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Monday, September 30, 2024

City of Fairfield City Council met January 14


City of Fairfield City Council met Jan. 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Meeting called to order by Mayor Brent Maguire at 6:00 P.M.

Prayer led by Alderman Ralph Barbre followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

City Clerk Tina Hutchcraft called the roll:

Mayor: Brent Maguire

City Clerk: Tina Hutchcraft

City Treasurer: Julie Duncan

City Attorney: Darrin Rice

Aldermen: Ralph Barbre; Brett Coale; Jim Griffith; Tyler Lampley; Eugene McGill; Jerry Lisenbee; Terry Stahl; Gary Moore

Also Present: David Mills, Wayne County Press; Ken Otey, WFIW Radio; Keith Colclasure, Police Chief; Andrew Miller, Fire Chief; Silas Eckleberry, Assistant Police Chief; Tyler Lashbrook, Electric Department; Kevin Leonard, Water Distribution; Josh Boyd, Water Filtration; DiElle Rogers; Dian Downs; Terry Weedman; Jerry Quindry; Michelle Smith, Kemper CPA; Flo Simpson; and other citizens from the community.

The minutes of the meeting of December 23, 2019, agendas and bills of January 14, 2020 were sent out to those entitled to receive them. Mayor Maguire asked for approval of the minutes for the December 23, 2019 meeting. Motion by Alderman McGill, seconded by Alderman Stahl to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 23, 2019.

Vote yes: McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.

Mayor Maguire asked for approval to pay the bills for the January 14, 2020 meeting. A motion was made by Alderman Barbre, seconded by Alderman Griffith to approve the bills for payment.

Vote yes: Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.

Presentation of FY 2019 Audit – Michelle Smith, Kemper CPA, presented the audit FY 2019. She stated the audit reflects a loss of approximately $133,000. Last year’s audit reflected a loss of $221,000. She mentioned some recommendations for strengthening internal controls and operating efficiency that was addressed in the audit.

TIF Application and Procedures - The TIF Committee is newly formed and will be meeting twice a month. An application checklist and procedures for those wanting to apply for TIF redevelopment grants was presented to the Council for their approval. The committee will review applications on a case-by-case basis and make recommendations to Council for approval or denial. A motion was made by Alderman Lampley, seconded by Alderman Coale to approve the TIF application and procedures.

Vote yes: Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.

Ordinance No. 20-0114-192 - Amending a Redevelopment Agreement with Bullard’s Farm Market & Bakery, LLC – The original agreement for Bullard’s said they could receive an interest subsidy for 48 months from the date of the agreement. The standard agreement we usually do says 48 months from the date of substantial completion. This would allow Bullard’s to get four full years of the interest subsidy where they can be reimbursed on property taxes that they have paid. A motion was made by Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman McGill to approve the ordinance for amending the redevelopment agreement with Bullard’s Farm Market & Bakery, LLC.

Vote yes: Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried and Ordinance No. 20-0114-192 approved and duly adopted.

Ordinance No. 20-0114-193 – Amending Chapter 33 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Fairfield – Mayor Maguire stated that if this ordinance is approved this amendment would abolish the Fairfield Area Development Commission. He stated the city is not doing away with economic development but it will just look a little different. He believes the work being done by the economic development director, which at this time is Flo Simpson, would be better served if it is under the direct supervision of the Mayor and Council. A new job description will properly and accurately reflect the duties expected of that position to be performed for the city. Mayor Maguire also has plans to create a committee to act in an advisory capacity to help with business recruitment and retention. The commission will be limited in powers and not formally abolished until the end of this fiscal year. The transition of the development commission director being under the commission to being under the city will not transfer until the end of the fiscal year. There are several issues that will need to be addressed during this transition period. A motion was made by Alderman Griffith, seconded by Alderman Lampley to approve the ordinance to amend Chapter 33 of the Code of Ordinances.

Vote yes: Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried and Ordinance No. 20-0114-193 approved and duly adopted.

Request to Pay for Portion of Public Sewer Main Extension – We have been asked by a developer to help pay for a portion of a sewer main extension for a potential retail development project. This developer will also be asked to have property annexed into the city. They have presented a couple of quotes for the sewer extension but Mayor Maguire will ask them to provide us with a more competitive quote before bringing this back to the Council for their consideration.

Discussion of Flooding Issues and Lakeside Park – Jerry Quindry is a retired engineer and is very familiar with the Lakeside Park issue. He stated there was a valid reason the lake was drained. The lake no longer retains any water for any length of time which has increased flooding within the city. He provided an overview of the project and presented a plan for navigating the lake issues as well as the flooding issues the city has. The city and the park board have different objectives. The city needs flood control while the park board wants recreation. His idea is to make a flood control basin on the southern portion of the Lakeside property possibly extending over in to what used to be the trailer park that is now vacant and make a scenic recreational lake on the northern portion of the property. Mr. Quindry said that grant money is available at the state and federal level for projects like this but you must have a plan in place before requesting those grants. He suggested the Council continue to work with the park district to dress up the draft work that has already been done and submit it as a request for proposal to engineering firms that has experience in dams and flood control. Mr. Quindry did find a firm based out of Evansville, Commonwealth Engineering, who has done this type of work. Firms that do this type of work are not easy to find. Mayor Maguire will follow up with park board President Jay Fyie concerning this needed work.

Mayor Maguire mentioned that FEMA will be here February 20th doing a flood risk review meeting for Wayne County. They will be looking at the recent flood plain studies and also providing information on resources for flood risk assessment and mitigation planning. Mayor Maguire plans to attend this meeting and encouraged Council members to attend as well.

Video Gaming – We have several establishments that have video gaming. State statutes allow us to charge a $25 annual fee per machine. Each establishment is allowed to have up to six machines. We have the authority as a non-home rule municipality to charge $25 per machine. A motion was made by Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman Lampley to approve the ordinance to charge a $25 fee for the operation of a video gaming terminal.

Vote yes: Lampley; Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried and Ordinance No. 20-0114-194 approved and duly adopted.

Updating Police & Fire Eligibility Lists - Our current eligibility list for fire expires March 7th of this year. The eligibility list for police currently has two or three candidates on the list. To get us back on a two year cycle the Board of Fire & Police Commissioners would like to conduct testing in March. Alderman Moore stated that he feels our hiring process is a little on the flawed side. He thinks we should offer a lateral move in the list and there is language that says we may offer points for residency and points for oral interviews but we do none of that. He thinks it is time to update the policy and procedures before we allow testing. The city is working on expanding where an officer may live within the city and he thinks there are individuals that are already qualified and we could save money by not having to send them to the academy and we could put them on the road immediately. Moore thinks a lateral list is important. Commissioner Weedman said the commission is already working on updating their rules and said they will be updated before a new list will come out. Weedman said he will work with an attorney to make sure our rules are in accordance with state statute. A motion was made by Alderman Barbre, seconded by Alderman Moore to authorize the Board of Fire & Police Commissioners to conduct testing to update the eligibility list contingent upon the rules being updated prior to the new list. A tentative date for testing is March 14th.

Vote yes: Lisenbee; McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried.

Ordinance No. 20-0114-195/Adopting the Supplement to the Municipal Code – A motion was made by Alderman Griffith, seconded by Alderman Coale to approve Ordinance No. 20-0114-195 enacting and adopting the 2019 S-4 supplement to the Code of Ordinances.

Vote yes: McGill; Moore; Stahl; Barbre; Coale; Griffith; Lampley; Lisenbee

Vote no: none

Mayor Maguire declared motion carried and Ordinance No. 20-0114-195 approved and duly adopted.

Miscellaneous – Alderman Moore asked about the status of some of the properties that has previously been declared as dangerous properties and about the property on First Street that needs cleaned up. Attorney Rice stated he has gone to court concerning the First Street property and has placed a lien on the property and has spoken to law enforcement about a plan of action concerning moving forward on the lien. Attorney Rice said he will continue to work on the other properties that have been declared as dangerous buildings.

Adjourn Meeting – Motion by Alderman McGill, seconded by Alderman Moore to adjourn the meeting.

Vote yes: 8

Vote no: 0

Mayor Maguire declared meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m.
