cause of injury during weightlifting. It was advised that a policy be created. Commissioner Raymond Gunning decided to do his own research, and he had a conference call with Judy Siespek. She is the Illinois Public Risk Fund manager, and she stated she works with a lot of fire departments. She highly recommends allowing the fire department to exercise and training. There is a possibility of a claim, but with every department there is a possibility of a claim.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning read an email stating the following: “Having the fire department on an exercise and weightlifting program will not raise the rates, but potentially if a claim happens. It is okay to use the gym while on duty for physical fitness and training and workman’s compensation still applies.” He stated that he contacted each commissioner about this.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning called the neighboring fire department and found out that firefighters are allowed to exercise during working hours. Each department allows the firefighters to work out because of their job description and to keep in shape. This will help the firefighters be better fit and lower minor injuries. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated he will back the firefighters on this, and he believes they should be able to work out. He believes they need to be able to stay in shape. Ms. Siespek said there should be a weight limit requirement. The fire chief and captain Tristan Monroe will contact Judy to discuss this. She also stated someone from City Hall called her about it and that she explained the situation.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning would like to make the motion to disregard use of gym equipment policy and have the fire chief and Tristan Monroe to coordinate a policy with weight limit restrictions to allow them to lift while on duty. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated the policy was written by Attorney Kolby Smithpeters.

City Clerk Terri Jenkins asked to clarify some statements made by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. She stated that she does not have an issue with this. She was passing on the information to Commissioner Raymond Gunning that William’s and Associates had given her. City Clerk Terri Jenkins clarified that she has never spoken to anyone from Illinois Public Risk Funds regarding this situation.

Commissioner Roger Angelly stated there should be a policy, and all employees should be in shape and should be allowed to use the gym equipment. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters stated he has not seen the policy that Commissioner Raymond Gunning is referring to. Fire Chief John Gunning stated he drafted the policy. All city employees should be allowed to use the gym equipment, but no outside person from the city can use the gym equipment.

Commissioner Jonathan Brown thinks it is a great idea to stay in shape. He thinks it should be for all employees. Mayor John McPeek stated the equipment was paid for out of foreign fire money. 

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve a policy regarding the use of gym equipment at the Fire Department including allowing all city employees to use the gym. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated one of the squad cars has been wrecked and totaled. Police Chief Nathan Moore will get with the city clerk regarding specifications for the advertisement.  Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to authorize the city clerk to advertise for a used squad car. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Roger Angelly made the motion to hire Phillip Bebout at the starting rate of $20.435 effective January 02, 2024 pending the passing of his physical and drug screen. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Superintendent Jason Haney stated there is a drainage issue at the dirt impoundment. The issue is at Feazel and Rt. 45. The impoundment was built to hold water and slow water down to getting to the pump house at the sewer plant. They blocked the ditch off to re-route the water to the impoundment and over the years it has silted in and is holding water. The weather must be just right to get into the impoundment, and it is full of cat tails.  It needs to be dug out and it will be quite the job. Engineer Jim Brown agrees that something needs to be done. It will be an expense, and Superintendent Jason Haney will keep the council informed.

Commissioner Roger Angelly wished Superintendent Jason Haney Happy Birthday. He wished everyone a Merry Christmas.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Mayor John McPeek wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. He is excited about 2025 and hopes it is a great year. Good things will be happening in the city. Please stop littering.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Jonathan Brown. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 9:10 a.m.




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