Harrisburg Public Library District Board of Trustees met April 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Harrisburg Public Library District was called to order by President Janet Jones at 5:15 pm. Those in attendance were Trustees Joe Ewing, Gary Jones, Sally Wofford, Kelly Phelps and Director Krystal Gulley.
Consent Agenda: A motion was made to accept last month’s minutes/consent agenda as presented.
The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
President: Janet Jones discussed the celebrity reader program and indicated that it was big success this year. The outing with the Director of Morris Library was also discussed.
Committee Reports
Building Committee
- Building cleaning was discussed and multiple again. Various bids were discussed but no decision was made.
- Alex Garnett has done some maintenance and a bill was requested.
- There are several building maintenance projects that need to be done in clearing repainting the steps, filing the foundation holes with foam, replace fans in restroom, and repainting the vestibule.
- Steve Crabb will be contacted to see if he can complete some projects before the end of the year.
Director’s Report:
- Discussed ads placed for cleaning and maintenance.
- Applications for the library clerk were discussed.
- The library received the full amount of $10,148.07 Per Capita check for FY 17 at the end of March.
A motion was made by Trustee Ewing to adjourn at 5:53.