Harrisburg Public Library District Board of Trustees met May 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Harrisburg Public Library District was called to order by President Janet Jones at 5:04 pm. In attendance were Trustees, Tammi Jackson, Lynda Clemmons, Sally Wofford, Joe Ewing, Janet Jones, Kelly Phelps, and Director Krystal Gulley. Trustee Gary Jones was not in attendance.
Consent Agenda: A motion was made to accept last month’s minutes/consent agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. Trustee Wofford was not present for vote but arrived shortly after.
The Stone Soup program was discussed and there were 30 people in attendance.
Committee Reports
Building Committee
- Trustee Ewing had been in contact with Wes Ratliff and he indicated the roof project was ready to start as soon as there was a long enough break in the rain. David Clemmons reported to Trustee Ewing that not all material were in, but were expected within the week.
- The cleanliness of the building was discussed and the need for carpet cleaning was discussed. Purchasing new chairs was also discussed.
Director’s Report
- The non-resident fee was discussed. Trustee Wofford moved to leave the non-resident fee at $65.00. Trustee Ewing seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote.
- The need for ten new computers was discussed. Lazerware is doing a program called Windows 7 Uplift for libraries and provide a special price at about $300 below the normal upgrade price. The cost for ten new computers will be approximately $7500.00. Trustee Ewing made the motion to purchase the computers. The motion was seconded by Trustee Wofford. It passed by unanimous vote.
- Director Gulley contacted the Asphalt company that was used in the past and they will be giving a proposal. A vote was held to move forward with the asphalt company if the price is within 10% of last year’s price. Trustee Ewing made the motion and it was seconded by Trustee Wofford and passed by unanimous vote.
A motion was made by Trustee Ewing to adjourn at 5:33.