City of Fairfield City Council met July 23.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Meeting called to order by Mayor Maguire at 6:00 P.M.
Prayer led by Alderman Ralph Barbre followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
City Clerk Tina Hutchcraft called the roll:
Mayor: Brent Maguire
City Clerk: Tina Hutchcraft
City Treasurer: Julie Duncan
City Attorney: Darrin Rice
Aldermen: Ralph Barbre; Brett Coale; Jim Griffith; Tyler Lampley; Eugene McGill; Jerry Lisenbee; Terry Stahl; Gary Moore
Also Present: Tom Mathews, Wayne County Press; Ken Otey, WFIW Radio; Andrew Miller, Fire Chief; Silas Eckleberry, Assistant Police Chief; Dian Downs; DiElle Rogers; Flo Simpson; Kevin Leonard, Water Distribution; DuWayne Nobles, Gas Department; Carroll Dugger, Cemetery Department; Collin Dunn; and other citizens from the community.
The minutes of the meeting of July 9, 2019, agendas and bills of July 23, 2019 were sent out to those entitled to receive them. Mayor Maguire asked for approval of the minutes for the July 9, 2019 meeting. Motion by Alderman McGill, seconded by Alderman Stahl to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 9, 2019.
Vote yes: Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley
Vote no: none
Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.
Mayor Maguire asked for approval to pay the bills for the July 23, 2019 meeting. A motion was made by Alderman Barbre, seconded by Alderman Coale to approve the bills for payment.
Vote yes: McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee
Vote no: none
Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.
Ordinance No. 19-0723-179/Appropriations – A public hearing was held at 5:50 p.m. concerning the annual appropriations. The total amount of the appropriations is $25,650,137.00. A motion was made by Alderman Barbre, seconded by Alderman Griffith to approve Ordinance No. 19-0723-179 adopting the Fairfield Appropriation Ordinance for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2019 and ending April 30, 2020.
Vote yes: Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill
Vote no: none
Mayor Maguire declared motion carried and Ordinance No. 19-0723-179 approved and duly adopted.
Discussion of Progress on Flooding Study by HLR – Collin Dunn with HLR Engineering addressed the Council and presented a report with his firm’s preliminary findings for the stream and structure capacity that affects all storm sewers that discharge to the stream. The five drainage structures studied were located at N 2nd Street, N 1st Street, North Street, NW 2nd Street and West Elm Street. The structures at N 2nd and N 1st Streets are performing adequately. The remaining three structures are not holding up and are undersized and cannot handle the amount of rainfall that we have been having. The firm also studied three areas for their floodplain capacity. Dunn stated that we have to figure a way to get more capacity out of the system. Debris has been cleared by city workers from some of the problem areas but more solutions are needed. He stated that there is not one solution that will correct all the problems. He also stated the old dam at the Lakeside Reservoir will be a place they will look at for additional capacity.
At the next meeting Dunn will present proposed solutions and a cost estimate.
Discussion of Ordinance to Allow Golf Carts/Side-by-Sides on City Streets – At the last meeting the Council discussed what crossings would be allowed if this ordinance was to be approved. The Council also had discussed child safety restraints for the golf carts and side-by-sides and how old the child should be in order to ride in these vehicles. Alderman Stahl made a suggestion to allow these vehicles to cross at any intersection as long as it is done at a 90° angle but to check on the cost of the signage first. The state statute says we are required to post appropriate signs; however, it is not clear if signs are required at every intersection or just at the entrance to town alerting motorists that this is a golf cart community. Mayor Maguire and Attorney Rice will try to get clear direction from IDOT about what signage is required and report back to the aldermen. If IDOT says we are only required to post signs at entrances to the city the aldermen are in support of allowing crossings at every intersection as long as it is done at a 90° angle. Alderman Moore suggested we allow children to ride in these carts in accordance with the booster seat law. This law states that children must be in a booster seat if they are 40 pounds and 40 inches. We shouldn’t allow children to ride in these vehicles if they are less than 40 pounds and 40 inches. Aldermen also suggested the hours of operation be from 5:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m.
Discussion of Liquor Ordinances and New Classifications – Mayor Maguire asked the Council if they would be interested in amending our liquor ordinances to expand our classifications to add a possible banquet license and/or special event license. The majority of the Council said they would be interested in amending our current ordinance to allow new license classifications. The possibility of requiring a license for the video gaming machines was also discussed.
Miscellaneous – A few weeks ago the Finance Committee met concerning TIF. Mayor Maguire reported that it was decided to get a surveyor to get a legal description of TIF 1 and TIF 2 so we can get an exact boundary line. Mayor Maguire has spoken with Connor & Connor and they will do this work. We will also be engaging our auditors in doing a specific study related to redevelopment agreements and expenditures and then figure out what, if any, surplus there may have been since the beginning of the TIF. The auditors will be finishing up our regular audit before they begin this work. An engagement letter for this specific scope of work will be brought back later to the Council for approval.
Miscellaneous – Mayor Maguire mentioned that he will not be at the next Council meeting. The group that will be doing the mapping strategic planning for us is having a community development institute. Mayor Maguire, Flo Simpson, and Luke Harl will be attending this 4-day training free of charge. The Council will need to vote on a Mayor Pro-Tem for that meeting.
Miscellaneous – Mayor Maguire announced that the City can now email utility bills to residents. This type of billing is optional but those who wish to receive their bill by email need to fill out and sign a request form and turn it into City Hall.
Miscellaneous – Alderman Griffith told the Council that Ryan Bailey and Tim White are interested using our Airport facilities for a drag racing event next October. There are many steps to be done before this could be considered and approved. The Airport Committee consisting of Jim Griffith, Gary Moore, and Eugene McGill will continue conversations about this event as there are many things to consider.
Miscellaneous – Alderman Griffith stated he has been seeing a lot of vehicles and motorcycles parking on sidewalks throughout town. He reminded the public that this is against the city ordinances.
Miscellaneous – Alderman Coale mentioned again that he would like to see the St. & Bridge Department open on Saturday’s so residents can dispose of their own yard waste. This should help relieve the work load on that department throughout the week.
Miscellaneous – Alderman McGill thanked Rick Doty for his many years of service to the City. He will be retiring next week.
Miscellaneous – Alderman Moore asked if we could charge a little more to our residents for trash pick-up to cover some of the city’s administrative costs such as billing and phone inquiries. We currently charge the residents the same amount Republic charges us. Mayor Maguire said we would need to change the wording in the current ordinance if we were to decide to charge more. Alderman Moore also questioned if we should charge households for yard waste pick-up in order to pay for our expenses. The possibility of stopping brush pick-up was also discussed. Mayor Maguire will meet with the Street & Bridge committee to discuss the best way to handle brush pick-up.
Adjourn Meeting – Motion by Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman Stahl to adjourn the meeting.
Vote yes: 8
Vote no: 0
Mayor Maguire declared meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m.