
SE Illinois News

Monday, September 30, 2024

City of Mount Carmel City Council met April 20


City of Mount Carmel City Council met April 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Judge brought the City Council meeting to order.

Present on Roll Call: Mayor Joe Judge Commissioners - Tom Meeks, Eric Ikemire, Justin Dulgar, Chandler Madden

Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman and three members of the news media.

Due to the governor’s executive order regarding COVID-19 attendance was limited.


Mayor Judge requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last council meeting.

Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting held on April 6th, 2020. All present voted Aye by voice vote.


Mayor Judge reiterated he will continue to keep the community up to date in regards to COVID 19 as well as continuing to work with regional, state, and federal groups to plan what could happen in the next few weeks. Mayor Judge stated Wabash General Hospital released their latest statics today by reporting that one hundred forty-six coronavirus tests have been performed at the hospital. Mayor

Judge explained those individuals tested include Wabash County residents as well as residents from surrounding areas and of those tested, four of the test results are pending. Mayor Judge reported to date there has only been one positive test result, which was from an individual who was tested in March. Mayor Judge stated, if the State of Illinois “Stay at Home” order is not extended past April 30th, the city hall lobby will reopen to the public around the May 1st time frame.

Mayor Judge reported Norfolk Southern has completed its review for the Oak Street project and once the city receives that report it will be sent to the Illinois Commerce for finalization. Mayor Judge anticipates having the project ready to bid by summer with the actual work beginning early to mid-fall or the Spring of 2021.

Mayor Judge thanked all city employees, on behalf of himself and the council, during this COVID 19 time period as there has been very little absenteeism as well as for also stepping up and doing a wonderful job. Mayor Judge stated all employees’ efforts are greatly appreciated.



Commissioner Meeks reported in the last two weeks the street department cut down a few trees by the swimming pool; finished the dirt and chat work for the parking extension along East Seventh Street for city hall; and performed maintenance on department vehicles.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.

Commissioner Ikemire stated the general fund is currently at $1,713,892.91, which is the highest he has seen since serving on the council. Commissioner Ikemire reported the city could be experiencing some uncertain times in the coming months as sales tax and state income tax receipts along with gambling revenues will be negatively affected. Commissioner Ikemire stated City Administrative Assistant Witsman will be presenting the 2020/2021 final budget for council approval this evening and thanked all the departments on doing a good job on trying to maintain expenses.


Commissioner Dulgar reported the water treatment department will be cleaning the sediment basins as part of its routine maintenance as well as also cleaning Water Wells #2 and #3. Commissioner Dulgar stated the water maintenance department used the jet truck to clean out sewer mains; repaired water leaks; turned water services on and off; installed a new water line at the Pickle Ball Court location at the city park and performed standard routine maintenance.

Commissioner Dulgar reiterated the final budget will be presented for approval and the water/sewer departments budgets include some anticipated major projects as long as the revenues for the 2020/2021 will allow the expense.

Commissioner Dulgar asked everyone to keep the John Acree family in their prayers as he passed away this past week. Commissioner Dulgar stated John was an engineer and had done engineering work for many years for the city’s water/sewer departments.



Commissioner Madden reported in the last two weeks the fire department responded to sixteen runs.

Commissioner Madden clarified the Spring Fix-Up/Clean-Up week has been postponed and not cancelled by Republic Services. Commissioner Madden stated he will announce the date once he is notified by Republic Services. Commissioner Madden asked residents to please do not put extra items on the ground next to their trash totes as Republic Services will not pick up those items at this time. Commissioner Madden acknowledged Mayor Judge, who stated cardboard can be taken to the city dump site for recycling at no charge.


City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman thanked everyone for his birthday wishes.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported there were no “shut offs” this past month due to nonpayment of water bills and late fees were also not charged. City Administrative Witsman encouraged individuals who were unable to make a full water bill payment to please make a partial payment. City Administrative Witsman emphasized water “shut-offs” will be instituted again sometime in the future and stressed residents need to try to pay on their water bill to keep the balance from becoming insurmountable.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated approval of Ordinance 2034 - amending Ordinance 2011, which was the last year budget ordinance; approval of Ordinance 2035 – 2020/2021 Budget beginning May 1st, 2020; approval of Resolution 662 – MFT expenditure of the chip/seal program for city streets and approval of paying all bills is contained within the consent agenda.


Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Dulgar seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. The consent agenda included Ordinance 2034, Ordinance 2035, Resolution 662, and the paying of all bills bearing the proper signatures. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 4:12
