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Crawford County Board of Commissioners met April 20

Board room formal(1000)

Crawford County Board of Commissioners met April 20.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

The Regular Meeting of the Crawford County Board of Commissioners was called to order by

Chairman, Dave Stephenson at 9:00 a.m. in the Crawford County Building, Grayling, Michigan

the 20th day of April, 2017.

Invocation by Commissioner Jamison.

Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Anderson.

Roll Call: Anderson, Jamison, McClain, Priebe and Stephenson.

Absent – Lewis and Pinkelman.

Sandra Moore, County Clerk-Register of Deeds - Present.

Paul Compo, County Controller - Present.

Others present at various times: Ray Franz, Bill Kerr and Bill Hendrian.

Approval of Minutes

Motion by Jamison, second by Priebe, to approve the minutes of March 23, 2017

as presented. Ayes (5) five, nays (0) none, absent (2) two, Motion Carried.

Approval of the Agenda

Motion by McClain, second by Jamison, to accept the agenda as presented. Ayes

(5) five, nays (0) none, absent (2) two, Motion Carried.

Conflict of Interest Declared – None.

Brief Public Comment

Bill Hendrian introduced himself as the new interim MSU Extension District Coordinator as

Kelly Heimstra has moved for a position in South Carolina.

Open Invoice Report and Prepaid Vouchers

Motion by McClain, second by Priebe, to authorize payment of the following claims:

General Fund:                                                             Building & Zoning Fund

Balance from "Open

Invoice Rep"                              $40,051.06               Balance from "Open Invoice Report"        $1,872.91

Prepaid Invoices                     $184,790.44               Prepaid Invoices                                           $153.70

Gross Payroll                          $306,412.10               Gross Payroll                                             $6,632.21

Total General Fund                 $531,253.60               Total Building & Zoning Fund                     $8,658.82

Millage/Road Patrol

Fund                                                                           MSU Cooperative Extension Fund

Balance from "Open

Invoice Report"                          $4,744.56                 Balance from "Open Invoice Report"        $9,526.75

Prepaid Invoices                        $6,493.63                 Prepaid Invoices                                          $353.90

Gross Payroll                           $34,513.36                 Gross Payroll                                               $465.62

Total Millage/Road

Patrol Fund                              $45,751.55                 Total MSU fund                                        $10,346.27

Sobriety Court                                                             Central Dispatch Fund

Prepaid Invoices                      $12,569.61                  Balance from "Open Invoice Report"        $2,848.25

Gross Payroll                           $11,565.11                   Prepaid Invoices                                       $4,015.71

Total Sobriety Court

Fund                                         $24,134.72                  Gross Payroll                                          $30,952.53

                                                                                     Total Central Dispatch Fund                   $37,816.49

Tri-County 46th Trial


Prepaid Invoices                     $10,190.55                    Social Services Fund

Gross Payroll                                   $0.00                    Balance from "Open Invoice Report"              $0.00

Total Tri-County Court             $10,190.55                    Prepaid Invoices                                         $440.92

                                                                                     Total Social Services Fund                          $440.92

Friend of the Court

Balance from "Open

Invoice Report"                               $0.00                     Law Library Fund

Prepaid Invoices                      $2,402.39                     Balance from "Open Invoice Report"          $982.74

Gross Payroll                         $19,616.02                     Prepaid Invoices                                             $0.00

Total Friend of the

Court                                       $22,018.41                    Total Law Library Fund                               $982.74

D10HD                                                                          Family/Probate Court

Balance from "Open

Invoice Report"                               $0.00                     Balance from "Open Invoice Report"             $0.00

Prepaid Invoices                         $692.15                     Prepaid Invoices                                    $38,062.42

Total D10HD                               $692.15                     Gross Payroll                                         $15,947.08

                                                                                      Total Family/Probate Court                   $54,009.50

Airport Fund

Balance from "Open

Invoice Report"                        $4,068.00                      Sports Complex Fund

Prepaid Invoices                         $778.83                      Balance from "Open Invoice Report"             $0.00

Gross Payroll                                $61.40                      Prepaid Invoices                                        $103.40

Total Airport Fund                     $4,908.23                     Total Sports Complex Fund                        $103.40

Recycling Fund                                                              Register of Deeds Technology Fund

Balance from "Open

Invoice Report"                              $0.00                        Balance from "Open Invoice Report"     $14,987.20

Prepaid Invoices                   $13,333.00                        Prepaid Invoices                                             $0.00

Gross Payroll                                 $0.00                       Total ROD Technology Fund                   $14,987.20

Total Recycling Fund            $13,333.00

                                                                                       Veterans Service Relief Fund


Fund                                                                               Balance from "Open Invoice Report"           $722.27

Balance from "Open

Invoice Report"                           $631.10                       Prepaid Invoices                                       $4,504.57

Prepaid Invoices                          $40.79                        Gross Payroll                                            $3,078.83

Gross Payroll                           $4,648.94                       Total VS Relief Fund                                 $5,226.84



fund                                         $5,320.83

                                                                                       Courthouse Preservation Fund

COPS in Schools Fund                                                  Balance from "Open Invoice Report"           $492.11

Balance from "Open

Invoice Report"                             $0.00                         Prepaid Invoices                                       $9,116.89

Prepaid Invoices                           $0.00                         Total Courthouse Preservation Fund        $9,609.00

Gross Payroll                          $6,255.31

Total COPS Fund                   $6,255.31                        GIS Fund

                                                                                      Balance from "Open Invoice Report"          $2,621.88

2015 HSGP                                                                   Prepaid Invoices                                                $0.00

Balance from "Open

Invoice Report"                             $0.00                        Total GIS Fund                                           $2,621.88

Prepaid Invoices                 $42,086.38

Total 2015 HSGP                $42,086.38

Roll Call: Anderson – aye, Jamison – aye, Lewis – absent, McClain – aye,

Pinkelman – absent, Priebe - aye, Stephenson – aye, Motion Carried.

Approval Correspondence

Motion by Jamison, second by McClain, to accept the correspondence as

submitted. Ayes (5) five, nays (0) none, absent (2) two, Motion Carried.


1. Antrim County Planning Department – Notice of Intent to Plan (Antrim County Master

Plan Amendments).

2. Forgotten Eagles of Michigan – 14th Annual Ride Around Michigan (RAM) Itinerary for


3. Michigan Department of Health & Human Services – Management Decision for

Financial Statement Audit for FY 2016.

4. Sharon McYaney – Compliment to Animal Control Officer.

5. Grayling Visitors Bureau – Annual Marketing Report for FY 2016.

6. MAC - Legislative Updates for March 24 & 31 and April 7 & 14, 2017.

7. DEQ – Pending New Source Application Report for ARAUCO NA.

8. Grayling Country Club – May 21, 2017 Free Golf Day in Recognition of Foster Care.

2017 Equalization Report

Equalization Director, William Kerr presented the 2017 Equalization Report and Equalized

Values. The projections made earlier are coming true with property values picking up. Mr. Kerr

directed members to review Page 3 as the Timber Cutover has been moved by the assessors into

residential area which helps the townships. State Equalized Value has increased 5% overall and

noted each unit of government has increased in equalized value except Beaver Creek and Maple

Forest Townships. Mr. Kerr remarked that the residential market is increasing and expects

positive growth with the Arauco plant bringing more than 200 new jobs in the next few years. FY

2018 should prove positive by 1.8 increase.

Motion by Jamison, second by Anderson, to recommend the Board accept the

2017 County Equalization Report in the amount of $644,080,950.00 and authorize

the chair to sign. Roll Call: Jamison – aye, Lewis – absent, McClain – aye,

Pinkelman – absent, Priebe – aye, Stephenson – aye, Anderson – aye, Motion Carried.

Clerk Report

The Clerk indicated she received the Sheriff’s Office FY-2016 Report. The Board indicated the

Sheriff will present the report at the May 11th Committee meeting.

New Election Voting Equipment with Dominion Voting

Motion by McClain, second by Jamison, to support the County Clerk in pursuing

the grant for new voting system for all precincts, which, includes precinct

tabulators and accessible voting services for use by individuals with disabilities,

and related Election Management System (EMS) software. Roll Call: Lewis –

absent, McClain – aye, Pinkelman – absent, Priebe – aye, Stephenson – aye,

Anderson –aye, Jamison - aye, Motion Carried.

Housing Commission Appointment

The Clerk announced that Lacey Stephan was the only applicant for the Housing Board vacancy

and has previously interviewed. The position runs until 4-15-2022.

Motion by Jamison, second by McClain, to appoint Lacey Stephan to the Housing

Commission Board for a 5 year term ending 4-15-2022. Ayes (5) five, nays (0)

none, absent (2) two, Motion Carried.

Construction Board of Appeals Re-Appointments

The Clerk further indicated no applicants came forward for the Construction Board of Appeals

and requested the three present members: Don Alexander, Mark Blossfield and Jason Small be

reappointed for terms ending 4-30-2019.

Motion by McClain, second by Priebe, to reappoint Don Alexander, Mark

Blossfield and Jason Small to the Construction Board of Appeals for another two

(2) year term ending 4-30-2019. Ayes (5) five, nays (0) none, absent (2) two,

Motion Carried.

The Clerk has requested a response to the Democratic nominee for the Jury Commission that is

presently held by Clairene Jorella and has not received a written response. She indicated she will

again contact the party and place the Appointment on the May Committee Board Meeting.

Controller Report

Controller Paul Compo advised the Building and Zoning Department has hired Betty Warren to

the new Clerk position. Region 7 Homeland Security Board will be interviewing two (2)

candidates on Wednesday, April 26th at the Grayling City Hall. The County is presently moving

through Open Enrollment for health and life insurance. The Life Insurance is automatically

$10,000 and can be increased without medical review with costs.

The Board received a request for one (1) board member to attend the University of Michigan

Spring Commencement on Saturday, April 29th.

They hope to have every county represented.

Unfinished Business – None.

Commissioner’s Report

Commissioner Jamison – The Commissioner advised a community yard sale will be at the

Grayling Eagles on Saturday, April 29th

from 10 - 2. The Commissioner indicated there are

Boards that would like to link to the county website for various meetings and events.

Commissioner Priebe - The Commissioner indicated she attended the 911 advisory meeting.

Undersheriff Shawn Kraycs was elected Chairman and Emergency Manager Doug Pratt as ViceChairman.

Addresses for Camp Grayling are under review within our Geographic Information

System (GIS) and members will meet May 17th and appoint a member from the Camp to that

commission. GRA Annual Financial Report for 9-30-16 was placed on file with the Clerk.

The Chamber Business Expo is at the Ramada Inn tonight. The Commissioner reported there

were no Law Enforcement Committee Recommendations to report for Commissioner Pinkelman.

Commissioner Pinkelman – The Commissioner was absent.

Commissioner McClain – The Commissioner reported the Ways & Means Committee

recommendations. The Commissioner stated that DHHS meets next week. The Advocacy

position at COA was hired; the Board is now using I-Pads for meetings; State cuts are continued

to be reviewed; COA member Cheryl Hopp is not reapplying for the board, however, Matt

LeBlanc will again request reappointment – both positions are up in June, 2017.

Building Use Policy

Motion by McClain, second by Jamison, to accept the Building Use Policy

revision as presented with an addition of a clause stating that there will be

compliance with all Federal, State and Local laws and ordinances. Roll Call:

McClain – aye, Pinkelman – absent, Priebe – aye, Stephenson – aye, Anderson –

aye, Jamison - aye, Lewis – absent, Motion Carried.

New Courthouse Security System

Motion by McClain, second by Jamison, to accept the proposal from TKS for a

new system to include the current five doors and the three courtroom doors in the

amount of $11,667.50. Roll Call: Pinkelman – absent, Priebe – aye, Stephenson –

aye, Anderson –aye, Jamison - aye, Lewis – absent, McClain – aye, Motion Carried.

Commissioner Stephenson – The Commissioner indicated the Up North partnership for

substance abuse and is trying to get our Prosecutor more involved and secure liquor control

funding to offset some costs and work with the schools. The Commissioner indicated if the State

of Colorado were to take the legal marijuana vote again it clearly would not pass, due to issues

that are occurring. The Commissioner announced that Ken Stecker, Traffic Safety Resource

Prosecutor will make a presentation Thursday, June 1st from 9 – 11 at City Hall, if members are

interested they are to call 989-732-6761 ext 2404 to register. The Committee meets the 2nd

Tuesday each month at City Hall and will meet May 9th 9-11 to review the process for funding.

Commissioner Anderson – The Commissioner indicated he has no Personnel and Labor

committee recommendations to report. NMRE did not have a good audit, they are looking at

expenses for substance abuse and the lack of reporting has impacted audit findings. The

Commissioner circulated a “Personal Injury Protection” brochure as Michigan is the only state

that mandates every car owner buy unlimited medicals benefits for life. Many residents are

paying twice for the same medical insurance coverage. Ambulance service costs are too high. For

more information on Personal Injury Protection visit www.michigan.gov/difs.

Commissioner Lewis – The Commissioner was absent.

New Business

Request for COA Funding through NEMSCA

Motion by McClain, second by Priebe, to prepare a letter to the Area Agency on

Aging at NEMSCA and support the Commission on Aging efforts throughout the

community as their services are invaluable to our county residents and authorize

the Chairman to sign. Ayes (5) five, nays (0) none, absent (2) two, Motion Carried.

Citizens to Speak

Ray Franz, introduced himself as a 30 year business owner, 29 years local government service,

Vietnam Veteran, 6 years 101st District State Representative and he plans to seek the senate seat

retained presently by Senator Darwin Booher.

Announcements – None.


Motion by McClain, second by Jamison, to adjourn meeting at 10:03 a.m. Ayes

(5) five, nays (0) none, absent (2) two, Motion Carried.




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