City of Mount Carmel City Council met June 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Invocation was given by Becky Reeves.
Present on Roll Call: Mayor Bill Hudson Commissioners – Eric Ikemire, Justin Dulgar Rod Rodriguez
Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman, City Attorney Kelli Storckman
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Hudson brought the city council meeting to order.
Mayor Hudson stated Conner Anderson of Eagle Scout Troop #293 is seeking council approval to refurbish the benches along Market Street for his scout project.
Mayor Hudson thanked all the city crews for their hard work cleaning up after the recent storms.
Mayor Hudson reported the Library Board had received the resignation of Darlene Weir due to family illness. Mayor Hudson stated the Library Board was seeking council approval for the appointment of Mina Nolan to replace Mrs. Weir as well as the three-year reappointment of Scott Witsman, Verlin Snow, Rian Waterbury and Karin Hodgson.
Mayor Hudson announced all the activities area residents can attend on Saturday, June 9th: the Farmers Market beginning at 8:00 am; the Library’s 5K Walk/Run Event; an open house at the Mount Carmel Airport beginning at 8:30 am; and an auction at 9:00 am at the corner of Fifth and Cherry Streets.
Mayor Hudson reported he took Commissioner Ikemire’s suggestion regarding the swimming pool being open on Saturday mornings and beginning this Saturday, the pool will be open from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm with the admission being $1.00. Mayor Hudson stated the concession stand will not be open during that time.
Mayor Hudson stated at the next council meeting he will present the Bi-Centennial Programs showing all the celebratory activities for the upcoming year as well as the Fantastic Fourth Celebration for the July 4th Holiday.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Eric Ikemire – Streets, Cemeteries And Parks:
Commissioner Ikemire reported in the last two weeks the street department mowed city properties and ballparks; cleaned intakes; cleaned up from storm damage; worked on repairing a city vehicle; repaired broken equipment at the city pool; performed maintenance on some of the mowers; dragged and lined the ballparks; worked on hauling dirt from the Holly Brook Development site.
Commissioner Ikemire acknowledged Dave Dallas, who reported the bid opening for the city’s chip/seal program was held on Wednesday, May30th at city hall and stated he was seeking council approval for the one bid from Mt. Carmel Stabilization Group’s bid in the amount of $85,169.75.
Commissioner Joe Judge – Finance And Senior Citizens:
Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.
Commissioner Judge absent.
Commissioner Justin Dulgar – Water And Sewer:
Commissioner Dulgar reiterated the water maintenance department conducted some sewer smoke testing from the NorthPark Subdivision area to the Church of Christ area on Highway One and two areas of concern were found.
Commissioner Dulgar stated he is anticipating the disbanding of the Wabash Valley Regional Water Commission at that meeting this Thursday, June 7th. Commissioner Dulgar reported would like the City of Mount Carmel to consider applying for grant/loan match monies to hopefully build its on new water treatment facility with the application deadline being September 1st.
Commissioner Rod Rodriguez – Fire, Health & Safety, Garbage, City Hall And Civil Defense:
Commissioner Rodriguez reported in the last two weeks the fire department had seven runs.
Commissioner Rodriguez stated the mosquito spraying is still ongoing throughout the city.
Commissioner Rodriguez reminded residents when there is a holiday the garbage pick-up service is delayed a day.
City Administrative Assistant – Rudy Witsman:
City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated within the consent agenda is the second reading and approval of the repealing of the water commission ordinance, which is necessitated by the way the orginal ordinance was written and also within the consent agenda is the approval of the fire department cost recovery program.
City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported this meeting constitutes the first reading of the police department cost recovery program and the first reading of Ordinance 1092, which addresses the payment of the cable television franchise fees. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated the State of Illinois changed the franchise fee name to a “service provider fee” and the wording in the ordinance has to be changed accordingly.
City Attorney – Kelli Storckman:
City Attorney Storckman no report.
City Inspector – Mike Gidcumb:
City Inspector Gidcumb absent.
Business Motions:
Commissioner Dulgar motioned and Commissioner Rodriguez seconded to approve the bid from Mt. Carmel Stabilization for the chip/seal program. All present voted Aye by roll call vote. Commissioner Judge was absent.
Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Rodriguez seconded to approve the appointment of the following individuals to the Library Board: Scott Witsman, Verlin Snow, Rian Waterbury and Karin Hodgson. Mina Nolan was appointed to replace Darlene Weir, who resigned. All present voted Aye by roll call vote. Commissioner Judge was absent.
Mayor Hudson and the Council approved the Consent Agenda, as presented in the agenda dated June 4th, 2018. The consent agenda includes the Second Reading and Approval of Ordinance 1062 – Repealing Water Commission; the Second Reading and Approval – Amending Chapter 9, Article III, Division1, Section 9-47, Fire Department Cost Recovery Program; approval of the minutes for the council meeting held on May 21st , 2018 and approval of paying all bills bearing the proper signatures.
Meeting adjourned 5:16 p.m.