City of Mount Carmel City Council met July 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Invocation was given by Becky Reeves.
Present on Roll Call: Mayor Bill Hudson Commissioners – Eric Ikemire, Joe Judge, Justin Dulgar, Rod Rodriguez
Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman, City Attorney Kelli Storckman
Mayor’s Comments:
Mayor Hudson brought the city council meeting to order.
Mayor Hudson wished everyone a Happy Fourth of July and reminded that city hall will be closed on Wednesday, July 4th.
Mayor Hudson announced work has started back up again at the Holly Brook development site as the rains have stopped. Mayor Hudson stated the June 26th ground breaking ceremony for the site had to be held inside the Super 8 Hotel, due to rain.
Mayor Hudson reported the Fantastic Fourth events held over the weekend were very well attended and Mayor Hudson expressed his appreciation to all for coming to the events. Mayor Hudson announced all the activities to be held on Wednesday, July 4th, which includes the “An American Made Parade” in the morning and the fireworks festivities in the evening. Mayor Hudson thanked everyone who donated for the fireworks and stated the contributions are very much appreciated. Mayor Hudson stated it is illegal to shoot off the fireworks that make a “loud boom” and the police department will be out patrolling on Wednesday evening.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Eric Ikemire – Streets, Cemeteries And Parks:
Commissioner Ikemire reported in the last two weeks the street department mowed the parks and ball parks; cleaned intakes; cleaned up after storm damage; assisted the water department with a water main break; performed yard abatements; repaired storm sewers; performed maintenance on one of the mowers; and finished the repairs on the vehicle lifts at the street department shop.
Commissioner Joe Judge – Finance And Senior Citizens:
Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.
Commissioner Judge announced he will be attending the USDA Small Business Innovation Grant Workshop at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale later this week.
Commissioner Judge thanked the Mount Carmel Kiwanis’s Club, J. Wilderman Autoplex, and the Mount Carmel Rotary Club for their donations to the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center.
Commissioner Judge reported the city has been saving some money by participating in the General Surplus Association and he recently purchased some items for various city departments while in Springfield, IL at that federal and state surplus location. Commissioner Judge stated the city purchased two vehicles at a greatly reduced price, one which will be used for the water meter readings. Commissioner Judge reported this type of savings will greatly help the city’s budget.
Commissioner Justin Dulgar – Water And Sewer:
Commissioner Dulgar reported Lead Water Plant Operator Keith Reed has been collecting various required Illinois EPA water samples for testing; the Risley Avenue Water Tower maintenance/repair work has been completed and looks great; the West Third Street Water Tower has been drained and the maintenance work will be starting. Commissioner Dulgar asked residents to please be patience as that repair/maintenance work could take six to eight weeks. Commissioner Dulgar stated there was a water main break on Cherry Street and repairs have been made.
Commissioner Dulgar reiterated the crews are working on cleaning out the digestor at the wastewater plant so it can be inspected to determine the proper repairs that need to be made. Commissioner Dulgar stated the EPA has approved the loan for the $1.6 million outfall and aeration project at the wastewater plant.
Commissioner Rod Rodriguez – Fire, Health & Safety, Garbage, City Hall And Civil Defense:
Commissioner Rodriguez reported in the last two weeks the fire department had four runs and congratulated Fire Chief Frances Speth on the approval of the grant he had applied for.
Commissioner Rodriguez stated the Wicked Wheels Car Show will be held this coming weekend at Wabash Valley College and the fire department as well as the police department will be grilling with all the proceeds going to the Shop with a Cop/Fireman Event at Christmas time.
Commissioner Rodriguez reported the mosquito spraying is still ongoing throughout the city.
Commissioner Rodriguez wished everyone a Safe and Happy 4th of July.
City Administrative Assistant – Rudy Witsman:
City Administrative Assistant Witsman reiterated at the last council meeting some concerned citizens were in attendance regarding a ditch in a neighbor’s front yard. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported, after discussing the issue with City Inspector Mike Gidcumb and Street Department Superintendent Dave Easter, it was determined the city does not have any guidelines for that type of improvement. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated through the efforts of himself and City Inspector Gidcumb, the necessary guidelines have now been put in the form of an ordinance. City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented the ordinance to the council to review for discussion and hopefully approval for the first reading of the ordinance at the next council meeting.
City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated, as Commissioner Dulgar had discussed, the wastewater plant has received approval for the Illinois EPA loan of $1.6 plus million, which is the cost of the necessary improvements and the discharge/effluent line at the plant. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported since the bids were sought and the requirements were drawn up there has been a determination by the pipe manufacturer that the city upgrade to a polyurethane pipe, however this entails a cost increase. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated this additional expense may be added to EPA loan and asked the council for direction regarding this matter.
City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported bids were accepted for the repaving from the intersection of Third and Market Street to McDowell Street with the repaving being done with MFT funds. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated the bid amount of $87,450.00 was higher than the engineering estimate of $71,100.00 and reported there are sufficient funds for the difference, however the council needed to pass a resolution for the expenditure. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported that resolution is included within the consent agenda.
City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated within the consent agenda is a resolution for the approval of the leasing of ten golf carts for four years.
City Administrative Assistant Witsman announced city hall will be closed Wednesday, July 4th and beginning on Wednesday, the trash pickup will be delayed a day due to the holiday. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stressed to residents to please get their trash totes out early, preferably the night before.
City Administrative Assistant Witsman reiterated the grant that was sought for “Street Scape” project along Market Street was denied, however the poles and stop signs that needed to be replaced have been ordered. City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented to the council for discussion and consideration a proposal for the creation of “islands” along Market Street the intersections for the new stop signs.
City Attorney – Kelli Storckman:
City Attorney Storckman no report.
City Inspector – Mike Gidcumb:
City Inspector Gidcumb absent.
Business Motions:
Commissioner Judge motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the increase cost ($120,450) for the effluent pipe replacement at the wastewater plant. The pipe change was recommended by the contractor and the manufacturer because of its added strength and sealing ability. All present voted Aye by roll call vote.
Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Dulgar seconded to approve the proposed plan for each intersection from Third and Market thru Sixth and Market contingent upon HLR confirming that semis can turn with the second island. All present voted Aye by roll call vote.
Mayor Hudson and the Council approved the Consent Agenda, as presented in the agenda dated July 2nd, 2018. The consent agenda includes approval of Resolution R-643 Expenditure of $16,350.00 from MFT; approval of Resolution R-644 enter into golf cart lease; approval of the minutes for the council meeting held on June 18th, 2018 and approval of paying all bills bearing the proper signatures.
Meeting adjourned 5:46 p.m.