Grayville Community Unit School District 1 Board met June 27.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
I. Call To Order
A Regular Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Stephanie Hatcher.
II. Roll Call
Members Present:
__X__ Browning __Ab_ Hall __X__ Hatcher __X__ Kleinschmidt __Ab_ Mann __X__ Risley __ X__ Rhinehart
Others Present:
__X__ Emery __X__ Crow
Guests in attendance included: Ella Garner, Elaine Bogard, Margaret Scherzinger, Leslie Davis and Chrystal Lee
Sarah Mann and David Hall were not in attendance.
*III. Approval Consent Agenda:
• Wednesday, May 16, 2018 - Regular Meeting Minutes
• Wednesday, May 16, 2018- Closed Session Minutes
• Destroy Closed Session Audio Tapes Older than 18 months
• Financial Reports - Bank Reconciliation
Fund Balance Report
Activity Fund Report
Imprest Fund Report
Bills Exclusive of Payroll
1% Facility Tax Revenue
• BOE Policy Updates
Motion by Browning, second by Risley to approve the consent agenda.
Roll Call:
__Y _ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y__ Kleinschmidt ____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
IV. Public Hearing
Public Attendance on State of Illinois Recognized Legal Holiday
Motion by Hall, second by Kleinschmidt to enter into public hearing at 7:01 pm.
Roll Call:
__Y _ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y__ Kleinschmidt ____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
Motion by Kleinschmidt, second by Risley to exit public hearing at 7:02 p.m.
Roll Call:
__Y _ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y__ Kleinschmidt _____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
V. Communications And/or FOIA Requests:
A. Recognition of Visitors / Public Comments (5 Minute Limit)
Please Note: Public Comments concerning Personnel of the District should be made in Closed Sessions of the Board.
Leslie Davis and Chrystal Lee, Special Education Teaching Candidates
B. Board Members
C. Committee Reports
D. Staff E. Administrative Reports
Dr. Crow
I.Pre-K Grant Award
II.Safety Care Training
III.Handbook Committee Meeting
IV. Regional IPA Building Bridges Award
Mrs. Emery-
I.ISBE Procurement of Aligned Assessments
II.SRO Update
III. Resilience Grant Update
*VII. New Business
A. Approval to Adopt the 2017-2018 (FY 2018) Amended Budget
Motion by Risley, second by Hall, to adopt the 2017-2018 (FY 2018) Amended Budget.
Roll Call:
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher _ Y__ Kleinschmidt ______ Mann __Y__ Risley __ Y __ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
B. Approval of 2018-2019 BOE Meeting Schedule
Motion by Hall, second by Risley, to approve the 2018-2019 BOE Meeting Schedule with changes.
Roll Call:
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y__ Kleinschmidt ______ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y __ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
C. Approval of ESSA School-Wide Plan for 2018-2019
Motion by Risley, second by Browning to approve the ESSA School-Wide Plan for 2018-2019.
Roll Call:
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y__ Kleinschmidt ______ Mann __Y__ Risley __ Y __ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
D. Approval of 2018-2019 District Package Insurance Coverage
Motion by Browning, second by Risley, to approve the 2018-2019 District Package Insurance Coverage as presented.
Roll Call:
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y__ Kleinschmidt ______ Mann __Y__ Risley __ Y __ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
VIII.Closed Session: Matters relating to:
(1) Personnel - Resignation; Dismissal; Appointment; Employment; Compensation of Specific Employees
(2) Collective negotiating matters and deliberations concerning salary schedules
Motion by Risley, second by Kleinschmidt to enter closed session for matters related to Personnel resignation; dismissal; appointment; employment; compensation of specific employees and collective negotiating matters and deliberations concerning salary schedules, at 7:29 p.m.
Roll Call:
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y__ Kleinschmidt ______ Mann __Y__ Risley __ Y__ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
Motion by Browning, second by Kleinschmidt, that the Board return to open session at 8:14p.m. Motion Carried by unanimous voice vote.
*IX. Action Following Closed Session
A. Motion by Risley, second by Browning , to accept Jennifer Marvell’s resignation.
Roll Call:
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y_ Kleinschmidt _____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
B. Motion by Browning, second by Rhinehart, to accept Rachel Attebury’s resignation.
Roll Call:
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y_ Kleinschmidt _____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
C. Motion by Browning, second by Rhinehart, to employ Sylvia Libitzke as JH/HS Math Instructor.
Roll Call:
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y_ Kleinschmidt _____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
D. Motion by Risley, and second by Hall, to employ Jessica Barthelme as Early Childhood Special Education Teacher.
Roll Call:
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y_ Kleinschmidt ____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
E. Motion by Hall, second by Risley, to appoint Mrs. Scherzinger as part-time K-12 Music Instructor and part-time Title I/RTI Instructor and Coordinator.
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y_ Kleinschmidt _____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.
F. Motion by Hall, second by Risley to employ Taylor Lynn as elementary PE Teacher.
Roll Call:
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y_ Kleinschmidt _____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
G. Motion by Kleinschmidt, and second by Browning, to appoint Mr. Johnson as part-time HS ELA Instructor and Part-time Dean of Students/Special Education Coordinator.
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y_ Kleinschmidt _____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
H. Motion by Browning, and second by Hall, to employ Mona Warrick as part-time JH ELA Instructor.
Roll Call:
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y_ Kleinschmidt _____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
I. Motion by Risley, and second by Hall to employ Chrystal Lee as 3-5 Special Education Instructor.
Roll Call:
__Y__ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y_ Kleinschmidt _____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
*X. Adjournment
Motion by Hall, second by Risley, to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 p.m.
Roll Call:
__Y_ Browning __Y__ Hall __Y__ Hatcher __Y__ Kleinschmidt _____ Mann __Y__ Risley __Y__ Rhinehart
There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the president declared the motion carried.