Eldorado Community Unit 4 School District Board of Education met July 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Callto Order
2. Roll Call
3. Recognize Visitors (public comments) Public comments concerning personnel of the district should be made in closed sessions of the board.
4. Action Items (Action Items in Red)
4a. Approval of minutes
4b. Approval of treasurer's report
4c. Approval of payment of Unit #4 bills
4d. Mr. Rick Cox - Board Policies
4e. School Insurance, Eric Brannock
4f. School Insurance, Aaron Phelps
4g. Board Approval for Cancer Fundraiser for Sarah Keltner, Tyler Hatton, Stride Wrestling
4h. Approval of teacher/student handbooks
4i. Update on Summer Work Projects, Eric Cantrell
High School Track
Middle School Baseball field
Elementary Heating/Air
4j. Board approval to set 2018-2019 School Lunch and Breakfast Fees
4k. Update on Pre-K Grant/Services, Grace Tison
4l. Board Approval for Prevailing Wage Rate for 2018
4m. Executive (closed session) Employment District Personnel
4n. Action on Executive session items
5. Adjournment