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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Galatia Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met March 22.

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Galatia Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met March 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Roll call was taken, and those present were Joy Richey, Bryan McCabe, BJ Pigg, Tim Pribble, Elaine Jackson and Aaron Allen. Justin Travelstead was absent. Six (6) members present and one (1) member absent. Board President Tim Pribble called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.


Mike Ewald was the visitor in attendance.

Additions/Deletions To Agenda:

There were no additions/deletions to the agenda.

Consent Agenda:

1) A motion was made by Pigg and seconded by McCabe to approve the regular meeting minutes of February 22, 2018. Allen-aye, McCabe-aye, Pigg-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

2) A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Pigg to approve payroll and bills for payment. McCabe-aye, Allen-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, and Pigg-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

3) A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Jackson to approve the Treasurer’s Report and co- mingled funds as presented. Allen-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Pigg-aye, and McCabe- aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

Audience To Visitors:

Mike Ewald, school architect, presented board members with preliminary cost estimates on renovating the elementary school gym bleachers, along with a cost estimate on a new (metal/steel) multi-purpose space (building) at the high school. Mr. Ewald provided estimates for elementary and high school computer lab HVAC installation, repairing wall/roof leaks at the elementary school, replacing the bleacher seats at the high school, along with installation of a HVAC for the high school gym. The proposed Health Life Safety Bond issue would cover the cost of the computer lab HVAC (at both schools), elementary gymnasium bleachers, and a HVAC system at the high school gym that would remove the gym from the current boiler system circuit.

The board discussed the proposed layout of the elementary school gym with the bleacher renovation. Locker rooms would have to be relocated. Mr. Ewald will check for asbestos in the elementary gym before beginning to bid the renovation.

The elementary school computer lab would have the current radiators removed, and the piping would be terminated. The installation of the new HVAC system at the elementary computer lab would eliminate the shortage of electricity needed to run all computers, plus the two window air conditioning units. This new system will be much more energy efficient.

Mr. Ewald will submit an amendment to the Illinois State Board of Education to include the above scope of work (elementary bleacher project, HVAC systems in the computer labs of both the elementary and high school, new HVAC at the high school gym, and miscellaneous roof/wall repairs) to be completed with the Health Life Safety bond issue proceeds. This amendment will have to be completed before quotes on construction costs can be bid.

Mr. Ewald presented the board with drawings of a potential office/board room space in the front part of the Annex building. This would not be financed with bond issue funds. The board asked Mr. Ewald for hard quotes on construction of office and board room space, for the April board meeting.

Old Business:

Melody Bond, district treasurer, presented the advertised bids for the district’s mowing, waste removal, pest control, and transportation fuel to the board for review.

4) A motion was made by Jackson and seconded by Allen to award the bid for pest control services to Harrisburg Pest Control as presented, in the amount of $75.00 per month for both the jr/sr high school and the elementary school, and $15.00 per month for the Annex building, for the time period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. McCabe-aye, Allen-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, and Pigg- aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

5) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Pigg to award the bid for fuel to Southern FS for 10,000 gallons of fuel at a price no greater than $2.21 per gallon for the time period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. Allen-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, Richey-aye, Pigg-aye, and McCabe-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

6) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Pigg to award the bid for mowing services to Jeremy Hankins, as presented, for an amount of $175.00/mowing for the jr/sr high school and an amount of $100.00/mowing for the elementary school, and $25.00/mowing for the Annex lot, for the time frame May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2019. Allen-aye, McCabe-aye, Pigg-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

7) A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Allen to award the bid for waste removal services to Republic Systems Inc., as presented, for an annual amount of $1,890.00 for the jr/sr high school and $948.00 for the elementary school, for the time period of July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. Richey-aye, McCabe-aye, Pigg-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, and Allen-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

Mr. Crank and Ms. Bond reported they are investigating options regarding purchasing electricity. The district is currently under contract with NestEra Energy. The contract expires June 30, 2018, and can be renewed or discontinued. They will report findings in the April, 2018 board meeting.

New Business:

Mr. Shain Crank, district superintendent, presented the amended 2017/2018 school calendar.

8) A motion was made by Pigg and seconded by Allen to approve the amended school calendar for FY 2017/2018, as presented. Richey-aye, Allen-aye, McCabe-aye, Pigg-aye, Jackson-aye, and Pribble-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

Mr Crank presented the proposed school calendar for 2018/2019.

Board secretary, Joy Richey, would like to see the number of emergency days, included in the school calendar, go up from five (currently proposed) to eight days. The number of emergency days included in the calendar, determines the number of days the district makes up at the end of the school year. Mrs. Richey stated that the board is accountable for tax payer dollars that the district receives from property tax payers.

9) A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Jackson to amend the proposed FY 2018/2019 calendar, to include eight (8) emergency days (instead of the proposed five (5)). Allen-no, McCabe-no, Pigg-no, Jackson-aye, Pribble-abstain, and Richey-aye. Two (2) ayes, Three (3) no’s, One (1) abstain, motion denied.

10) A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Allen to approve school calendar for FY 2018/2019, as presented. McCabe-aye, Allen-aye, Jackson-abstain, Pribble-aye, Richey-no, and Pigg-aye. Four (4) ayes, One (1) no, One (1) abstain, motion carried.

Mr. Crank asked for permission on behalf of PTO, to travel to St. Louis Zoo, located in St. Louis, MO, for a field trip on a date to be determined.

11) A motion was made by Pigg and seconded by McCabe to approve a field trip for the 4th, 5th and 6th grade classes to St. Louis Zoo, in St. Louis, MO on a date to be determined (in the 2017/2018 school year). Allen-aye, McCabe-aye, Pigg-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

High School Principal Report:

Mr. Cummins reported that PARCC testing is underway and no issues have been reported. The SAT test for high school juniors is scheduled for April 10th, 2018.

Mr. Cummins reported the gates at the high school softball field are in need of repair, and the concession stand building door jam is rotting. He will bring cost estimates of these repairs to the April board meeting.

He reported the locker rooms in the high school gym have no doors (they are under the stage). This could potentially be a safety issue. The boy’s locker has outside access. Mr. Cummins would like to get cost estimated on the installation of locker room doors for student safety. The board agreed that this could be a health, life, safety issue. Mr. Cummins will report these cost estimates to the board.

Mr. Cummins reported that Kevin Peyton and Stacey Pribble are driving the Norris City route now, due to Mary Mayberry’s retirement in February, 2018.

Mr. Arnold’s mechanics class has repaired Van #1, and it is now running.

Mr Cummins presented the board with a picture (with specifications) of a 15 passenger Ford Van. He thinks this van would greatly benefit the district, by freeing up the big buses for regular routes, and be a cost savings by taking the van when a big bus capacity is not needed.

12) A motion was made by Allen and seconded by Pribble to approve the purchase of a 15 passenger van, from Jim Hays, Inc, for an amount not to exceed $28,200. Funds will be transferred from the districts working cash account (fund 70) to the transportation (fund 40) account, to be paid back in 36 months. Allen-aye, McCabe-aye, Pigg-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

Superintendent Report:

Mr. Crank did a second reading of policy #’s 2:20; 4:40; 5:20; 5:200; and resolution 5:20E.

13) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Jackson to approve policy #’s 2:20; 4:40; 5:20; 5:200. Pribble-aye, McCabe-aye, Pigg-aye, Jackson-aye, Allen-aye, and Richey-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

14) A motion was made by Allen and seconded by McCabe to adopt Board policy 5:20, Workplace Harassment Prohibited, attached as Exhibit A, which contains the following: (1) a prohibition on sexual harassment; (2) detail regarding how an individual can report an allegation of sexual harassment, including options for making a confidential report to an immediate supervisor, the Building Principal, an administrator, the Nondiscrimination Coordinator, a Complaint Manager, or the Ill. Dept. of Human Rights; (3) a prohibition on retaliation for reporting sexual harassment allegations and a statement regarding the availability of whistleblower protections under the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, the Whistleblower Act, and the Ill. Human Rights Act; and (4) the consequences: (a) of a violation of the prohibition on sexual harassment; and (b) for knowingly making a false report. Pribble-aye, Allen-aye, McCabe-aye, Jackson-aye, Pigg-aye, and Richey-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

Mr. Crank informed the board he was attending a school security meeting on March 23, 2018 with other local superintendents, Senator Dale Fowler, and Representative John Shimkus. He will report any findings in the April, 2018 board meeting. He reported a PTO representative is standing at the elementary school door every morning, watching incoming traffic and persons entering the school building. The Galatia police is at the high school some mornings, as well as deputy Jerod Campbell.

The Egyptian Health Department has a counselor available to school districts for a cost of $22,000. Mr. Crank states that he is looking into the details of this agreement.

Mr. Crank presented a quote for walkie talkies that could be purchased for every classroom in the elementary building, annex, and High School building, for an amount of $1,400.00 Walkie talkie’s are a fast, easy way to communicate, and have a two mile range.

Mr. Crank also had a quote for “panic buttons”. These would be stationed at each main entrance of the elementary, jr/sr high school, and the Annex building. Upon pressing these buttons, security and police are notified of an emergency. The quote for all three buttons is $7,917.90.

Mr. Crank informed the board of his inquiries to the Sherriff’s department about hiring security officers. The district would have to contract these employees through either the Harrisburg police department, or the Village of Galatia. This requirement may change in the future. The Sherriff’s department is investigating the cost of these armed security officers, and the amount they would have to charge school districts.

Executive Session:

15) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Allen to enter into executive session at 10:02 p.m. to discuss compensation, employment, hiring, firing, of prospective or current employees (personnel), review executive session minutes, professional negotiations, and matters of student discipline. McCabe- aye, Allen-aye, Pigg-aye, Jackson-aye, Pribble-aye, and Richey-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

16) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Jackson to end executive session at 11:00 p.m. Richey-aye, Allen-aye, Pigg-aye, McCabe-aye, Jackson-aye, and Pribble-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

17) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Allen to approve executive session minutes as read. Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, Allen-aye, Pribble-aye, Pigg-aye, and McCabe-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

18) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Allen post a part-time Industrial Ag teacher position for the 2018/2019 school year. Allen-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye, Pigg-aye, Pribble-aye, and Jackson- aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

19) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to accept Erica Dwyer’s resignation, as an individual aide. Jackson-aye, McCabe-aye, Pigg-aye, Richey-aye, Pribble-aye, and Allen-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

20) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Jackson to post a high school secretary position (full time 10 month). Jackson-aye, McCabe-aye, Pigg-aye, Richey-aye, Pribble-aye, and Allen-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

21) A motion was made by Allen and seconded by Jackson to proceed to issue a Health/Life/Safety Bond in the amount of $515,000.00. Pribble-aye, Allen-aye, Pigg-aye, Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, and McCabe- aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

22) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Allen to hold a Special Board Meeting on April 9, 2018. Jackson-aye, McCabe-aye, Pigg-aye, Richey-aye, Pribble-aye, and Allen-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

23) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Allen not to retain all district coaches at the end of the school year 2017/2018. Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, Allen-aye, Pribble-aye, Pigg-aye, and McCabe-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

24) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Pigg to post all Galatia CUSD #1 coaching positions for the 2018/2019 school year. McCabe-aye, Jackson-aye, Richey-aye, Pribble-aye, Pigg-aye, and Allen- aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

25) A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Allen not to retain Marsha Hoskins as an individual aide for the 2018/2019 school year. Pribble-aye, Pigg-aye, Allen-aye, Jackson-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

26) A motion was made by Jackson and seconded by McCabe not to retain Heather Anderson as an individual aide for the 2018/2019 school year. Jackson-aye, Pigg-aye, Allen-aye, Pribble-aye, McCabe- aye, Richey-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

27) A motion was made by Jackson and seconded by Allen not to retain Kendra Reed for the 2018/2019 school year. Richey-aye, Pigg-aye, Allen-aye, Jackson-aye, McCabe-aye, Pribble-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

28) A motion was made by Richey and seconded by Pribble not to retain Scott Barton as individual aide for the 2018/2019 school year. McCabe-aye, Pigg-aye, Allen-aye, Jackson-aye, Richey-aye, Pribble-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

29) A motion was made by Jackson and seconded by Pigg not to retain Angela Warmouth as individual aide for the 2018/2019 school year. Pribble-aye, Allen-aye, Pigg-aye, Jackson-aye, McCabe-aye, Richey- aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

30) A motion was made by Jackson and seconded by Pigg not to retain Denise Stricklin for the 2018/2019 school year. Richey-aye, Pigg-aye, Allen-aye, Jackson-aye, McCabe-aye, Pribble-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

31) A motion was made by Pigg and seconded by McCabe not to retain Kim Hankins for the 2018/2019 school year. Jackson-aye, Pigg-aye, Allen-aye, Richey-aye, McCabe-aye, Pribble-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

32) A motion was made by Allen and seconded by McCabe not to retain Glenda Wilson for the 2018/2019 school year. Allen-aye, Pigg-aye, Richey-aye, Jackson-aye, McCabe-aye, Pribble-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

33) A motion was made by Jackson and seconded by Allen not to retain Jennifer Tate for the 2018/2019 school year. Richey-aye, McCabe-aye, Allen-aye, Jackson-aye, Pigg-aye, Pribble-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

34) A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Pigg not to retain Diane Toler for the 2018/2019 school year. Pigg-aye, Richey-aye, Allen-aye, Pribble-aye, McCabe-aye, Jackson-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

35) A motion was made by Jackson and seconded by Pigg not to retain Jackie Schwartz for the 2018/2019 school year. Richey-aye, Pigg-aye, Allen-aye, Jackson-aye, McCabe-aye, Pribble-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

36) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by Richey not to retain Margie Dunning for the 2018/2019 school year. McCabe-aye, Pigg-aye, Allen-aye, Jackson-aye, Richey-aye, Pribble-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

37) A motion was made by Pigg and seconded by McCabe to purchase walkie talkies for district (for security reasons) in an amount not to exceed $1,400.00. Pribble-aye, Jackson-aye, Allen-aye, Richey-aye, McCabe-aye, and Pigg-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.

38) A motion was made by Pribble and seconded by McCabe to purchase an additional security camera for the elementary school (basement floor), for an amount not to exceed $540.00, plus a monthly fee of $4.00. Pribble-aye, Jackson-aye, Allen-aye, Richey-aye, McCabe-aye, and Pigg-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.


39) A motion was made by Allen and seconded by Jackson to adjourn at 11:46 p.m. Richey-aye, Jackson- aye, Allen-aye, Pigg-aye, McCabe-aye, and Pribble-aye. Six (6) ayes, motion carried.
