Fairfield Community High School Board Members: Standing L to R -Derek Smothers, Jeremy Carter (Vice President), Nate Carter. Seated L to R - Kimberly King (Secretary), Matt Rush (President), Gayle McGehee. Not Pictured - Eddie Barbre | Fairfield Community High School District 225 Website
Fairfield Community High School Board Members: Standing L to R -Derek Smothers, Jeremy Carter (Vice President), Nate Carter. Seated L to R - Kimberly King (Secretary), Matt Rush (President), Gayle McGehee. Not Pictured - Eddie Barbre | Fairfield Community High School District 225 Website
Fairfield Community High School District 225 Board of Education met Dec. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Fairfield Community High School District #225 met in the study hall for regular session on Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. The following members answered to roll call:
Barbre, Eddie Present
McGehee, Gayle Present
Carter, Jeremy Present
Smothers, Derek Present
Carter, Nate Absent
Rush, Matt Present
King, Kim Present
Also in attendance were: Robert D. Wells, II, Superintendent, Tiffany Lyons, Principal; Rhonda Buchanan; Samantha Smith and students from the Horticulture, Floral Design and Landscaping and Turf Management classes; and Jarrod Pruitt, Wayne County Press.
Motion by Derek Smothers, seconded by Jeremy Carter to approve the consent agenda of the prior month’s board minutes, monthly financial report, and payment of bills.
Smothers, Derek Yea
King, Kim Yea
Carter, Jeremy Yea
McGehee, Gayle Yea
Barbre, Eddie Yea
Rush, Matt Yea
Carter, Nate Absent
Motion carried.
Motion by Kim King, seconded by Eddie Barbre to approve new board policies and revisions, Press Issue 117.
King, Kim Yea
Carter, Jeremy Yea
Barbre, Eddie Yea
Carter, Nate Absent
McGehee, Gayle Yea
Rush, Matt Yea
Smothers, Derek Yea
Motion carried.
Motion by Gayle McGehee, seconded by Kim King to approve the 2025-2026 New Course Handbook/New Courses.
McGehee, Gayle Yea
Carter, Jeremy Yea
King, Kim Yea
Carter, Nate Absent
Smothers, Derek Yea
Rush, Matt Yea
Barbre, Eddie Yea
Motion carried.
Motion by Gayle McGehee, seconded by Derek Smothers to adopt the tax levy for 2024 for taxes payable in 2025.
McGehee, Gayle Yea
Carter, Nate Absent
Smothers, Derek Yea
King, Kim Yea
Barbre, Eddie Nay
Rush, Matt Yea
Carter, Jeremy Yea
Motion carried.
Motion by Kim King, seconded by Jeremy Carter to approve the Cardiac Emergency Response Plan.
King, Kim Yea
Barbre, Eddie Yea
Carter, Jeremy Yea
Carter, Nate Absent
McGehee, Gayle Yea
Rush, Matt Yea
Smothers, Derek Yea
Motion carried.
Motion by Kim King, seconded by Derek Smothers to approve the purchase of chromebooks for FY25 for $55,650.
King, Kim Yea
Carter, Jeremy Yea
Smothers, Derek Yea
Carter, Nate Absent
McGehee, Gayle Yea
Rush, Matt Yea
Barbre, Eddie Yea
Motion carried.
Motion by Jeremy Carter, seconded by Kim King to convene to executive session at 6:51 P.M. for the discussion of appointment, employment, retirement of employees.
Carter, Jeremy Yea
Smothers, Derek Yea
King, Kim Yea
Barbre, Eddie Yea
Carter, Nate Absent
Rush, Matt Yea
McGehee, Gayle Yea
Motion carried.
Motion by Jeremy Carter, seconded by Derek Smothers to reconvene from executive session at 7:55 P.M.
Carter, Jeremy Yea
McGehee, Gayle Yea
Smothers, Derek Yea
Barbre, Eddie Yea
Carter, Nate Absent
Rush, Matt Yea
King, Kim Yea
Motion carried.
Motion by Kim King, seconded by Jeremy Carter to approve the hire of Ashley Rutherford and Holden August as teacher’s aides.
King, Kim Yea
Barbre, Eddie Yea
Carter, Jeremy Yea
Carter, Nate Absent
McGehee, Gayle Yea
Rush, Matt Yea
Smothers, Derek Yea
Motion carried.
Motion by Kim King, seconded by Jeremy Carter to rehire Macie Clark as a long-term substitute.
King, Kim Yea
Barbre, Eddie Yea
Carter, Jeremy Yea
Carter, Nate Absent
McGehee, Gayle Yea
Rush, Matt Yea
Smothers, Derek Yea
Motion carried.
Motion by Jeremy Carter, seconded by Eddie Barbre to accept the retirement of Rodger Parrott as a bus driver at the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
Carter, Jeremy Yea
McGehee, Gayle Yea
Barbre, Eddie Yea
Smothers, Derek Yea
Carter, Nate Absent
Rush, Matt Yea
King, Kim Yea
Motion carried.
Motion by Jeremy Carter, seconded by Derek Smothers to adjourn at 7:57 P.M.
Carter, Jeremy Yea
McGehee, Gayle Yea
Smothers, Derek Yea
Barbre, Eddie Yea
Carter, Nate Absent
Rush, Matt Yea
King, Kim Yea
Motion carried.
The undersigned Secretary and President of the Board of Education of Fairfield Community High School District #225 approve and hereby sign the above minutes.