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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Norris City Omaha Enfield Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Feb. 19

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Norris City-Omaha Elementary School | Norris City-Omaha-Enfield CUSD

Norris City-Omaha Elementary School | Norris City-Omaha-Enfield CUSD

Norris City Omaha Enfield Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Feb. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Community Unit School District No. 3 was held on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at the District Office. The meeting was called to order by President Joe Lane at 7:01 p.m.

Roll Call: Present- Matt McArthy, Frank Graves, Rhonda Forston, Heath Rush, Joe Lane, Kyle Hoskins, and Mike Hite. Absent- None.

Others in Attendance: Matt Vollman, Superintendent; Carla Carter, Principal; David Reavis, Principal; Kathy Sands.

Motion to approve Regular and Closed Minutes for January 2025 by Matt McArthy. Second by Joe Lane. Unanimous vote. Motion Carried.

Motion to approve the Bills by Joe Lane. Second by Heath Rush. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to approve the Booth Trust Report for January with an amendment to the total funds, balance of $46,720.84 by Matt McArthy. Second by Joe Lane. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to approve the Booth Trust Report for February with a balance of $47,459.46 by Matt McArthy. Second by Frank Graves. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to approve the Booth Trust Annual Report as presented by Matt McArthy. Second by Mike Hite. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to let bids for mowing by Rhonda Forston. Second by Mike Hite. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.

Public Input: None.

Motion to move into Executive Session at 7:38 pm by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.

Return to Regular Session 7:59 PM.

Motion to accept the resignation of Linzy Brown, custodian, by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.

Motion to accept the resignation of Cathy Black, high school assistant volleyball coach, by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.

Motion to accept the resignation of Emily Brinkley, aide, by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.

Motion to accept the resignation of Kendra Kelley, aide, by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.

Motion to hire Greg Dolden as high school assistant softball coach by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to hire Savannah Short as an aide by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to hire Andy Downen as custodian by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to hire Terah Baker as an aide by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to hire Angela Dillinger as an aide by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to hire Amanda Allen as an aide by Joe Lane. Second by Matt McArthy. Roll Call Vote- Matt McArthy, yes; Frank Graves, yes; Rhonda Forston, yes; Heath Rush, yes; Joe Lane, yes; Kyle Hoskins, yes; Mike Hite, yes. Motion Carried.

Motion to adjourn at 7:59 p.m. by Matt McArthy. Second by Joe Lane. Unanimous Vote. Motion Carried.
