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Carmi White County Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met October 16.

Carmi White County Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met October 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the board of education of Carmi-White County Community Unit District No. 5 was held on Monday, October 16, 2017, at the Jefferson Attendance Center (new building). The meeting was called to order by President Kelli M. Chapman at 7:02 p.m.

Recital Of Pledge Of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Those present were board members Acord, Chapman, Fulkerson, Hammell, Mitchell and Scates. Others present were Superintendent Brad Lee; Amy Atteberry, Washington Attendance Center principal; Cindy Hoskins, Brownsville principal; Jarrod Newell, high school principal; Bob Lamp, CWCEA president, Ryan Hawkins, Kemper CPA; Rachel Blazier, unit secretary; and Scott Mareing (WROY). Others present were Quinton Browning, student observer and Jean McGarvey, student’s parent.

Consent Agenda Items Approved

Consent agenda items were presented to the board for its approval as follows:

1. Minutes of the September 18, 2017 regular board meeting of the board of education.

2. FMLA Request

Alex Aud has submitted a Family and Medical Leave Act request beginning approximately on December 18, 2017. After utilizing all sick and personal days that she has accumulated, she requests twenty (20) days at sub pay deduction. She plans to return to work on the first day of the 2018-2019 school year, unless a longer leave is required with dates to be confirmed with the Superintendent at the appropriate time.

It was recommended that the board accept the Family and Medical Leave Act request of Alex Aud beginning on approximately December 18, 2017, utilizing all sick and personal days that she has accumulated and twenty (20) days at sub pay deduction. She plans to return to work on the first day of the 2018-2019 school year, unless a longer leave is required with dates to be confirmed with the Superintendent at the appropriate time.

3. Donation

Brownsville Attendance Center has been the recipient of the following donation in support of its program:

Mr. and Mrs. David Templeton.$400.00


In line with board policy, it was recommended that the board of education accept the donation noted above.

4. Board Member Expense Requests

School board members are required to fill out an estimated expense approval form for expense requests for travel, meals and/or lodging. It is estimated that the board members attending the school board conference in Chicago could be reimbursed up to $150.00 each. Hotel expenses will be paid by the district. Board members will not be reimbursed for their mileage.

It was recommended that the board approve estimated expenses.

Motion by Mitchell, second by Fulkerson, that the recommendations for consent agenda items as follows:

1. Minutes of the September 18, 2017 regular board meeting

2. FMLA Request

3. Donation

4. Board Members Estimated Expense Approval

be approved. Roll call votes: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Bills Approved

An additional list of bills was presented to the board at the meeting for its consideration and approval. Mr. Lee said that he would be happy to answer any questions that board members may have on any of the bills. Board member Hammell asked about the payment to BSN Sports. Mr. Lee replied that this was for junior high school girls’ basketball uniforms that have not been replaced in 10-12 years. The invoice for Security Seed & Chemical was also questioned. Mr. Lee said that this invoice was for the FFA field.

Motion by Chapman, second by Hammell, that the bills for the month of September 2017 be approved as listed. Roll call vote: Hammell, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes; Fulkerson, yes; and Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report Read And Approved

The treasurer’s report for the month of September 2017 was read as follows: Education Fund, $3,829,413; Building Fund, $778,758; Transportation Fund, $480,172; Municipal Retirement Fund, $579,351; Imprest Fund, $7,564; Tort Fund, $571,457; Debt Service Fund, $832,319; Working Cash Fund, $358,080; Fire Prevention and Safety Fund, $130,985; and Capital Projects, $653,449. Investments by Fund: Municipal Retirement Fund, $100,000.

Mr. Lee told the board that this is the most revenue that the district has received in one month for six or seven years. He reminded the board that the district did not receive any General State Aid in August. In September, the district received $893,851 in General State Aid, $37,954 from the State, $25,000 in local money (such as book rentals and technology fees), $37,000 from TAMES for a monthly total of $994,497 in the Education Fund. The district received $2,004,357 from local taxes, with $1,009,625 going into the Education Fund. The district received $57,912 in the 1% Sales Tax. The grand total of revenue for the month of September was $3,056,047. The State still owes the district $300,000 from FY17. Mr. Lee said that what he hears is that the State is supposed to pay the amount owed for FY17 by the end of December.

Motion by Scates, second by Acord, that the treasurer’s report for the month of September 2017 be approved as read. Roll call vote: Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Chapman, yes. Motion carried

Superintendent’s Report To The Board

Superintendent Lee reported the following items to the board:

1. Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week activities will begin October 23 and run through October 27, 2017 in the Carmi-White County Schools. The 2017 theme is “My Future Matters—I’m Drug Free”. This special time raises awareness concerning drugs and is coordinated by District Social Worker Leanett Lovell. Mrs. Lovell is to be commended for her time spent compiling the various activities for each building.

2. Principal Appreciation Day

Principal Appreciation Day will be celebrated this year on Friday, October 20, 2017. This state-endorsed occasion honors the work and commitment of principals, assistant principals, and deans in schools throughout Illinois. I would like to thank district administrators for their dedication to their jobs and the work they do for the district.

3. Congratulations

Mr. Lee congratulated high school boys’ golfer, Ty Barbre, for advancing to the 1A State Golf Tournament in Bloomington. Congratulations were also extended to girls’ tennis players, Makynna Shaffer and Kaley Oliver, for advancing to the state tennis tournament in Buffalo Grove.

4. Student Recognitition

Mr. Lee recognized high school senior and CEO class member Haylie Fulkerson for her heroic efforts in performing CPR, which helped to save a life. Recently, the White County CEO Class was on a tour of the Social House in Carmi. An individual accompanying the class on the tour experienced a medical emergency. Haylie stepped in and began performing CPR until the individual was able to breathe on their own. At the annual Chamber of Commerce Dinner on October 2, she was recognized by the Illinois Sheriff’s Association and the White County Ambulance Service. Her quick thinking and immediate efforts helped to save a life.

5. 1% Sale Tax Revenue

The district has received two years’ worth of revenue from the County School’s Facility Tax. To date revenue received for Unit #5 is $1,342,696. The board will be asked to pass a resolution at the November meeting abating the existing bonds by $240,000. This is one-third of the total revenue and is what the board told the tax payers the district would do if the sales tax passed.

6. Jefferson Attendance Center Repair

Jefferson Attendance Center has had a sewer issue off and on for the past few years. When this happens, the sewer backs up into the cafeteria. Usually this happens once or twice a year and a local plumber will come in and clean it out. It has already happened twice this year. The sewer pipe runs on the northeast side of the school underneath the asphalt and runs out to the city’s sewer line to the north. It is thought that one part of the sewer pipe has collapsed because when the plumber goes in to clean it out, he is getting mud. The city is going to run a camera down the line and locate the problem. A local plumber will need to remove some asphalt in order to fix the problem. The district needs to get this taken care of.

Annual Audit Reviewed

Kemper CPA has completed the audit of FY17 for the school district. Ryan Hawkins was present to review the audit with the Board of Education at this point in the agenda.

Mr. Hawkins thanked the board for giving Kemper CPA the opportunity to conduct the district’s FY17 audit. Each board member received a copy of the FY17 Annual Financial Report and Supplementary Information. Mr. Hawkins distributed a “Report Presentation Summary” to board members to summarize the audit.

Mr. Hawkins explained that ISBE rates five categories in an audit on a 4.0 scale. These ratings range from warning, to watch, to review, to recognition. The five categories are Fund Balance to Revenue Ratio, Expenditures to Revenue Ratio, Days Cash on Hand, Short Term Borrowing Margin, and Long Term Borrowing Margin. Mr. Hawkins said that there was only one change in the district’s ratings this year. The Fund Balance to Revenue Ratio went from a review rating to a recognition rating. He told the board that the Illinois State Board of Education does adjust scores because the State is behind on payments.

Mr. Hawkins explained the area of “Days Cash on Hand”. He said that the district would be able to operate 142.6 days if there was no revenue coming in.

Mr. Hawkins reviewed the “Independent Auditor’s Report” which is included in the audit. He explained that management, as related to the audit, is comprised of the board members, the superintendent, and the auditor. He said the district’s financial report is of clean opinion of the Illinois State Board of Education’s requirements.

Mr. Hawkins told the board members that he conducts an exit review with Mr. Lee and Sheila Napier, district bookkeeper, at the end of the audit. He then asked if any board member had a question regarding the FY17 audit.

State And Federal Grants

Below is a summary of FY18 state and federal curriculum-related program applications that have been submitted to the state office by the deadline date of June 30, 2017. This agenda item was merely to provide the board with information regarding the district’s state and federal program grants.

Listed beside or below each state or federal program grant is the contact person. The contact person is the administrator/staff responsible for preparing the program applications and submitting various expenditure and evaluation reports during the year in regard to these programs. The efforts of the various program administrators/staff are appreciated.

These grants totaling approximately $1,113,438 provide for significant student opportunities and programs in our district and represents a substantial portion of our district’s total projected education fund revenue. District administrative/staff personnel will work to obtain additional competitive grant funds as there are opportunities available.

Federally Allocatged Grants Submitted

Title I (Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged)


Title I BCH (Huggins).$38,624

Title II (Teacher Quality) (Huggins).$61,108

Administrative Outreach—Medicare (Lee).$32,000

TAMES—Support Personnel Medicare (Lee).$250,000

Rural & Low Income (Huggins).$32,000

Perkins Equipment (Newell).$14,200

CTEI High School Program Improvement (Newell).$33,770

Ag Supplemental Grant (Newell).$1,651

Program of Study Grant (Newell).$4,261

Elementary Career Development (Newell).$986

State Request For Proprosal (Rfp) Competitive

Grants Submitted

Early Childhood Block Grant (Atteberry).$268,871

High School Extracurricular Drug Testing Policy

The current High School Extracurricular Athletic Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy was adopted on August 18, 2003. The rationale for adopting the policy was “Because of evidence of the continuing increase in drug and alcohol use in our community, school officials feel that it is time to instate a Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing Policy. Random drug and alcohol testing of student-athletes at Carmi-White County High School should help control this problem by acting as a deterrent and showing that we care about our students and do not want to see them endangered by the use of drugs or alcohol. The purpose of this policy is to help minimize or eliminate drug and alcohol use among our student-athletes.”

Currently only high school students who participate in a district sponsored athletic team are randomly drug tested. This was brought to the board’s attention to see if there was any interest in expanding the policy to include high school students who participate in co-curricular activities.

Mr. Lee explained that the law was a little unclear of who, other than athletes, could be tested when the policy was adopted. Since then, it has been become clearer that students that participate in co-curricular activities can also be tested. He said that tonight he is wanting to know if the board wants to look into the possibility of expanding that to not only sports but also co-curricular activities. Clubs are not considered co-curricular activities. Co-curricular activities are those school sponsored activities where students compete or perform – such as, choir, band, students in plays or musicals, FFA, math team, One-Niter Plus, and possibly art – are considered co-curricular activities.

Board Member Mitchell asked how expensive the testing was. Mr. Lee said that the cost is $7.00 per kit. It a test is positive, the district then sends it to the lab and it costs $14.00 per test.

Board President Chapman asked when a student is called in for a test, does the student go to the building’s office or to the nurse’s office. She said that a person can buy synthetic urine on the internet. She feels that somebody needs to go to the class and get the student when he/she is going to be tested. She said that the synthetic urine comes in a small vial. She said that if a student is going to be tested, he/she is going to be ready for the testing. Mr. Newell said that the tests are given to the nurses and that the nurses take the students to the nurse’s office for testing.

Board member Scates asked if very many other school districts include students in co- curricular activities. Mr. Lee said some do and some don’t.

Board member Mitchell asked if somebody had requested this expansion. Board member Fulkerson said that he brought it up to Mr. Lee because some parents have asked him why athletes and no other students are drug tested. He said that he agreed with the parents.

Board member Hammell asked what the spectrum of the district’s current testing was. Mr. Lee said that he didn’t know exactly but there is a list of the drugs that are included in the testing. Mr. Newell said that this list is in information that is passed out to parents. Mr. Lee said that the more drugs that you test for, the more expensive the kit is. He said that the district’s goal is to hopefully deter students. He said that what was going on in 2003 could be different than what kids are doing now. Mr. Scates said that back then it probably was looking more for steroids. He didn’t think that it was so much for opioids and marijuana.

Mr. Lee explained that if a student is in multiple sports, his/her name could be randomly picked in more than one sport. If the district has reasonable suspicion that something is going on, testing can be done.

Board member Acord asked if the policy is expanded, what staff would test for students in co-curricular activities. Mr. Lee said that the district would have to figure it out. The district would have to delegate someone to be responsible. He would need to get with the school attorney to see what groups would be considered co-curricular.

Mr. Scates said that he didn’t know how much time it would take, but he agreed with Mr. Fulkerson that it should not be just athletes. Mr. Hammell asked if it is a mandatory 20%. Mr. Lee said no but he thinks that is the number that the district has been using.

It was discussed that possibly co-curricular activities could be grouped as fall-winter- spring like the sports are grouped. Mr. Lee said that each group would have to be looked at individually and make sure that during that time, 20% of them get selected. Mr. Hammell asked Mr. Lee if he had discussed it with the school attorney. Mr. Lee said yes but he would have him look at the policy and then have him advise the district how to word it.

Mr. Scates asked if a percentage of the testing comes back positive. Mr. Lee said that some years are 0-2, other years are 3-4, and some years 0. He said that the district would be naïve to think that something is not going on.

Mr. Acord suggested to add co-curricular activities and for Mr. Lee to get with the school attorney.

Evaluation Of Coaches

The district does not have a policy in place to formally evaluate those individuals who coach an extracurricular athletic team. This agenda item was to discuss whether or not to pursue adopting an evaluation instrument, and if so, when the process would begin.

Mr. Lee told the board that he had asked the school attorney how many school districts evaluate coaches. The school attorney said it is 50/50. He called around and the attorney is right. He said there could be some benefits to it but there could be some hindrances. The instruments could be very simple to very time consuming and detailed.

Board President Chapman asked what would be the district’s purpose of implementing this. Mr. Lee said that it would help our people grow and get better. He said that if the district told him that he would have to be evaluated as a coach, he would do it, but some coaches are going to think that the district is going to get them at something. He said that if the district is going to evaluate coaches, it should do it in a way that will help people.

Mr. Hammell asked what would happen if a coach has a really good year but he gets a bad evaluation. Mr. Lee said that the district would have to show that there is a negligence in some way before the coach could be dismissed.

Mr. Fulkerson said that he understood that coaching assignments were separate from teaching assignments. He said that the board is fiscally responsible for the money that is spent on coaching. He said that principals and athletic directors are responsible for overseeing coaching. He said that it should be a simple documentation and that he would not want it to be something lengthy. Also this enables the district to set down and have something put in writing.

Mrs. Mitchell asked who would do this evaluation. Mr. Fulkerson said he thought it would be the athletic director or the principal. Mr. Scates said that the athletic director is supposed to already be doing this. Mr. Lee said that the athletic director works with the coaches, has parent meetings, and meets with parents. This would just be a more formal tool. He said that it would take a little bit of time and he would need to look at different instruments.

Mr. Acord said that if the district was to do this, he feels that it should not be started until the next school year. Mr. Fulkerson said that he thought that a committee comprised of athletic director/principals/coaches of different sports should be formed to discuss.

Mr. Acord suggested that the board table this item at the moment.

Closed Session

Motion by Mitchell, second by Acord, that the board meet in closed session at 8:11 p.m. for purposes of discussing appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of an employee. Roll call vote: Hammell, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes; Fulkerson, yes; and Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Scates, second by Acord, that the board return to open session at 9:05 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Closed Session Minutes Approved

Motion by Mitchell, second by Hammell, that the board approve closed session minutes of the September 18, 2017 regular meeting of the board of education. Roll call vote: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes; Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Pat Gross And Trish Pringle Approved As Building Volunteers For The 2017-2018 School Year

Motion by Chapman, second by Hammell, that Pat Gross and Trish Pringle be approved as building volunteers for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll call vote: Hammell, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Kaleb Childers Employed As A Custodian At Washington Attendance Center For The 2017-2018 School Year

Motion by Mitchell, second by Acord, that the board employ Kaleb Childers as a custodian at Washington Attendance Center to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Robert A. Benham for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll call vote: Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Jonathan Goemaat Employed As 5th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach For The 2017-2018 School Year

Motion by Fulkerson, second by Scates, that Jonathan Goemaat be employed as the 5th grade boys’ basketball coach to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Dusty Aud for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll call vote: Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Justin Simmons Employed As 5th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach For The 2017-2018 School Year

Motion by Mitchell, second by Hammell, that Justin Simmons be employed as the 5th grade girls’ basketball coach to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mike Zaranti for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll call vote: Scates, yes; Acord, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Mitchell, yes; Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Chris Pollard Employed As 7th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach For The 2017-2018 School Year.

Motion by Scates, second by Mitchell, that Chris Pollard be approved as the 7th grade girls’ basketball coach for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll call vote: Acord, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Salary Increase Of Non-Certified Employees Not In The Bargaining Unit

Motion by Hammell, second by Acord, to increase the salaries of non-certified employees not in the bargaining unit. Roll call vote: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Acord, yes; Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Administrators Receive 2% Increase In Salaries For The 2017-2018 School Year

Motion by Scates, second by Fulkerson that Amy Atteberry, Washington Attendance Center principal; Dr. Amy Dixon, Lincoln and Jefferson Attendance Centers Principal; Bart King, Junior High Principal/High School Assistant Principal; and Jarrod Newell, High School Principal receive a two percent (2%) increase in their salaries for the 2017-2018 school year.


Motion by Chapman, second by Mitchell, that the meeting be adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.



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