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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wayne City Community Unit School District 100 Board of Education met July 18

Webp meeting 07

Wayne City Community Unit School District 100 Board of Education met July 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent; Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

Members Present-4Members Absent-3


Misty Boyd, Landon Willett, Matthew Barbee, Denise Barbee

3. Public Input

a. None Requested

4. Executive Session: 

Motion was made by Kirk Barnard and seconded by Clinton Lane to approve moving into executive closed session at 6:05 p.m. in accordance with school board policy 2:220 – E2 items # 1, the appointment, employment compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District,. 5 ILCS 120/2C(1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057; 5 ILCS 120/2C (1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057; #2 Collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.  5 ILCS 120/2C (2). 

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent;Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

Approved -4 Disapproved -0 Abstained -0 Absent -3

Motion was made by Clinton Lane and seconded by Teresa White to approve moving out of executive closed session at 6:12 p.m.

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent;Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

 Approved -4 Disapproved -0 Abstained -0 Absent -3

5. Approval of Executive Session Minutes

Motion was made by Clinton Lane and seconded by Teresa White to approve executive session minutes as recorded.

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent;Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

Approved -4 Disapproved -0 Abstained -0 Absent -3

Return to Regular Meeting Agenda Motions:

6. Reports of Board Committees

a. Finance Committee: 

    1. Review of Discussion 

    2. Financial Report - Bills and Payroll 

    3. Treasurer’s Report

    4. Cafeteria Report (None in Summer)

    5. Activity and Revolving Funds

It is the Recommendation of the Finance Committee to approve the bills for July 2019.

b. Building and Grounds Committee

c. Policy Committee

Employee Handbook

Math Curriculum

7. Discussion Items

a. FY20 Budget

8. Administrative Reports 

a. Principal Reports (None)

b. Superintendent Report 

9. Consent Agenda

a. Approval of Regular meeting Minutes from June 20, 2019

b. Approval of special meeting minutes from June 20, 2019

c. Dispose of executive session minutes from January, 2018 and keep same minutes closed. 

d. Letter of Resignation 

e. Employee Handbook  

f. Field Trip Request  

f. Facilities Usage Request   

Motion was made by Clinton Lane and seconded by Kirk Barnard to approve the consent agenda items as presented.  

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent;Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

 Approved -4 Disapproved -0 Abstained -0 Absent -3

10. Action Items

a. Approval Bills and Payroll- July 2019

Motion was made by Kirk Barnard and seconded by Joe Coy to approve the bills and payroll for July 2019 as presented.

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent;Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

 Approved -4 Disapproved -0 Abstained -0 Absent -3

b. Employment of High Baseball Coach

Motion was made by Clinton Lane and seconded by Teresa White to approve Landon Willett as high school head boys’ baseball coach.  

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent;Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

Approved -4 Disapproved -0 Abstained -0 Absent -3

c. Employment of Assistant Grade School Volleyball Coach

 Motion was made by Kirk Barnard and seconded by Clinton Lane to approve Matt Griswold as the assistant grade school volleyball coach.    

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent;Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

Approved -4 Disapproved -0 Abstained -0 Absent -3

d. Employment of Long Term Substitute Teacher

Motion was made by Teresa White and seconded by Clinton Lane to approve the employment of Misty Boyd art teacher long-term substitute and continue advertising the position.   

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent;Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

Approved -4 Disapproved -0 Abstained -0 Absent -3

e. Reemployment of District Secretary/Treasurer

Motion was made by Clinton Lane and seconded by Kirk Barnard to approve a three year contract extension for Angie Kelly as district secretary/treasurer effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022.  

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent;Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

Approved -4 Disapproved -0 Abstained -0 Absent 

f. Reemployment of District Bookkeeper

Motion was made by Clinton Lane and seconded by Teresa White to approve a three year contract extension for Kate Feather as district secretary/treasurer effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022.  

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent;Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

Approved -4 Disapproved -0 Abstained -0 Absent -3

g.  Approval of Third Through Fifth Grade Math Curriculum

Motion was made by Kirk Barnard and seconded by Teresa White to approve Bridges as the third through fifth grade math curriculum.   

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent;Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

 Approved -4 Disapproved -0 Abstained -0 Absent -3

11. Executive Session

12. Approval of Executive Session Minutes

13. Additional Discussion 

14. Adjournment  

Motion was made by Teresa White and seconded by Clinton Lane to approve adjourning the meeting at 6:50 p.m.

Joe Coy-Aye; Clinton Lane-Aye; Kirk Barnard-Aye; Ashley Musgrave-Absent;Mike Ehrhart-Absent; Teresa White-Aye; Chris Simpson-Absent

Approved -4 Disapproved -0 Abstained -0 Absent -3
