Six Mile Regional Library District Board of Trustees met July 11.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order
President Hutchings called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
Members Present:
Mr. Chris Hutchings President
Ms. Mary Jo Akeman Vice President
Ms. Mary Trimmer Secretary
Ms. Mary Whitehead Treasurer
Ms. Linda McDonnell Trustee
Mr. MaľC Grifin Trustee
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Ms. Tina Hubert Executive Director
Ms. Juliette Douglas Deputy Director
Mr. Tallin Curran IT & Facilities Manager
Ms. Kari Fischer Administrative Assistant
2. Changes to the Agenda
Motion: McDonnell Second: Akeman
Approve The Agenda without Corrections
Motion Carried.
3. Public Comments - None
4. Approval of Minutes
Motion: Whitehead Second: McDonnell
Approve the Minutes of the June 13, 2017 Regular Board Meeting as printed.
Motion Carried.
5. Financial
a. Approve Payment of Bills
Motion: McDonnel Second: Trimmer
Approve the Invoices for Payment as presented: June 2017. in the Amount of $166,264.66.
Roll Call:
Ms. Akeman Yes Ms. McDonnel Yes
Mr. Griffin Yes Ms. Trimmer Yes
Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. Whitehead Yes
Motion Carried
b. Approve Financial Statements
Motion: Whitehead Second: Griffin
Accept the Financial Statements for June 2017 as presented.
Roll Call:
Ms. Akeman Yes Ms. McDonnell Yes
Mr. Griffin Yes Ms. Trimmer Yes
Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. Whitehead Yes
Motion Carried.
c. Approve TrusteeTravel Expenses Reimbursement
Motion: Akeman Second: Trimmer
Approve Travel Reimbursement for trustees attending the American Library Association Annual Conference In Chicago, Illinois:
Chris Hutchings $1,048,81
Linda McDonnell $1,771.30
Marc Griffin $308.74
Roll Call:
Ms. Akeman Yes Ms. MCDOmmel Yes
Mr. Griffin Yes Ms. Trimmer Yes
Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. Whitehead Yes
Motion Carried
b. Approve FY 2017-18 Working Budget
Motion: Trimmer Second: McDonnell
Approve Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2017 and Ending June 30, 2018 Working Budget as Presented.
Roll Call:
Ms. Akeman Yes Ms. McDonnell Yes
Mr. Griffin Yes MS. Trimmer Yes
Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. Whitehead Yes
Motion Carried
6. Correspondence
-Copy of an internal email relaying the verbal praise from a customer for the help computer he recieved
-Google My Business 5-star review for the Johnson Road Branch
-Copy of Director Huberts OMA 2017 Training Certificate of Completion
-Copies of SMRLD items appearing in the media
-Copies of 10 SMRLD Incident Reports
> Copy of an email regarding the one week ban of 4 children
7. Director's Report
a. Human Resources/Personnel
-Staff meetings have been changed from being scheduled monthly on the Friday after the board meeting for one hour to a Friday quarterly for two hours in September, December, March, and June.
-New Research and Instruction Librarian will start July 24, 2017 at Delmar Avenue.
b. Facilities & Operations
i. Elevators- Reviewed request for proposal draft
ii. Errors & Omisssions
8. Unfinished Business
a. Elections of Officers
Mr. Chris Hutchings President
Ms. Mary Jo Akeman Vice President
Ms. Linda McDonnell Secretary
Ms. Mary Whitehead Treasurer
Motion: Griffin Second: Akeman
Accept the Slate as Presented and Elect the Officers by Acclimation.
Roll Call:
Ms. Akeman Yes Ms. McDonnel Yes
Mr. Griffin Yes Ms. Trimmer Yes
Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. Whitehead Yes
Motion carried
b. Open Board Seat
Motion: Griffin Second: Akeman
Set Saturday. August 12, 2017 from 9:00 1:00 p.m. for Interviewing of the Candidates, with Consideration for the Candidates schedules,
Roll Call:
Ms. Akeman Yes Ms. McDonnell Yes
Mr. Griffin Yes Ms. Trimmer Yes
Mr. Hutchings Aye Ms. Whitehead Yes
Motion Carried
9. New Business
a. Illinois Library Association Conference - October 10-12
Earlybird registration ends September 11, 2017. Room reservations will be made in advance of registration.
10. Reports
a. Friends of the Library - Next meeting to be held Wednesday, July 12, 2017 at 6:00 P.M. at Johnson Road
b. American Library Assosciation Conference (Griffin, Hutchings, McDonnell) - Trustees Hutchings, Griffin, and McDonnell spoke about their American Library Association Conference attendance experiences.
11. Board Orientation - Trustee Conference attendance procedures will be updated so that before future Conference attendance trustees can preapprove and recieve up to 75% of the cost in advance of attendance.
12. Adjournment
Motion: Griffin Second: Whitehead
That the Meeting be Adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
Motion carried.