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City of Carmi City Council met August 6

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City of Carmi City Council met Aug. 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Carmi City Council met on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Room of the Municipal Building, 225 East Main Street.

The scheduled public hearing for 5:15 p.m. regarding the mobile home permit for 107 E. Kearney street was cancelled due to an error in publication being made by Clerk Attebury. This will be rescheduled at a later date.

Prior to opening the council meeting, Mayor Pollard asked Alderman Winkleman to give the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Pollard presided with the following Aldermen present: Steve Winkleman, Mark W. Blake, Tracy Nelson, Jeremy Courson, Sheila Jo Headlee, James Totten, Mike Knight, and Doug Hays.

The minutes from the July 16, 2019, council meeting was presented. Motion was made by Alderman Hays and seconded by Alderman Totten to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Aldermen present answering “yes.”

For Council Consideration, discussion, and possible approval

Mayor Pollard stated the special use mobile home permit will be tabled due to the public hearing being postponed.

Mayor Pollard then introduced Patrick Scates who is requesting a proposed temporary road closure for South Main Cross on October 10, 2019, for a Farm to Table event. Mr. Scates stated “the idea began with a committee of us that started discussing it and decided to move forward in planning it.” The event is already being hosted in several nearby towns and it emphasizes how important farming is to rural areas as well as cities. ”We will be asking local businesses to donate money/food items to help put it on and we will sell tickets to the event with the money raised being donated to either 4H, FFA, or another school’s foundation. Alderman Blake made a motion to close South Main Cross on October 10, 2019, from 5-10 p.m. for a Farm to Table event. The motion was seconded by Alderman Hays. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman present answering “yes.”

Next on the agenda was the approval of the contractor’s application for payment for the Waste Water Treatment Plant sludge bed project. Mayor Pollard stated this is something that has to be done with every project that the City does involving grant funds. Alderman Headlee made a motion to approve the contractor’s application for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. The motion was seconded by Alderman Blake. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman present answering “yes.””

Mayor Pollard then turned the floor over to Alderman Totten to discuss the Church Street parking. Alderman Totten stated he is concerned someone is going to be injured due to the parking on both sides of Church Street, namely in the vicinity of Eden Salon, owned by Nikki Ballard. A lengthy discussion was held by the Council as well as Nikki and Daniel Ballard. Mr. Ballard stated he does know there is a problem with the parking and has been for quite some time. Alderman Totten stated when people park and throw their doors open, it does not leave much room for oncoming traffic. Chief Jason Carter said if a vehicle door was to get hit, the fault would fall on the parked person for not waiting until the traffic subsided before opening the door. There was also discussion regarding lengthening the yellow no parking area, putting put a stop sign, changing the speed limit and even not allowing parking on one side of the street. The alderman did not favor the last suggestion saying if you start there, you will have to tackle issues throughout the City as it is an issue on several side streets. This issue reached an impasse and no action was taken.

Reports and/or updates from Mayor Pollard

Mayor Pollard read a thank you note from retired City Supervisor Mike Buckman.

City Clerk Cynthia Attebury reported she had an Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) audit back in July. Payroll information as well as 6 months of bookkeeping was submitted to IMRF. After review, there were two recommendations made by IMRF which have been completed.

Reports from Standing Committees

Alderman Knight reported work on the Burrell Park Born Learning Trail is progressing nicely.

Alderman Winkleman reported work has begun on the tennis courts. Mayor Pollard stated the bid we received for renovation did not including the green coating and striping which is an additional $29,000. Once the tennis courts are laid, they will be striped white.

Business or Comments from Visitors

Mrs. Jean Michaels addressed the council regarding a property around 805-1/2 Sixth Street belonging to the late Homer Yates. Mrs. Michaels stated the front door of the property is standing wide open and there is a horrible stench coming from inside the house. Mayor Pollard stated the City is working to locate the next of kin for clean-up of the property.

Closed Session to discuss personnel and property issues with no action to follow:



At 6:02 p.m. Alderman Winkleman made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Alderman Courson. The motion carried on roll call by each Aldermen present answering “yes.”
