Teachers in the Carmi White County School District have been awarded $200 grants by the Carmi Chamber of Commerce, the city announced recently.
Funding for the grants will be provided by the chamber's annual golf tournament on June 24.
The grant program helps further the education of local students. The chamber’s education committee selects the winning applicants, and the board of directors approves recipient projects.
At the Jefferson Attendance Center, Melissa Dartt will use her grant to get a Google Chromebook for her classroom, while Jill Roark will use her grant to resurface dry erase boards that her students use.
Suzy Tomm, at the Lincoln Attendance Center, will use her $200 to purchase a range of items for her classroom, including supplementary reading and language arts materials, a sensory massage roller and portable project cases and book bins. Kim Owen, who also teaches at Lincoln, will use her funding for flexible seating for her classroom.
Carmi-White County High School teachers Erin Pennington will use her funding to buy audio books and a CD and cassette player, while Erica Zieren’s grant will go toward supplies for a geometry class project wherein students will make a scale model of the school.