Trenton Butler is Owner of B&B Vending in Dahlgren, IL | Provided by Trenton Butler
Trenton Butler is Owner of B&B Vending in Dahlgren, IL | Provided by Trenton Butler
The current economic climate in Illinois is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate as a small business owner. Aside from the rampant inflation and increased operational costs, our state's legal system is becoming increasingly hostile to private industry and job creation.
Illinois has become a breeding ground for "stacked costs"—burdensome government regulations and legal fees that either directly or indirectly raise businesses' costs.
These costs manifest through increased regulatory compliance, higher taxes, and the constant threat of litigation. For businesses, this means diverting funds from business expenses to cover this excessive overhead.
The cumulative effect of these stacked costs stifles our ability to expand, hire more employees, and contribute to the local economy, ultimately hampering overall economic growth.
We need reforms that promote job creation and protect our small businesses from the growing costs of burdensome regulation.