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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Fairfield City Council met August 13

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City of Fairfield City Council met Aug. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Meeting called to order by City Clerk Tina Hutchcraft at 6:00 P.M.

Prayer led by Pastor Michael Hallas followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

City Clerk Tina Hutchcraft called the roll:

City Clerk: Tina Hutchcraft

City Treasurer: Julie Duncan

City Attorney: Darrin Rice

Aldermen: Ralph Barbre; Brett Coale; Jim Griffith; Tyler Lampley; Eugene McGill; Jerry Lisenbee; Terry Stahl; Gary Moore

Absent: Mayor Maguire

Also Present: David Mills, Wayne County Press; Ken Otey, WFIW Radio; Andrew Miller, Fire Chief; Keith Colclasure, Police Chief; Silas Eckleberry, Assistant Police Chief; Dian Downs; Kevin Leonard, Water Distribution; DuWayne Nobles, Gas Department; Tyler Lashbrook, Electric Department; Robert Kamp, Street & Bridge; Travis Williams, Airport; Storm Kollak; Lance Durham, Tick Tock Energy; and other citizens from the community.

Due to the absence of Mayor Maguire, City Clerk Hutchcraft asked for nominations for Mayor Pro-tem to chair the meeting. Alderman McGill nominated Ralph Barbre and Alderman Stahl seconded the nomination.

Vote yes: Stahl; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore

Vote no: none

Abstain: Barbre

City Clerk Hutchcraft declared motion carried.

City Attorney Rice explained that Alderman Barbre still had the right to vote as an alderman even though he was serving as Mayor Pro-tem. Alderman Barbre stated he would exercise that right.

The minutes of the meeting of July 23, 2019, agendas and bills of August 13, 2019 were sent out to those entitled to receive them. Mayor Pro-tem Barbre asked for approval of the minutes for the July 23, 2019 meeting. Motion by Alderman Coale, seconded by Alderman Lampley to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 23, 2019.

Vote yes: Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore

Vote no: none

City Clerk Hutchcraft declared motion carried.

Mayor Pro-tem Barbre asked for approval to pay the bills for the August 13, 2019 meeting. A motion was made by Alderman Coale, seconded by Alderman Griffith to approve the bills for payment.

Vote yes: Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl

Vote no: none

City Clerk Hutchcraft declared motion carried.

Public Comments – Joseph Harrelson addressed the Council again about problems he is having with his neighbors and asked the Council to help with this issue. He said he was receiving no help from the police department. He stated the neighbors have caused criminal damages to his property. Alderman Moore asked Mr. Harrelson if he has filed any complaints with the local law enforcement when incidents occur and Mr. Harrelson stated that he hasn’t called recently because he thinks they won’t help him anyway. Alderman Moore told him he shouldc all the authorities because they cannot help the situation if they are not notified.

Discussion of Progress on Flooding Study by HLR – Storm Kollak with HLR Engineering addressed the Council and presented his firm’s report regarding the Johnson Creek Tributary Area Drainage Investigation. The report stated the ability to restore the reservoir, while a significant undertaking, will provide numerous benefits including water quality, recreation, and hydraulic and hydrology benefits. It is the preferred and recommended improvements to improve drainage and flooding along Johnson Creek that Fairfield is experiencing. The estimated cost of the project is $450,000 but that figure does not include engineering costs or possible soil issues.

Ordinance Providing for and Approving the First Amendment to the Central Area Redevelopment Project Area Redevelopment Plan – The Finance Committee met recently and discussed an amendment to the original TIF 1 Redevelopment Plan Budget. Some of the budget line item numbers were lacking. The overall numbers in the budget haven’t been exceeded but the individual line items have been. It was suggested by our TIF Attorney to realign some of the numbers. In order to do this an ordinance to approve the amendments needs to be approved. A motion by Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman Coale to adopt this ordinance approving the amendment of the TIF 1 Redevelopment Plan Budget.

Vote yes: Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre

Vote no: none

City Clerk Hutchcraft declared motion carried and Ordinance No. 19-0813-180 approved and duly adopted.

Discussion of Ordinance to Allow Golf Carts/Side-by-Sides on City Streets – The aldermen again discussed the golf cart/side by side ordinance. Alderman Moore stated that the Council has been presented with a couple of different options. One option is an ordinance that has no limitations of the number of crossings and the other has limitations. Chief Colclasure did speak with IDOT. They will not tell us what to do but only make recommendations. After speaking with IDOT and actually driving the city in both a golf cart and a side-by-side Chief Colclasure had prepared a letter with recommendations he had for what streets he felt should be approved as crossings. He also stated he felt that only children above the age of eight should be allowed to ride citing safety concerns. Several aldermen still felt there should be no limitations on what streets should be allowed as crossings. Alderman Coale stated that he would like to see an ordinance passed with the crossings limited to Chief Colclasure’s recommendations. He stated we could always add more crossings later. The aldermen also think we should only have decals on the vehicles instead of plates because they feel the plates are too expensive. They suggested the decal could be placed in the center of the slow moving vehicle sign. Aldermen also discussed how much signage is required and Attorney Rice said the law states that “appropriate signs shall be posted” but doesn’t really give clear direction. It comes down to the interpretation of the law. After some further discussion a motion was made by Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman Griffith to adopt the Golf Cart and Utility Terrain Vehicle ordinance that has no limitations on the crossings as was in the agenda packet.

Vote yes: Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl

Vote no: Barbre; Coale

City Clerk Hutchcraft declared motion carried and Ordinance No. 19-0813-181 approved and duly adopted. 

Chief Colclasure will issue a press release when his department is ready to receive applications.

Seek Bids for the Sale of City Owned Vehicles – We have five vehicles that are no longer in use and we need to seek bids for the sale of these vehicles. The vehicles are a 1987 Ford F-700 Dump Truck W/Bed; a 1994 Ford F-150 Pickup Truck; a 1993 Ford F-150 Pickup Truck; and a 2000 Pontiac Montana Van. We also have a 1992 Chevrolet Kodiak Truck and it has been recommended having a minimum bid of $5,000 placed on this truck but no minimum bid on the others. Alderman Moore feels we should have a minimum bid on all the vehicles because we could possibly sell them for scrap and get more money than we could sell them to an individual for. We do have the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Alderman Barbre said he doesn’t like requiring a minimum. A motion was made by Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman McGill to approve seeking bids for the sale of these vehicles with a minimum bid requirement of $5,000 on the 1992 Chevrolet Kodiak Truck.

Vote yes: Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith

Vote no: none

City Clerk Hutchcraft declared motion carried.

Approval of Net Metering Applications for Kieffer Development, LLC – Kieffer Development, who developed the student housing at Frontier Community College, wants to install solar panels on the roofs of the housing units. They have submitted two applications. The first application is for 2081 Industrial Dr. The second application is for 2077 and 2079 Industrial Dr. Tyler Lashbrook has reviewed the applications submitted by Lance Durham of Tick Tock Energy, who is doing the work, and he does not see any problems with this request. A motion was made by Alderman Lampley, seconded by Alderman McGill to approve the net metering applications for Kieffer Development, LLC.

Vote yes: Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley

Vote no: none

City Clerk Hutchcraft declared motion carried.

Resolution No. 19-0813-320/Street Closing Request for the Homecoming Parade – The Council needs to approve this resolution for the street closing for the Homecoming Parade. The parade is scheduled for Friday, October 11th. Alderman Griffith made a motion, seconded by Alderman Coale to adopt Resolution No. 19-0813-320 approving the street closing for the Homecoming Parade.

Vote yes: McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee

Vote no: none

City Clerk Hutchcraft declared motion carried and Resolution No. 19-0813-320 approved and duly adopted.

Albion Radio Communications/Maintenance Agreement – A maintenance agreement with Ray Conley of Albion Radio Communications for radio and transmitter maintenance at the Airport needs to be approved. The cost for mileage in the last agreement was $.70 per mile and is now $.75. This agreement is for one year. A motion was made by Alderman Griffith, seconded by Alderman McGill to approve this agreement.

Vote yes: Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill

Vote no: none

City Clerk Hutchcraft declared motion carried.

Approval of Engineering Agreement with Hanson Professional Services Inc. – The scope of services for this agreement is for Hanson to prepare an Airport Master Plan consisting of an airport layout plan and narrative report. A motion was made by Alderman Lampley, seconded by Alderman Griffith to approve the engineering agreement with Hanson Professional Services Inc.

Vote yes: Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore

Vote no: none

City Clerk Hutchcraft declared motion carried.

Miscellaneous – Alderman Moore stated that he would still like to see the City implement Municipal Court. Attorney Rice stated that he has been working on this project. He hopes to have something to present soon.

Miscellaneous – Alderman Coale stated he would like for Council to address the request from the steering committee for funding for the Atkinson Forest project.

Adjourn Meeting – Motion by Alderman McGill, seconded by Alderman Coale to adjourn the meeting.

Vote yes: 8

Vote no: 0

City Clerk Hutchcraft declared meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
