Village of Freeburg Finance Committee met July 26.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Acting Chairman Ray Matchett officially called the meeting of the Finance Committee to order at 5:45 p.m. on Wednesday, July 26, 2017. Those in attendance were Chairperson Denise Albers (absent), Trustee Mike Blaies, Trustee Ray Matchett, Trustee Dean Pruett, Mayor Seth Speiser, Treasurer Bryan Vogel, Trustee Trustee Lisa Meehling, Trustee Matt Trout, Village Clerk Jerry Menard, Public Works Director John Tolan (absent), Village Attorney Tom Zurliene, Village Administrator Tony Funderburg (absent), Finance Clerk Debbie Pierce (absent) and Office Manager Julie Polson. Guest present: Janet Baechle.
A. Review of Board Lists: Brit Global, $2500 - deductible payment for police department lawsuit; Mednik, $253.84 - Julie will confirm the exact expense.
B. Review of Investments: Treasurer Vogel stated we don't have a CD for renewal until December.
C. Income Statement: Julie advised the audit starts tomorrow and Debbie has been Working on that. The income statement not completely updated.
D. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Vogel had the reports in his mailbox today, so he will
getting the trustees some more treasurer's reports shortly.
E. Old Business:
1. Approval of June 28, 2017 Minutes. Trustee Lisa Meehling motioned to approve the June 28, 2O17 minutes and Trustee Dean Pruett seconded the motion. All voting yea, the motion carried.
2. Attorney Invoices: No questions.
3. Newsletter: The next edition will go out mid September. Julie will include the chili cookoff and winter preparedness.
F. New Business Rhutasel Invoice #1335.1: Trustee Blaies asked for a more detailed invoice and would like to discuss further with Tony and John.
G. Public Participation: None.
H. Adjourn: Trustee Trustee Dean Pruett motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:55 p.m. and Trustee Mike Blaies seconded the motion. All voting yea, the motion carried.