New Hope Community Consolidated School District 6 Board met June 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I.Meeting Called to Order and Roll Call
II.Motion to Approve Minutes of Regular May Meeting
III.Opportunity for Visitors to Speak
IV.Motion to Approve Treasurer’s Report
V.Motion to Approve Bills
VI.President’s Prerogative
1.Committee Reports
VII.Superintendent’s Report
1.3% Salary Caps for Retirement
2.Board Goals
3.Architect Walk- Through
4.IASB Joint Annual Conference- November 16th- 18th.
VIII.Unfinished Business
IX. New Business
1.Forst Reading of Press Plus Issue 98
2.Motion to Abolish Working Cash Fund
3.Motion to Adopt Prevailing Wage Resolution
4.Motion to Approve Student Handbook Changes
5.Motion to Application for School wide Title I Program Waiver
6.Motion to Accept Josh Isle’s Resignation as Night Custodian
7.Motion to Approve Wages for Non- Certified Employees
8.Motion to Hire Megan Spitzner as Teacher
9.Motion to Hire Bethany Moore as Teacher
X.Executive Session for Personnel Employment, Performance, and Compensation
XI.Right to Revert to Prior Order