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Frankfort park district commissioners approve bereavement leave policy

The Frankfort Park District Board of Commissioners met Oct. 25 to approve the bereavement leave policy.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the commissioners:

"Board meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Founders Community Center, 140 Oak Street."




President Barz called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL

PRESENT: Commissioner Reilly

Commissioner Feehery Commissioner Barz Commissioner Farina Commissioner Rak Commissioner Ruvoli ABSENT: Commissioner Schedin 3. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA – Approved as presented. 5. CONSENT AGENDA – Minutes of September 13, 2016, Minutes of September 27, 2016, Executive

Session Meeting Minutes of September 27, 2016 and Minutes of October 15, 2016 were presented for approval in one motion. Commissioner Reilly moved to approve the Consent Agenda and Motion seconded by Commissioner Ruvoli. After the motion was seconded Commissioner Farina asked that the Minutes of September 27, 2016 and the Executive Session Minutes of September 27, 2016 be considered separately as she was not present at that meeting. Commissioner Reilly modified his motion to exclude Items B and C from the Consent Agenda and motion was seconded by Commissioner Ruvoli. Commissioner Reilly moved to approve the Minutes of September 13, 2016 and the Minutes of October 15, 2016 and Motion was seconded by Commissioner Ruvoli. A roll call vote was taken. Aye: (6) Reilly, Feehery, Barz, Farina, Rak, Ruvoli Nay: (0) Abstain: (0) Absent: (1) Schedin

Motion approved.

Commissioner Reilly moved to approve the Minutes of September 27, 2016 and the Executive Session Minutes of September 27, 2016 and Motion was seconded by Commissioner Rak. A roll call vote was taken. Aye: (5) Reilly, Feehery, Barz, Rak, Ruvoli Nay: (0) Abstain: (1) Farina Absent: (1) Schedin

Motion approved.


Commissioner Farina made a motion to approve payables in the amount of $325,764.43. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Rak. Discussion – President Barz stated that were a few large items. Soccer uniforms for fall leagues in the amount of $16,000, we have a LWSRA contribution of almost $40,000, we have roof repair of $15,000 and the Bond Payment of $94,000. Gina stated that there were also 3 payrolls in September. There being no further questions or comments a roll call vote was taken. Aye: (6) Reilly, Feehery, Barz, Farina, Rak, Ruvoli Nay: (0) Abstain: (0) Absent: (1) Schedin 7. CITIZENS COMMENTS AND/OR CORRESPONDENCE – None. 8. PRESIDENTS REPORT

Halloween Haunting and Howling were wonderful events. Our Board Retreat was a great event. Stacy, Gina and I attended the NRPA Conference in St. Louis. There was a lot a great networking, ideas and exhibits. Don’t forget about the State Conference January 19th – 21st at the Hilton, downtown. Let Gina know if you are attending. President Barz will be inaugurated on Saturday of the Conference. President Barz would still like to make the Campfire an overnight event and Gina volunteered to take the overnight shift. 9. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT

The Park District participates in an organization called the Will County Tax Coalition. The group which is spearheaded by the School District staff monitors tax appeals on properties over $100,000. It appears that there are no significant properties that would affect the District.

Ryne and Gina had a meeting with the Auditors last week. After review of the report nothing was out of the ordinary. They are prepared to make their Annual Presentation of the Audit at the November 22nd meeting.

The Operation Playground Golf Outing raised over $6,000.

The Park District currently has two tents available for rental. There are several issues related to tent rentals. Tent rental revenue this past year was $675 and $975 in the prior year. It is Gina’s recommendation that we cease tent rentals for the coming year. The Park District will work with the community groups that utilize tents for events held on District property.

Continuing Education – A number of staff will be attending a free workshop this Friday about Playgrounds. Staff will attend a PRDMA session on Risk Management. I will attend an IAPD legislative symposium in November. President Barz and I will attend the South Suburban Parks and Recreation Association legislative dinner. Deadline for early registration for the Annual State Conference is December 5th.

Commissioner Reilly questioned the deadlines for the April Election. Gina stated that petitions will be accepted December 15th – 19th until 5 p.m. There are petitions for both 2 year and 4 year terms.

A. Approval of the updated Bereavement Leave Policy

Commissioner Reilly made a motion to approve the Updated Bereavement Leave Policy to be in compliance with the Child Bereavement Act. Motion seconded by Commissioner Ruvoli. Discussion – Commissioner Farina questioned unpaid leave. Do we as a Board have an option to consider more days of unpaid leave? Gina stated that they can use their compensatory time if they have it. The Act defines a “child.” An employee can take a total of 10 unpaid days. If an employee has vacation time or personal days, you can use those. There being no further questions or a comment, a roll call vote was taken. Aye: (6) Reilly, Feehery, Barz, Farina, Rak, Ruvoli Nay: (0) Abstain: (0) Absent: (1) Schedin

Motion approved. B. Approval of Funds Transfer – Gina stated that every year the District transfers funds

from the Special Recreation fund to cover costs that are related to special recreation services. The funds transfers for FY 15/16 was completed in April but not brought to the Board for Approval. The fund transfer does not need to be authorized but does need to be approved by the Board. Commissioner Reilly moved to approve the transfer of $21,250 to the General Fund and $5,000 to the Recreation Fund from the Special Recreation fund for the 15/16 fiscal year. Motion seconded by Commissioner Rak. Discussion – Commissioner Farina asked that it be noted that this should have been approved last fiscal year and that there can be no repercussions. There being no further discussion, a roll call vote was taken. Aye: (6) Reilly, Feehery, Barz, Farina, Rak, Ruvoli Nay: (0) Abstain: (0) Absent: (1) Schedin

Motion approved. C. Approval to Appoint IMRF Authorized Agent - Staff received communication from IMRF

regarding the annual election. The paperwork arrived in the former Directors name. Ryne called to have it changed and was told that it is necessary for the Board to vote on a new authorized agent. Commissioner Reilly moved to appoint Gina Hassett authorized agent for the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Motion seconded by Commissioner Farina. There being no further discussion, a roll call vote was taken.

Aye: (6) Reilly, Feehery, Barz, Farina, Rak, Ruvoli Nay: (0) Abstain: (0) Absent: (1) Schedin

Motion approved. D. Approval to Appoint IAPD Delegate

Commissioner Reilly moved to appoint Commissioner Barz as the Delegate for IAPD. Motion seconded by Commissioner Ruvoli. A roll call vote was taken. Aye: (6) Reilly, Feehery, Barz, Farina, Rak, Ruvoli Nay: (0) Abstain: (0) Absent: (1) Schedin

Motion approved. 10. Committee Reports

A. Special Recreation – Executive Director Hassett – Gina and her children participated in a LWSRA 5K run. LWSRA has been selected as one of the charitable benefactors of the Suburban Service League. Gina and President Barz and their spouses (not paid for by the Park District) will represent the Park District at the annual fundraiser gala on November 5th at Olympia Fields Country Club. Commissioner Farina asked for data regarding LWSRA summer participation rates. B. Finance – Business Manager Kman/Commissioner Farina – The total revenue for the

recreation programs is up about $40,000. All of that is due to deferred revenue which is revenue that taken in last fiscal year for this fiscal year. There were 3 payrolls this month. C. Buildings and Grounds Report – Superintendent Stundins/Commissioner Reilly – We are going back into the Biosolid Business. This is something that Bob won an award for two years ago. This is a natural fertilizer that is put on the fields. The dam inspection went well. There were only a few minor issues to keep an eye on like weeds and erosion. The new lights are in the front parking lot. They are much brighter and will eventually replace the other ones. We purchased a new hot pressure washer for the splash pad. A memorial bench and Linden tree was installed at Butternut. Commissioner Barz asked about the flood lights at the football field and if football care of the expense. Sandy said that football takes care of the expense. D. Recreation Report – Superintendent Proper/Commissioner Schedin – Staff has been working

on the Winter/Spring Brochure. Materials are at the designer and should have approval at the end of the week and then sent off to the printer the first of December. Brochures will be mailed right after Christmas and then registration will begin. Halloween Haunting was this past Friday. It was a great success and we had a great turnout. Approximately 230 kids. On Saturday we had our Halloween event for dogs at the Bark Park. We had 46 families in attendance and about 60 dogs. Pictures are posted on FaceBook. We wrapped up soccer. Maurice sent out a survey on Survey Monkey. Some positive feedback. Men’s Fall Softball league has had a lot of rainouts. Warriors practices started last week, first tournament will

be November 12th. Youth Basketball League will start the first of December. Registration is being taken now. Numbers are a little bit low but Maurice is working on that. Preschool is having their Holiday Parties. Pictures will be posted on FaceBook. Prairie Care registration is up. E. Public Relations – Director Hassett/Commissioner Rak – Deborah Gorchos report is included

in the packet. F. Planning Report – Executive Director Hassett/Commissioner Feehery – no report at this

time. 11. Attorney Report – None 12. Unfinished Business – None 13. Commissioner Comments

• Commissioner Ruvoli enjoyed the team building activities and discussions at the treat. He asked if the seasonal positions have been filled. Both Stacy and Sandy said they were good on staff. Stacy said that they will be looking for gym attendants.

• Commissioner Farina thought Gina “nailed” the retreat. Halloween Haunting is her favorite event. She told Stacy that it really showcases your talents. It seemed that all staff participated. She thinks there could be an opportunity for revenue.

• Commissioner Barz thinks it would be a good place to collect email addresses.

• Commissioner Farina asked Gina to tell the story of the giant pumpkin. There was a vacant garden plot and one of the gardeners asked if he could rent the plot to grow pumpkins. He grew a 156.1 lb. pumpkin. Prior to the Halloween event he event he donated one and we had a guess the weight of the pumpkin. Gina suggested the pumpkin would be the prize. He offered to deliver the pumpkin if it was local.

• Commissioner Feehery asked about the Village Board Presentations. He felt he dropped the ball. Gina will send emails as reminders.

• Commissioner Reilly told Stacy the Founders Center looks great. He thanked Gina for the retreat and he was impressed by the nails. He asked where we stood on the Dralle clock. Gina will follow up with the family. The Lions Club talked about donating a bench he asked Gina to reach out to them. Gina said she may consider joining. The Master Plan came up at the retreat. I know I’ve mentioned this to previous Directors. I know Frankfort Square does this. The University of Illinois has a program and could do this for us at a cost savings. I want to compliment our secretary, Sharyn Murphy, on the minutes. There are well written and concise. Lastly, Go Cubs. 14. Executive Session for the purpose of discussing: Personnel 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

Commissioner Reilly moved to go into Executive Session at 7:15. Motion seconded by Commissioner Ruvoli. Motion passed by a voice vote. 15. Adjournment- The Executive Session ended at 7:25.

Commissioner Reilly moved to adjourn the Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of October 25, 2016. Motions seconded by Commissioner Ruvoli. Motion passed by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted Sharyn Murphy Board Minutes Secretary