Wabash Community Unit School District 348 Board met Feb. 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Wabash Community Unit School District #348 met in Regular Session on Monday, February 25, 2019 in the library of Mt. Carmel Elementary School.
President Schuler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Secretary Janice Alka called the roll. Attending in addition to the secretary were Kyle Peach, Neil Earnest, Theresa Hocking, Jared Alka, Ryan Peter, and Tim Schuler.
Also present were Superintendent Dr. Chuck Bleyer, Mt. Carmel High School (MCHS) Principal Jake Newkirk, Mt. Carmel Junior High School (MCJHS) Principal Steve Holt, Mt. Carmel Grade School(MCGS) Principal Chris Taylor, Mt. Carmel Elementary School (MCES) Principal Sheila Odom, Director of Instruction Shelley Richardson, Dawn Drone –WCEA, Betsy Ross –WCTA, Danielle Ewald –WCTA, Kevin Madden –WSJD, Todd Gill –Guest, Tracy Gill –Guest, Kim Mandrell –MCHS Musical Presenter, MCHS Musical Singers, and District Secretary Kim Zimmer.
Schuler led the pledge to the flag.
Consent Agenda
a. Approval of Minutes of Past Board Meetings
-January 28, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
b. Approval of Monthly Bills
-Invoices Paid January 2019
-Bills Payable February 2018
c. Approval of Financial Report
Account balances were:
Cash Deposits $ 418,165.73
Investments $ 4,726,020.21
4 Fund $ 4,169,939.00
5 Fund $ 4,737,047.00
Breakfast-Lunch $ 26,506.48
d. Approval of Correspondence
-Carla Drone retiring as Part Time Administrative Assistant effective 6/30/19 -Marsha Brines retiring as 6th Grade Math Teacher effective end of 18-19 school year -Ellen Fuller resigning as MCGS RTI Coordinator effective March 4, 2019
e. Approve Administrative Reports
-Mt. Carmel Elementary School Principal Sheila Odom -Mt. Carmel Grade School Principal Chris Taylor
-Mt. Carmel Junior High School Principal Steve Holt -Mt. Carmel High School Principal Jake Newkirk -Director of Instruction Shelley Richardson -Superintendent Dr. Chuck Bleyer
A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Janice Alka and seconded by Hocking. A roll call vote was taken. All present voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Kim Mandrell -MCHS Musical
A group of high school students that have been practicing for their upcoming musical performed a song for the Board.
Todd Gill spoke to the Board requesting that board policy be changed in order to permit home schooled children to participate in extra-curricular activities in the district.
Move to go to Closed Session
At 7:29 p.m., Peach moved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act: “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees.” The motion was seconded by Jared Alka. All present voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Open Session
A motion to return to open session was made by Peter and seconded by Hocking. All present voted Aye. Motion Carried. The meeting returned to open session at 8:54 p.m.
Closed Minutes Approved
Janice Alka moved to approve the minutes of the closed session as read in closed session. Earnest seconded the motion. All present voted Aye. Motion Carried.
New Business
Personnel Matters
A motion to approve the following Volunteer recommendation was made by Peach and seconded by Earnest.
Kristen Judge MCJHS Boys’ Track Volunteer Coach beginning 2018-19 season
All present voted Aye. Motion Carried.
High School Gymnasium Wall Repair
Dr. Bleyer explained to the Board the need for repairs to one of the main gym walls at the high school. He showed pictures of the sagging and cracking in the wall and explained how ADG Architecture and Design proposed to repair the wall.
A motion to approve repairing the gym wall pursuant to ADG’s proposal and the project being funded with the 1% sales tax monies was made by Peach and seconded by Earnest. A roll call vote was taken. All present voted Aye. Motion Carried.
Finance Committee
Dr. Bleyer recommended Neil Earnest and Jared Alka to be appointed to a Board Finance Committee. A motion to approve the recommendation was made by Janice Alka and seconded by Peach. A roll call vote was taken. All present voted AYE with the exception of Tim Schuler who abstained. Motion Carried.
A motion to adjourn was made by Janice Alka and seconded by Hocking. All present voted aye. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.