City of Mount Carmel City Council met May 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Invocation was given by Reverend Tony Hodgson.
Present on Roll Call: Mayor Bill Hudson Commissioners – Eric Ikemire, Joe Judge, Rod Rodriguez
Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman, City Attorney Kelli Storckman
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Hudson brought the city council meeting to order.
Mayor Hudson acknowledged Mount Carmel Library Representatives Twilla Coon and Vicki Britton, who were in attendance seeking council approval for the Library’s Twelfth Annual 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, June 9th. Ms. Britton stated the police department has been contacted regarding the race route and thanked the council for all their assistance in previous years with the event.
Mayor Hudson acknowledged Airport Manager Chad Hill, who was in attendance to announce the first Military Recruitment and Aviation Career Day at the airport on Saturday, June 9th, starting at 8:30 am. Chad invited the council and community to attend the event.
Mayor Hudson stated the opening day for the Little League was a great event and he thanked City Employee Bob Mayhue and members of the Little League for doing a great job in preparing the ballfields and park for the ceremony.
Mayor Hudson announced the VFW Ladies Auxiliary has requested permission to collect donations on the designated street corners on Saturday, May 26th for their Annual Poppy Day Event.
Mayor Hudson reported one of the Bicentennial Celebration Events for this year will be the Glenn Miller Orchestra performance at the Wabash Valley College Brubeck Arts Center on Tuesday, May 8th at 7:30 pm.
Mayor Hudson thanked Terry Beckerman and the designated committees for a successful Ribberfest Event. Mayor Hudson also thanked Street Department Superintendent Dave Easter and his crew for hanging the Bicentennial Banners along Market Street.
Mayor Hudson stated spring is here and he encouraged residents to enjoy the springtime by planting flowers, planting a garden, enjoying the outdoors or playing golf at the city’s golf course.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Eric Ikemire – Streets, Cemeteries And Parks:
Commissioner Ikemire reported in the last two weeks the street department filled potholes in city streets and alleyways; continued to mow city parks and ballparks; cleaned intakes; hauled tables, barricades and trash totes uptown for Ribberfest and cleaned up afterwards; burned the brush pile at the city’s brush harbor; performed yard abatements; and installed the Bicentennial Banners on the poles along Market Street.
Commissioner Joe Judge – Finance And Senior Citizens:
Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.
Commissioner Judge reported several grants have been applied for, specifically, a grant through Toyota Motor Manufacturing of Indiana for a new/used vehicle for the Meals on Wheels Program through the Wabash County Senior Citizens Center.
Commissioner Judge thanked the Ribberfest Committee for the donation to the Wabash County Senior Citizens Center. Commissioner Judge stated the State of Illinois is currently a month behind on the monies to be paid to the center. Commissioner Judge reiterated the center is very grateful for all the support and donations from the community.
Commissioner Justin Dulgar – Water And Sewer:
Commissioner Dulgar absent.
Commissioner Rod Rodriguez – Fire, Health & Safety, Garbage, City Hall And Civil Defense:
Commissioner Rodriguez thanked Terry Beckerman and all the volunteers who made the Ribberfest Event a great success. Commissioner Rodriguez also thanked the Kiwanis’ Club for the Downhill Derby Race Event and stated both events bring a lot of people to the City of Mount Carmel.
Commissioner Rodriguez reported in the last two weeks the fire department responded to five runs and contacted epi-pen training.
City Administrative Assistant – Rudy Witsman:
City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented to the council for approval a water service request from Alan and Gayla Rooney, who live outside the corporate city limits. City Administrative Witsman stated the city ordinance states the council must approve a request for the service, if it is outside the city limits.
City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported the necessary repairs have been completed at the city pool and it is in the process of being filled for the summer.
City Attorney – Kelli Storckman:
City Attorney Storckman no report.
City Inspector – Mike Gidcumb:
City Inspector Gidcumb absent.
Business Motions:
Commissioner Judge motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the application for water service outside the corporate limits from Alan and Gayla Rooney. All present voted Aye by roll call vote. Commissioner Dulgar was absent.
Mayor Hudson and the Council approved the Consent Agenda, as presented in the agenda dated May 7th, 2018. The consent agenda includes the Second Reading of Ordinance 1087 – Water Tap Fees; approval of the minutes for the council meeting held on April 23rd, 2018 and approval of paying all bills bearing the proper signatures.
Meeting adjourned 5:17 p.m.