Norris City-Omaha Elementary School | Norris City-Omaha-Enfield CUSD
Norris City-Omaha Elementary School | Norris City-Omaha-Enfield CUSD
Norris City Omaha Enfield Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Dec. 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Regular Board Meeting of December 18, 2024
The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Community Unit School District No. 3 was held on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at the District Office. The meeting was called to order by President Joe Lane at 8:23 p.m.
Roll Call: Present- Matt McArthy, Frank Graves, Rhonda Forston, Heath Rush, Joe Lane, Kyle Hoskins, and Mike Hite. Absent- none
Others in Attendance: Matt Vollman, Superintendent; Carla Carter, Principal; David Reavis, Principal; Brad Wehlermann, Principal; Jessica Jackson, Treasurer.
Motion to approve Regular and Closed Minutes for November 2024 by Matt McArthy. Second by Frank Graves. Unanimous vote. Motion Carried.
Motion to approve the Bills by Frank Graves. Second by Matt McArthy. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.
Superintendent Report:
Matt Vollman-
-Friday is a half day student attendance day and half day teacher in-service.
-School resumes January 6 after Christmas break.
-Mr. Vollman shared the great news that the Absher Foundation made a donation of $386,900 to completely remodel the home economics room at the high school. Mr. Vollman and the Board were very appreciative and thankful to the Absher Foundation for this generous donation.
-Meeting with the architect about the flooring project and door replacement project at the high school.
Principal Reports:
High School/Mr. Wehlermann-
-Semester exams Thursday and Friday.
-Jane Lamp with Banterra will be providing lunch at the high school on Thursday.
-Scholar bowl is 5-1 currently and doing very well. 4 students have made All South.
-Basketball plays at the Eldorado Holiday Tournament December 26.
NCOE Elementary/Mr. Reavis:
-91% attendance.
-The Christmas program and the band's winter concert were last week. Both went well and had large crowds.
-Jr High varsity basketball team is currently undefeated.
-Santa came for lunch today.
NCOE Elementary/Mrs. Carter:
-Professional learning meetings: reviewing fall assessment scores, increasing student engagement.
-Winter benchmark testing is complete and shows growth in ELA and Math from the fall assessment.
-During the half day in-service K-5 teachers will be participating in a Wonders ELA curriculum refresh and the jr high teachers will be learning about Brisk.
Motion to approve the Booth Trust monthly report with a balance of $46,745.50 by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.
First reading of PRESS Policy Update #116: 2:105; 2:120; 4:30; 4:60; 4:150; 4:170; 5:10; 5:20; 5:90; 5:120; 5:230; 6:60; 6:135; 6:270; 7:10; 7:100; 7:200; 8:10. No Action
The 2024 tax levy was presented by Mr. Vollman. The amounts to be levied are:
Education Purposes - $1,973,250
Operations, Building and Maintenance Purposes - $400,000
Transportation Purposes - $214,000
Working Cash Purposes - $53,000
Municipal Retirement Fund Purposes - $100,000
Tort Immunity Purposes - $382,231
Special Education Purposes - $42,900
Social Security Purposes - 50,000
Fire Prevention & Safety Purposes - $53,600
The aggregate amount of taxes estimated to be levied for the year 2024 is $3,268,981. The amount does not exceed 105% of the taxes extended for 2023 and a public hearing is not required. It is necessary to adopt each individual resolution pertaining to the levy amount. Copies of these resolutions follow these minutes.
Motion to approve the Resolution Approving Bus Installment Purchase and Banterra Bank Financing by Matt McArthy. Second by Joe Lane. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.
Motion to approve the Cardiac Emergency Response Plan by Matt McArthy. Second by Joe Lane. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.
Motion to let bids for gasoline and diesel products by Matt McArthy. Second by Joe Lane. Unanimous vote. Motion Carried.
Public Input: None.
Motion to adjourn at 8:57 p.m. by Mike Hite. Second by Kyle Hoskins. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.