Amber Knight, Past President | City of Carmi
Amber Knight, Past President | City of Carmi
City of Carmi City Council met March 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to order by Mayor Pollard, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call.
3. Approve March 4, 2025, Council Meeting Minutes
4. Approve February 2025 Financial Reports for the City of Carmi and Light & Water Departments.
5. Approve and authorize March 2025 vendor invoices for the City of Carmi and Light & Water Departments.
6. For council consideration, discussion and possible approval:
a) Chamber Director, Megan Newman, to request donation for the annual 4th of July fireworks.
b) Selection of Brown & Roberts, Inc. to provide Engineering Services for the project: “Replace Rotating Beacon, Wind Cone, PAPI, & Runway 36 REILS; Install Runway 18 REILS.”
c) Botsch and Associates to present Ordinance #1656; An ordinance for the annual appropriations for the City of Carmi IL for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2025.
d) Permission to seek bids for the Carmi Police Department roof.
e) Police Department seeking permission to purchase a new police vehicle.
f) Selection of Brown & Roberts, Inc. to provide Engineering Services for the project: “Replace Rotating Beacon, Wind Cone, PAPI, & Runway 36 REILS; Install Runway 18 REILS.”
g) Invoice No. 2653 from Moran Economic Development, LLC, in the amount of $760.00 for the preparation of TIF Redevelopment Agreement – DA Ingram Properties, LLC. (Pays from TIF2)
h) Brown & Roberts, Inc. Invoice No. 24-162-5 for Saunders Avenue Project in the amount of $1,966.08 (Payable from MFT).
i) Brown and Roberts, Inc. Job 2024-074 Rebuild IL DCEO Contract A – Water System Improvements C&O in the amount of $9,933.94 (Payable from Rebuild Grant).
j) Contractor’s Partial Payment Estimate Wiggs Excavating Inc. for Water System Improvement – DCEO Rebuild Illinois – Contract A – Watermains and PRS in the amount of $13,500.00.
k) Brown and Roberts, Inc. Design Engineering Bill #1 Invoice in the amount of $98,272.50 for 500,000-gallon pedesphere elevated water tank painting (Payable from IEPA Loan)
l) Resolution 03.18.25; A resolution to open a checking account for the IEPA Elevated Water Tank Project Loan.
m) Brown and Roberts, Inc. Invoice Design Engineering Bill #1 in the amount of $158,091.00 for Radio Read Water Meters (Payable from IEPA Loan).
n) Resolution 03.19.2025; A resolution to open a checking account for the IEPA Radio Read Water Meter Project Loan
7. Reports and/or updates from Mayor Pollard
8. Reports from Standing Committees.
9. Business or comments from visitors.
10. Closed Session to discuss property and personnel issues with no action to follow.
11. Adjournment