Mayor Pro-Tem Richard Harper presided over the meeting with Commissioners Beth Montfort, Natalie Miller and Mike Weirauch answering roll call. Mayor John McPeek was absent.
Pastor Philip Fritts led the group in prayer and the pledge.
Mayor Pro-Tem Harper expressed thanks to Superintendent Rick Brown, the Street/Alley Department employees, Public Property employees and First Responders for all their assistance in the clean up after the storm the previous Thursday.
Commissioner Miller made a motion to approve the following items under the Consent Agenda:
1. Regular Meeting Minutes of June 21, 2018.
2. Check Register and Warrant Report for June 2018.
3. Bill from O’Daniel Trucking for patch in the amount of $1,819.63 to be taken out of MFT.
4. Bill from McClure Engineering for the asbestos survey at the old junior high in the amount of $11,688.00 to be taken out of TIF.
5. Harrisburg Lake:
Petition to Lease:
Michael Gulley and Jeanette Rann - Second Addition, Block 2, Lot 11
Commissioner Weirauch seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.
Commissioner Miller thanked all the businesses and citizens who donated for the fireworks. She thanked the Street/Alley employees, Public Property employees, Police and Fire Departments, Animal Control, Sheriff’s Department and the State Police for all they did to help with the fireworks on the Fourth.
Commissioner Montfort stated the response from Saline County regarding the Central Dispatch contract was in the packets for everyone to review and discuss at another meeting.
Commissioner Montfort thanked Commissioner Miller for her efforts on the fireworks and also thanked the Police and Fire Departments for their assistance during the event.
Commissioner Montfort reminded the public about the City ordinance regarding lawn clippings in the street. She reminded there could be fines for doing that because they can clog up the sewer system.
Commissioner Montfort relayed to the public that once the City takes possession of a dilapidated house, it becomes City property and anyone caught removing anything from the house can and will be prosecuted.
Mayor Pro-Tem Harper stated the NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) annual fee is always paid in protest since it began being imposed in 2002. He moved to pay the fee in protest. Commissioner Montfort asked what it was. Mayor Pro-Tem Harper stated it was part of the permit process for the sewer plant and sludge generator. He stated that it amounts to approximately $2,000.00 per person in Harrisburg and, at one time, there had been talk of it being refunded, but that had never happened. Commissioner Weirauch seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.
Commissioner Weirauch thanked Commissioner Miller for her work on getting the fireworks which he said were fantastic. He also thanked all the City workers who helped with the cleanup after the storm.
Citizen Sharon Vandenberg addressed Council about the incidents on O’Gara Street, including running stop signs, speeding, children being in danger. She stated the dummy car that had been placed there was worthless. She stated she had even seen two City work trucks running the stop sign. She also was concerned about break-ins, kids running wild and drugs in the neighborhood. Mayor Pro-Tem Harper and Commissioner Montfort both told her that the patrol had been stepped up in her neighborhood and it was considered high priority. She had a concern about a neighbor’s tree that was going to cause problems and Commissioner Montfort gave her information about a couple of organizations that may be able to help with that.
Commissioner Miller moved the meeting be adjourned. Commissioner Weirauch seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.
Adjourned: 6:16 pm.