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Sunday, February 23, 2025

North Wayne Community Unit School District 200 Board met November 13

Webp meeting8213

North Wayne Community Unit School District 200 Board met Nov. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The first regular meeting of the month of November of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District 200, DuPage County, Illinois, was called to order at the Hawthorne Elementary School, 334 E Wakeman Ave, Wheaton, IL, by Board President Brad Paulsen, on Wednesday, November 13, 2019, at 7:00 PM.


Upon the roll being called, the following were present:

Board Members: Brad Paulsen

Chris Crabtree

Rob Hanlon

Susan Booton

Ginna Ericksen

Dave Long

Jim Mathieson

Also in Attendance: Dr. Jeff Schuler, Superintendent

Mr. Bill Farley

Dr. Charlie Kyle

Mrs. Erica Loiacono

Mr. Rodney Mack

Mrs. Melissa Murphy

Dr. Chris Silagi


Member Booton led the Board and community in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Principal Danielle Moran introduced Assistant Principal Holly Zimmer and welcomed all to Hawthorne School. In honor of Board Member Appreciation Day, a short video with students of Hawthorne was featured thanking the Board Members in fourteen languages, representing the languages that are spoken at Hawthorne. Information was also shared on the use of bilingual parent liaisons and how Hawthorne engages and connects with students, noting that 95% of Hawthorne students in grades 3-5 are participating in a club, activity or program at the school.




Public comments are valuable and important to Board Members. We welcome the opportunity to listen to the concerns and issues that are important to our community.

Please be aware that it is the Board’s practice, not to directly discuss, ask questions or take action on Public Comments until the time has been taken to gather adequate information. We are here to listen. Lack of action or a direct response following Public Comments does not imply any lack of interest in what is being said.

In addition, to preserve confidentiality, the Board and its President reserve the right to request that items relating to either personnel or students be provided to the Board privately or in writing for consideration in a future closed session if necessary.

The Board must protect the civility and decorum of the meeting. Please be respectful for the duties of the Board, our District Leadership Team, and the democratic process in your comments tonight:

 Please use the microphone, state your name, and address your comments to the Board

 Please limit your comments to 3 minutes. A Board member will be timing the comments and raise his/her arm as the time limit is approaching

 Please be factual and courteous, and do not include statements that are personally disrespectful or condescending to members of the Board or staff

 If you feel your matter needs to be discussed in more detail, please attend the Board’s next “Chance to Chat” on Jan. 25, 2020, or present your comments in writing via email to the Board.


Harold Lonks


Board Policy


Dr. Schuler reported the following:

 Shared with the Board and community a conversation with PTA Council from earlier in the

day. PTA council includes representatives from a number of our schools. The topic of conversation in the room was the canceled author visit. Although not on the Board agenda tonight, a narrative that developed as a result of the cancellation was one that was hurtful to the members of the community. The District places a great emphasis on SEL (social- emotional learning), around connectedness and around the importance of making sure that all students feel safe and welcome. The Board and Administration take this seriously and will continue to take steps toward healing. Dr. Schuler apologized and expressed regret the narrative existed.

 All members of the Board of Education give incredible volunteer time and were thanked for their service. School Board Members Day is November 15th, 2019.

 Next Monday, November 18th at WNHS, the District will be hosting another parenting seminar featuring Dr. Jill Walsh. The topic is centered around raising kids in a social media world.

 The District enrollment committee will be meeting for a second time tomorrow, November 14th. This is a community-based committee, responsible for reviewing the enrollment pattern in schools, as well as future trends and projections for planning purposes.

 The new developments in the southern end of the District have been mentioned previously, however, there was an article in the paper this week that mentions discussion about developing the property that sits behind Nokia in Naperville and potentially separating this property into a few parcels. The chunk of property that sits in D200 would potentially be zoned residential. The District will continue to monitor this potential development.

There were questions or comments on the following:

 The potential new development mentioned would reside in the Whittier attendance area.


1. Acceptance of Gift to Lincoln Elementary School – Recommend acceptance of the gift to Lincoln as presented.

2. Approval of Revised Policy 2:110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers– Recommend approval of revised policy 2:110 as presented.

3. Approval of Revised Policy 2:140 Communications To and From the Board– Recommend approval of revised policy 2:140 as presented.

4. Approval of Revised Policy 5:180 Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity– Recommend approval of revised policy 5:180 as presented.

5. Approval of Revised Policy 6:40 Curriculum Development– Recommend approval of revised policy 6:40 as presented.

6. Approval of Revised Policy 6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program – Recommend approval of revised policy 6:340 as presented.

7. Approval to Post Standards for HS Course – Transition to College Mathematics – Recommend approval to post standards for HS course – Transition to College Mathematics for community review as presented.

8. Approval to Post Standards for HS Course – African American History – Recommend approval to post standards for HS course – African American History for community review as presented.

9. Approval to Post Standards for HS Course – Media and Communication Practicum – Recommend approval to post standards for HS course – Media and Communication Practicum for community review as presented.

10. Approval to Add Serious Safety Hazard Bus Route – Recommend approval to add area as a serious safety hazard bus route as presented.

11. Approval to Dispose of Surplus Assets – Recommend approval to dispose of surplus assets as presented.

12. Approval to Purchase Electronic Message Center – Recommend approval to purchase electronic message center as presented.

13. Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Utilities to the City of Wheaton – Recommend approval of the resolution authorizing the transfer of utilities as presented.

14. Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Intervention in Property Tax Assessment Appeals – Recommend approval of a resolution authorizing intervention in property tax assessment appeals as presented.

15. Approval of Statements of Completion for Summer 2019 HVAC Work at Franklin Middle School and Sandburg Elementary School – Recommend approval of the statements of completion for the HVAC work at Franklin and Sandburg Schools as presented.

16. Approval of Change Orders for 2019 Summer Construction Projects for Roofing – Recommend approval of change orders for roofing as presented.

17. Approval of Change Orders for 2019 Summer Construction Projects for Flooring – Recommend approval of change orders for flooring as presented.

18. Approval of Change Orders for 2019 Summer Construction Projects for Tennis Court Repairs at Wheaton Warrenville South High School – Recommend approval of change orders for tennis court repairs at WWSHS as presented.

19. Approval of the Modifications to the Board Operating Principles – Recommend approval of the modifications to the Board operating principles as presented.

20. Approval of Bills Payable and Payroll – Recommend approval of the bills payable and payroll as presented.

21. Approval of Minutes – October 2, 2019 Committee of the Whole, October 9, 2019 Open and Closed, October 17, 2019 Special Meeting Open and Closed, October 23, 2019 Committee of the Whole Open and Closed, November 1, 2019 Special Meeting Open, and Approval to Destroy Recordings of Closed Sessions Prior to June 2018 As Allowable by Law – Recommend approval of the minutes as presented and approval to destroy recordings of closed sessions prior to June 2018 as allowable by law.

22. Approval of Personnel Report to Include Employment, Resignation, Retirement, and Leave of Absence of Administrative, Certified, Classified and Non-Union Staff – Recommend approval of the personnel report as presented.

There was additional information/discussion on the following:

 Thank you for the generous donations to the District (#1 and #12). It was noted #12 is a collaborative project with WWSHS, Tiger PAWS, and the District.

• Intervention in Property Tax Assessment Appeals (#14) – only intervene in commercial assessment appeals. Protocols have been established as to when the District intervenes and only to assure that if an assessment drops, it is to a fair value.

• Transfer of Utilities to the City of Wheaton (#13) – water main with 4 fire hydrants around Edison would be owned and maintained by the City.

· Revised policy 2:140 (#3) – a document with board emails – individual Board members cannot respond to emails on behalf of the Board.

• Standards for HS Courses (#7-9) – the process for the development of new courses; potential for any e-learning opportunities?

· Minutes (#21) – closed session recordings destroyed after 18 months, written minutes kept.


Member Booton moved, Member Crabtree seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.


1. Approval to Post Revised Policy 2:230 Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings and Petitions to the Board for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post revised policy 2:230 for public review and comment as presented.

2. Approval to Post New Policy 4:190 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program for Public Review and Comment– Recommend approval to post new policy 4:190 for public review and comment as presented.

There was additional information/discussion on the following:

 Policy 2:230 – the Board will allocate up to 30 minutes for public participation, but can extend that window or adjust time allocation so as many people as possible can have the opportunity to speak; Request to revise the language to reflect the practice – from “regarding items on the agenda” to “agenda or non-agenda items”

 Explanation of PRESS (Policy Reference Education Subscription Service) and purpose (to bring forward recommended changes to policy to keep policy manuals compliant with Illinois School Code and State laws).

 Policy 4:190 – new proposed policy and the relationship to the emotional wellness strand of the SEL framework; developing procedures for students that are at risk for harming themselves as well as for those that are at risk for harming others.


Member Ericksen moved, Member Long seconded to accept the Policy Posting Consent Agenda with modifications presented to policy 2:230. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.


Acceptance of the 2019-18 Financial Audit

Annually, District 200 auditors prepare an independent audit of the financial statements of CUSD 200. They also express an opinion based on the combined financial statements of the District. The Board is asked on an annual basis to accept the independent audit as presented by Miller Cooper & Co., Ltd.

Betsy Allen from Miller Cooper & Co., Ltd. addressed the Board of Education to discuss the findings and opinions of the 2018-2019 Financial Audit. The final audit was provided, along with the Communications to the Board of Education.

There were questions/comments/discussion on the following:

 The District is in the 10th straight year of a balanced budget.

 The Board Finance Committee reviewed the preliminary audit.

 A reminder that the audit is on an accrual basis.

 Received an unmodified clean opinion for audit – the highest level given.

 State Board of Education “Financial Recognition” designation for D200– the highest possible ranking; and S&P credit ranking of AA+, the second-highest-ranking.

 Fund balance increase from last year (from 32% to 34%).

 Notes to the financial statements.

 Changes due to GASB 84 – Fiduciary Activities.

 IMRF net pension liabilities – funded at IMRF level; District does not have control.

 Tuition is reported in 2 ways – to private source instructional area vs. government entity.

It was recommended that the Board of Education accept the 2018-2019 Financial Audit prepared by Miller Cooper & Co., Ltd.


Member Hanlon moved, Member Mathieson seconded to accept the 2018-19 Financial Audit prepared by Miller Cooper & Co., Ltd. as presented. Upon a roll call being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.

Adoption of the 2019 Levy

The School Code empowers the Board of Education to levy taxes to support the public school system. This is an annual process. If the tentative levy request exceeds 105% of the previous year's aggregate extension, a public notice and hearing are needed before the official levy is adopted. The Board of Education is limited to an increase no greater than the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from the previous year under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL or "tax cap").

Annually, the Board of Education reviews a levy proposal prepared by the Administration. This levy proposal was previously discussed with the Board Finance Committee. The recommended levy, which provides for a 3.63% increase, is listed below.

Although the proposed levy increase is 3.63%, it is anticipated that, as in previous years, the tax cap will reduce the actual extension. The tax cap will limit tax growth by the consumer price index for 2018 of 1.9%, plus any new construction growth in the District. While the actual new construction values are unknown at the time of this request, a levy request greater than the CPI is needed to capture the new growth. Additionally, the 2019-20 Budget anticipated both accessing the CPI and new growth; therefore, it is recommended that the Board access the funds available under the tax cap.


Education $116,000,000

Special Ed $2,900,000

Tort $0

O & M $14,500,000

Transportation $5,800,000

IMRF $1,100,000

Social Security $2,700,000

Life Safety $ 0

Working Cash $0

TOTAL $143,000,000

The proposed 2019 tax levy (excluding debt services) increase is less than the 105% (actual increase is less than 5%) of the previous year's (2018) aggregate extension, which was $137,992,917.68. Therefore, the Board of Education is not required to hold a public hearing on the tax levy. The anticipated Debt Service (Bond & Interest) levy is $20,728,843.

The formal levy resolutions and forms that must be adopted by the Board and filed with the County Clerk were attached to the board report. This will complete the levy process. It was recommended that the resolution which was attached to the board report and certificates for the 2019 Tax Levy be adopted as presented, that the Certificate of Tax Levy be executed, and that all forms be filed with the County Clerk.

Mr. Farley provided a presentation on the 2019 Levy which included the following:

 Levy Terms – Tax Caps (PTELL), CPI, EAV, Tax Rate

 Consumer Price Index (CPI)

 10 Year CPI History for Levy Year

 EAV History

 2018 Township EAV – Milton, Winfield, Naperville

 2018 EAV Description – Residential, Farms, Commercial, Industrial, Railroad

 New Construction

 CPI/Levy Aggregate Extension History

 EAV, CPI & Tax Rate

 Five Year History of Tax Rates

 2018 Levy Breakdown

 Debt Service – Levy Year After Phase 4

 How Is the Extension Calculated?

 2019 Levy Proposal – 3.63%

 Considerations

o Levy Collection included in 2019-20 Budget o Capture New Construction

o Funding of Projects Identified in Capital Plan

 Recommendation: Levy request which provides access to the PTELL allowed CPI of 1.9% plus new growth

 There were questions and/or discussion on the following:

 Important to levy higher than CPI to capture new growth, as state law does not allow for a “catch up” in the future to capture new growth.

 Potential timeline for new residential areas in the southern portion of the District & possibility of capturing as new growth.


Member Mathieson moved, Member Hanlon seconded to adopt the 2019 Levy as presented, that the Certificate of Tax Levy be executed, and that all forms be filed with the County Clerk as presented. Upon a roll call being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.


Student Learning Update

The SEED grant funds have afforded the teaching staff additional professional learning opportunities. An overview of these opportunities was provided.

There was discussion on the following:

 Timeline for development of equity work at WNHS with Dr. Marcus Croom.

The actual levy number will be confirmed in the third week of March 2020.

Last year's request vs. actual.

Property tax freeze conversation in Springfield related to freezing levy amount.

Mrs. Melissa Murphy provided an update on the partnership with the DuPage Regional Office (ROE) with the LEAD grant. Eight District 200 schools have had the opportunity to participate since 2017. Grant funds have been provided to support the implementation of the Cycles of Inquiry work. The funds have been used to increase professional learning experiences in many ways, including onsite professional development, local conference registration, and professional book studies. It was noted that D200 has been allocated $108,000 in grant funds for FY20.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Feature

The Board of Education is committed to providing students with social-emotional learning that enhances students’ abilities in school, careers, and life. The Board of Education has identified social-emotional learning as a priority. In an effort to recognize the work of our schools in this area, a social-emotional learning feature will be reported on at many of our meetings. This report featured how Franklin Middle School has applied concepts learned at the District School Connectedness Training to their school-wide practices.

Dr. Chris Silagi reviewed the application of relationship and school connectedness training through an example from Franklin MS. This staff has used relationship mapping to identify characteristics for every student. The next step will be a student survey that will focus on connectedness for each student at the school. Future steps include the cross-analysis of data and action steps, and embedding sustainable practices.

There was discussion on the following:

· Students connecting to other students will be a part of future training pieces.

Discussion of IASB Resolutions and Direction for Delegate Voting

Each year the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) holds an annual conference. At the annual conference, Boards of Education submit resolutions for consideration by the delegates.

Resolutions that are adopted then become items the IASB works to change or implement.

Board members received the resolutions at the October 2, 2019 meeting and held a discussion on the resolutions, which were attached to the board report, that are under consideration and will be voted on at the 2019 Delegate Assembly meeting on November 23, 2019. The Board will also select a Delegate to represent the District at the meeting.

The Board was asked to identify which of the 18 resolutions (12 new resolutions, 5 amended existing positions, and 1 reaffirmation of exiting positions) which were under consideration that individual members needed discussion on or did not support. The following resolutions were recommended for discussion:

 Resolution #1 – Student Safety

 Resolution #3 – School Safety Grant Program

 Resolution #4 – School District Police Force

 Resolution #7 – School Board Elections-Seating of New Members

 Resolution #9 – School Board Elections-Terms

 Resolution #13 – Position Statement 5.05 Prevailing Wage Act

There was discussion on the following:

 #13 – impact on the construction work we do; any ramifications – potential project labor agreement; does not necessarily reduce wages; concern on the impact it may have on available resources. The Board agreed to support this resolution.

 #9 – this only represents one District – why is that District not working with their representatives? This is not applicable to us as a Board. The Board agreed not to support this resolution.

 #7 - if there are multiple precincts and some results are contested and others are not; this would only be for one week; clarification on the wording – some members are against spending lobbying dollars on these recommendations. The Board agreed not to support this resolution.

 #4 – this is for one school district that had its own police force in the past. The Board agreed not to support this resolution.

 #3 – language is confusing; what is the purpose? Would they all be police officers? This does not specify HS level; too vague. The Board agreed not to support this resolution.

 #1 – the same resolution that was presented last year; was a relatively close vote; the potential risk to our students, staff and community members if adopted; giving local control for teachers to be armed – what if we are visiting schools for athletic events or activities? The Board agreed not to support this resolution.

 Should time be spent discussing resolutions that do not affect our District?

 Why are there resolutions that apply to only one District in the State?

The process of how the delegate assembly works was detailed for Board Members. President Paulsen asked for a volunteer to represent the Board at the Delegate Assembly. Member Booton volunteered and will represent the District 200 Board of Education at the Delegate Assembly at the Joint Annual Conference on November 23, 2019.


Monthly Financial Reports

FOIA Report

ELC Construction Update

Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Report


Board Committee Reports

Meeting notes were attached for the Board Finance Committee.

Member Mathieson requested the Finance Committee minutes be amended to include the request for a future agenda item to include discussion on how the District ensures fair and appropriate rates for service contracts for repair and maintenance items.

Other Reports from Board Members

 The proclamations from the Cities of Wheaton and Warrenville were noted in honor of School Board Members Day on November 15th.

 Two Board Members attended the Transition Program fused glass jewelry night last week. The talents of the Transition students and the glass pieces they sell in the community were noted. There is another jewelry craft night in December.

 The Warrenville Youth and Family Services Dinner was attended by a Board member, along with a group from Hubble. This featured a presentation on the Quest program, which is for students in 5-8 grades.

 The Student Excellence Foundation held its Stem Expo last week. There was a great turnout. Thank you to the Foundation.

 The WWSHS football team will be playing a home game in the State quarterfinals this Saturday, and the WWSHS girls volleyball team will be playing in the State semi-finals in Normal this Friday.

 Member Hanlon was awarded an IASB level 1 pin for his professional development training at the DuPage Division meeting a few weeks ago.


Other Board Member Requests

 As a result of the conversations with the community over the author visit, President Paulsen requested for the Board HR/Policy Committee to meet and review Policy 6:260 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs, and Policy 6:80 Teaching About Controversial Issues prior to the next meeting to prepare for discussion at the December meeting regarding any potential changes to policy that may be warranted.

5-Year Financial Projections Master Technology Plan

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Non-Agenda Items

It was noted the same guidelines apply as were stated previously for Public Comments – Agenda Items.


Linda Pille


Author Visit


Michele Gorman


Author Visit


Laura Seymour


Author Visit


Mary-Louise Hengesbaugh


 Author Visit


Jennifer Merck


Student Excellence Foundation


Rebecca Cynamon-Murphy


Author Visit


G. Robert Wolgemuth


Author Visit


Jack Grove


Author Visit


Closed Session Items are Listed for Possible Action - Security Procedures, School Building Safety and Security, and the Use of Personnel and Equipment to Respond to an Actual, a Threatened, or a Reasonably Potential Danger to the Safety of Employees, Students, Staff, the Public, or Public Property 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(8) and The Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees, Specific Individuals who Serve as Independent Contractors in a Park, Recreational, or Educational Setting, or Specific Volunteers of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body, including Hearing Testimony on a Complaint Lodged Against an Employee, a Specific Individual who Serves as an Independent Contractor in a Park, Recreational, or Educational Setting, or a Volunteer of the Public Body or Against Legal Counsel for the Public Body to Determine its Validity 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1)


Member Paulsen moved, Member Crabtree seconded to adjourn the meeting to closed session for the purpose of discussing Security Procedures, School Building Safety and Security, and the Use of Personnel and Equipment to Respond to an Actual, a Threatened, or a Reasonably Potential Danger to the Safety of Employees, Students, Staff, the Public, or Public Property 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(8) and The Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees, Specific Individuals who Serve as Independent Contractors in a Park, Recreational, or Educational Setting, or Specific Volunteers of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body, including Hearing Testimony on a Complaint Lodged Against an Employee, a Specific Individual who Serves as an Independent Contractor in a Park, Recreational, or Educational Setting, or a Volunteer of the Public Body or Against Legal Counsel for the Public Body to Determine its Validity 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1).

Upon a roll call being taken, the vote was The motion carried 7-0. There was no action expected following the Closed Session. AYE 7, NAY 0.

The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 9:51 PM.



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